Tlingit Tribes, Clans and Clan
"…a name once given (to a clan house)
survive(s) the mere structure." George Emmons, 1916

This is a clickable map
[An updated pdf version of the Tlingit Map (as of July
2003) is available here]
Galyáx Kwáan:
Bay area
Salmon Stream
Xunaa Kwáan a.k.a. Káawu: Hoonah
Tribe or
People from the Direction of the Northwind
S'awdaan Kwáan: Sumdum
Crab Town Tribe
Takjik´aan Kwáan: Prince
of Wales
Coast Town Tribe
Laaxaayík Kwáan: Yakutat
Near The Ice
T'aaku Kwáan: Taku
Geese Flood
Upriver Tribe
Xutsnoowú Kwáan: Angoon
Brown Bear
Fort, a.k.a.:
Xudzidaa Kwáan -
Burnt Wood Tribe
Hinyaa Kwáan: Klawock
Tribe From
Across The Water
Gunaaxoo Kwáan: Dry
Among The Athabascans
Deisleen Kwáan: Teslin
Big Sinew
Sheey At'iká (a.k.a. Sheet'ká) Kwáan: Sitka
Outside Edge
of a Branch Tribe
Shtax'héen Kwáan: Wrangell
Bitter Water
Jilkaat Kwáan: Klukwan
Chilkat Tribe
Áa Tlein Kwáan: Atlin
Big Lake
Keex' Kwáan: Kake
The Opening
of the Day (Dawn) Tribe
a.k.a. The Town That Never Sleeps
Taant´a Kwáan: Ketchikan
Sea Lion
Jilkoot Kwáan: Haines
Aak'w Kwáan: Auke
Small Lake Tribe
Kooyu Kwáan: Kuiu
Stomach Tribe
Sanyaa Kwáan: Cape
Secure In Retreat,
Like A Fox In Its Den/Southeast Tribe
This list of Tlingit tribes, clans and clan houses was compiled
and reconstructed by Andrew Hope, III. The list is by no means
final. It is a work in progress. The following sources were used
to develop the list:
- Unpublished "genealogical papers," by Louis
Shotridge (N.D.)
- The unpublished manuscript: "History of
Tlingit Tribes and Clans, by George Emmons (N.D.)
- The unpublished list of "Tlingit Tribe, Clan, and House Group
Names," by Jeff Leer (1985)
- Social Structure and Social Life of the Tlingit Alaskan, by
Ronald Olson (1976)
- Social Conditions, Beliefs, and Linguistic Relationship of
the Tlingit Indians, by John Swanton (1970)
- An unpublished list of Angoon clan houses by Lydia George (1967)
- My Old People Say, by Catherine McClellan (1975)
- Conversations Andrew Hope had with the following individuals,
some who have since passed into the spirit world: Harry Bremner
Sr., George Davis, Henry Davis, Sr., Nora Dauenhauer, Forrest
DeWitt, Sr., Albert Frank, Sr., Matthew Fred, Sr., Jimmie George,
Sr., Lydia George, Paul Jackson, Mark Jacobs, George James, George
Jim, Sr., George John, Sr., Andrew P. Johnson, William Nelson,
Sr., Charlie Olson, William Paul, Sr., Tom Ukas, Jimmy Williams,
Sr., Robert Zuboff
- Kake names were compiled by: Ruth Demmert, Mike Jackson, Dawn
Skee' Jackson and Topsy Johnson.
- The list was revised in July 1997 in Sitka by Tlingit Language
Workshop participants, including: Bessie Cooley, Lonnie Hotch,
Jennie Lindoff, Roby Littlefield, Nellie Lord, Ethel Makinen,
Al McKinley, Emma Sam, Esther Shea, Margaret Stevens, Carol Williams.
The Traditional Tlingit Map & Tribal
List Project
Administrative support: Sealaska Heritage Foundation, the Sitka
Tribe of Alaska, Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 2, Alaska Federation
of Natives and the University of Alaska Southeast. Grant funding:
the National Science Foundation, Annenberg Foundation, Alaska Native
Programs/University of Alaska Fairbanks and Klukwan Heritage Foundation.
Research by Andrew Hope III
Produced by Peter Metcalfe
Graphic Design by Sue Kraft
Artwork by Mike A. Jackson
Proofreading by Richard & Nora Dauenhauer and Jeff Leer
Third Edition Revised © 2000 Tlingit Readers, Inc.
Revised Traditional Tlingit
Country map now available!
The Traditional Tlingit Map & Tribal List
is a project of the Sealaska Heritage Foundation, the Sitka Tribe
of Alaska, and the
Alaska Federation of Natives with grant funding provided by the
National Science Foundation. For information on obtaining a copy
of the map, contact:
Andy Hope, Southeast Regional Coordinator
Box 21681
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 586-1690