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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

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Aleut - Alutiiq Raven


Fireweed Cillqaq
Excerpt: "In 2001 my class at Port Graham School digitized the 'Fireweed' publication. 'Fireweed' was a project of Port Graham school from 1980 to 1983. It is a series of interviews with residents of Port Graham. Topics range from the old ways of subsistence to interviewing elders."

Unalaska City School District's Aleut Curriculum
This site incorporates all of Alaska's standards into the Aleut curriculum.

Introduction to Atkan Aleut Grammar and Lexicon
: "This publication in Atkan Aleut, commonly referred to as Western Aleut, is one of ten similar projects undertaken by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center. It consists of two major sections: the Elements of Atkan Aleut Grammar and the Junior Dictionary." (added Feb. 2005 - written by Moses Dirks and Knut Bergsland)

Atkan Birds
: "This book, Atkan Birds, is written about the birds that Moses Dirks can definitely identify in Native for Atka island. There may be others that he is not aware of and which some of the activities that are suggested below should help identify. The most important thing to remember when studying this book is that no limitation of study to birds of Atka only is intended. You should encourage the students to find out about other bird species especially those that are found throughout Alaska." (added Feb. 2005 - written by Moses Dirks)

Association of Unangax Educators Fall/Winter 2004 Newsletter

Unangam Hitnisangin/Unangam Hitnisangis/Aleut Plants
The late Nadesta Golley of Atka wrote At{am Hitnisangis/Atkan Plants as the fourteenth in a series of books in Unangam tunuu for Atkan Educational Materials published in 1973 through Alaska State Operated Schools.

Aleut/Alutiiq Cultural Atlases
The Oral History Department of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks Rasmuson Library, working under the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Alaska Federation of Natives and the University of Alaska Fairbanks, created these "cultural atlases" as a means of integrating Native ways of knowing about science and technology into Western educational curricula. These are the first such internet compatible multimedia "jukeboxes" produced under the Alaska Rural Systemic Challenge grant from the National Science Foundation. Password required at the request of the community. To obtain a password, you can Register.

The Alutiiq Ethnography Bibliography
by Rachel Mason
Excerpt: This project was undertaken in order to make what has been written about Alutiiq culture more accessible to the public. The "public" I am most concerned with is the Alutiiq people themselves. Alaska Natives have long been the subject of anthropological study, and many have been frustrated when they were unable to find out what happened to the information they provided. This bibliography is intended to serve primarily as a guide to those who want to find out what has been written and recorded about their own culture.

Native Values
The Alaska Native Values are now available online.

Cultural Change in the Aleutian Islands
6th Grade Social Studies Unit

Written By Patricia H. Partnow
Illustrated By Jeanette Bailey

Unimak Area
"This website will present an integral view of the Unimak Island area of Alaska with a focus on history. A broad sweep of cultural and physical environmental information will be presented to put the area in its proper ecological context."

Alutiiq Language
"This website was created for educators, learners, and Elders to have one central location to pull resources from, find words and hear the language spoken, as well as help aid all organizations involved in revitalizing the Kodiak Alutiiq language. We invite our partners and community members to share resources for posting."

Alutiiq Language Activities
"Check out this website being worked on by April Laktonen from the Alutiiq Museum"

Alutiiq Museum and Archeological Repository
Excerpt: "Explore 7,500 years of Kodiak's cultural history at the Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository. The museum preserves and shares the cultural traditions of the Alutiiq people through exhibits, educational programs, publications, anthropological research, and the care of traditional objects."

Aleut Story
"Aleut Story was developed, researched, filmed and edited for national television over five years. Thousands of pages of historical documents, public testimony, congressional debate, personal memoirs, photographs and scholarly texts wereReturn to Funter Bay reviewed. Filmed entirely on location, the project took the film crew to the Aleutian Islands, the Pribilof Islands, to the historic sites of federal duration camps at Funter Bay and Killisnoo, and Anchorage, Juneau, Seattle and Washington, D.C. But the real strength of this film is the chorus of first person voices."

Alaskan Orthodox Texts (Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, Yup'ik)
An ongoing project offering Alaskan Orthodox Texts in their original languages (Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, Yup'ik). These texts were written by Sts. Innocent (Veniaminov) and Jacob (Netsvetov) and others.

Driftwood Science
By Judy Olsen
Excerpt: "The purpose of the 'Driftwood Science' Project was to examine the past, present and future subsistence use of driftwood by rural residents within a framework of solid scientific research, instruction in relevant science/math standards and indigenous knowledge and culture."

KNBA 90.3 FM's Native Word Archives
This site includes Native words with sounds from Native speakers. The languages represented are Iñupiaq, Aleut, Tlingit, Athabascan, and Yup'ik.
The Native Studies Curriculum and Teacher Development Project (NSCTD) brings together teams of teachers, elders, and community members in various parts of Alaska with university-based specialists to develop curricula on Alaska Native studies and language that is available to all schools through the internet or on CD.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Native Language Center is an excellent resource for information on the languages of Alaska Natives.

Alutiiq People of Kodiak Island
Kodiak's Official Visitors Guide has great information about the Alutiiq people of Kodiak.

Dig Afognak
Excerpt: "Dig Afognak" is part of a long term research effort aimed at reconstructing the prehistoric lifeways of the Koniag Alutiiq people. Begun by Afognak Native Corporation, the Native peoples of Afognak are working closely with theAlutiiq Museum of Kodiak to retrieve culturally significant knowledge from the archaeology record, which has become critical in the struggle for survival of our Alutiiq heritage.

Alaska Native Heritage Center
Excerpt: "The Alaska Native Heritage Center is a gathering place that celebrates, perpetuates and shares Alaska Native cultures. Since opening in 1999, the Center has become Alaska's premier interactive cultural destination."


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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
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Last modified June 19, 2012