SAMPLE Interview Release Form

I, _______________________________________________, give my permission to the

______________________________ School District to use information that has been

gathered from me for educational purposes regarding traditional Culture, History, and Language.

I understand that this information may be put on the Internet after being cleared with the Unangam Elders’ Academy and the Association of Unangan/Unangas Educators for appropriateness.

___ I would like a copy of written work containing information that has been supplied by myself.

___ I do not want a copy of written work containing information that has been supplied by myself.

Name _________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________


signature of contributor


signature of student collector of information




Phone # ______________________________________

Tribal affiliation _________________________________

I have read and agree to abide by these statements also.

signature of teacher of student collector of information

The collectors adhere to the recommendations of the United Nations draft “Mataatua Declaration on Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (June 1993). To read this document visit the following web site.

The Association of Unangan/Unangas Educators recommends that if any monetary gain is made from the use of the educational materials, they be donated in part to the tribe of the contributor for the purpose of cultural reclamation, preservation and perpetuation.


If your budget allows and you would like to contribute in some way to the descendants of the people sharing this knowledge with the world here is an easy way to do so. Education is key to appreciating and sharing traditional knowledge before it is lost. Following are two excellent scholarship foundations, which serve the Unangan/Unangas:

1. The Aleut Foundation

2. The Edna P. McCurdy Scholarship Foundation
(Click on "Edna P. McCurdy Scholarship Foundation)

There may be new scholarship foundations, which were unknown at the time of this project. Sharon Lind at The Aleut Foundation will be able to tell you if any have become firmly established.




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