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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

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Southeast RavenTlingit-Haida-Tsimshian

Sharing Our Knowledge - A Clan Conference
Excerpt: Bringing together Native and non-Native cultural experts and scholars, the "Clan Conference" concept was pioneered by the late Andy Hope III.

Tlingit Phrases
Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

Place-Based Education - Resources for Southeast Alaska Educators
by Andy Hope
"I have served as the Southeast Region Coordinator for AKRSI from late 1995 - present. I began by collecting materials, texts and resources that had been developed by the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative from the mid-nineties: for example, The Axe Handle Academy curriculum project, The I Am Salmon curriculum project and the Southeast Alaska Tribal Resource Atlas. I have continuously added links, pdf's, and electronic resources over the last three years."

You’re Going To Hear About This: Frank Johnson, Louis Shotridge, and Civil Rights
by Ishmael Hope
"I wanted to share this article that I wrote. It is on Frank Johnson and Louis Shotridge, and their civil rights work protesting Coliseum Theater's No Natives Allowed admission policy in 1930 and 1931. It is a very-little known part of Alaska's history, though I am proud that Elizabeth and Roy Peratrovich's work is well documented, and some other leaders as well, such as Peter Simpson and William Paul. Frank Johnson in particular, I feel, is an unsung hero. There are hundreds of others. They are my heroes."

Math in Indigenous Weaving
"Approximately twenty educators gathered at the Sitka Campus of the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) in August 1999 for an Indigenous Curriculum Development in Science Institute. Dr. Claudette Engblom Bradley (UAF), Dr. Tom Thornton (UAS), Michael Travis, Dr. Richard and Mrs. Nora Dauenhauer (Sealaska Heritage Foundation) served as the Institute instructors."

Traditional Tlingit Map & Tribal List
The Traditional Tlingit Map & Tribal List is a project of the Sealaska Heritage Foundation, the Sitka Tribe of Alaska, and the Alaska Federation of Natives with grant funding provided by the National Science Foundation.

Pauline Duncan's Tlingit Materials
Pauline Duncan is a Tlingit teacher from Sitka, Alaska. She and her husband Albert have developed several resources for the Tlingit language and education.

Chronology of Dates Relevant to Alaska Native Response to Alaska Statehood Movement
For Tlingit Readers Inc. Alaska Statehood Experience Grant from Alaska Humanities Forum/Rasmuson

The Sword and the Shield
Excerpt: "The successful defense of aboriginal claims by the ANB and its allies deflected, delayed, and in some cases, defeated adverse legislation, holding the line until the national political climate became more favorable to Native Americans. As a result, Congress accepted a disclaimer section to the Alaska Statehood Act of 1958 that served to maintain rather than circumscribe aboriginal claims."

2011 Tlingit Memorial Calendar (in pdf-format)

Southeast Alaska Tribal College

Herman Kitka Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Excerpt: "Tlingit traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is the product of generations of learning and experience with the lands, waters, fish, plants, wildlife, and other natural resources of Southeast Alaska. As Sitka elder Herman Kitka Sr. shows, Tlingits were trained from an early age to be aware of and respect the community of living beings that surrounds them."

Living in a Fish Camp
Curriculum Guide Grades K - 5

Kake Cultural Atlas
This site is password protect for Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights. To obtain a password, you can Register.

Angoon Cultural Atlas
This site is password protect for Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights. To obtain a password, you can Register.

Native Values
The Alaska Native Values are now available online.

Tlingit Time
KHNS, a community supported radio station, provides an audio archive of the Tlingit Time program. This program includes audio for Tlingit language learners and speakers.

Tlingit Language Dictionary
by Lance Twitchell - Paperback book $19.99 - Download $12.88
"Based on previous works, this dictionary compiles nouns, common phrases, and other parts of speech. A quality reference item for a student of the Lingít language, commonly known as Tlingit. The Tlingit are indigenous to North America, and our territory ranges across Southeast Alaska and Western Canada. Gunalchéesh."

Interactive Tlingit Noun Chart
This draft website was developed by Lance Twitchell through a Sealaska Heritage Foundation grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

Clarissa Hudson Studio
"Clarissa receives many emails from educators and students of all ages requesting information about various topics regarding the Tlingit and Northwest Coast culture. To address many of the inquiries, Clarissa's website has begun to include historical references to Chilkat weaving, button-robes and the Northwest Coast tribes and culture."

Alaskan Orthodox Texts (Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, Yup'ik)
An ongoing project offering Alaskan Orthodox Texts in their original languages (Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, Yup'ik). These texts were written by Sts. Innocent (Veniaminov) and Jacob (Netsvetov) and others.

Southeast Alaska Indian Cultural Center
Excerpt: "The Southeast Alaska Indian Cultural Center (SEAICC) was established in 1969 to impart the cultural values of Southeast Alaska Native Culture to students and visitors. The center achieves this goal by providing a place for local Sitka Tlingits to teach themselves about their own culture, while also helping Park visitors understand the Native people whose history is part of the Park story. Although it is housed in the Park visitor center, SEAICC is an independent, non-profit Native organization."

Lingít Yoo X'atángi - The Tlingit Language
"This website is dedicated to the study, preservation and revitalization of the Tlingit language."

Working Together: An Education Handbook for Alaskan Native Families
For the Juneau School District - a reprint of the handbook.
Excerpt: "This Alaskan Native Handbook is one step to improve the communication between the Juneau School District and the families. The mission statement reflects much of the same desire that the Alaska Native families have regarding the district educational goals for children."

Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Excerpt: "CCTHITA (Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska) is the Tribal Government representing over 24,000 Tlingit and Haida Indians worldwide. We are a sovereign entity and have a government to government relationship with the United States. The Council's headquarters is in Juneau, Alaska but our commitment to serving the Tlingit and Haida people extends throughout the United States. When we are alone we are weak but together we are strong. You can make a difference. Join hands with us as we seek a better day for Tlingits, Haidas, and all indigenous people. Read more about the Council."

Lda Kut Naax sati' Yatx'i - All Nation's Children Dancers
Excerpt: "We are a youth group, formed in 1995 by our instructor Viki Soboleff and her friends the Yun Shu Kaa Dancers. When we started we had only thirteen members, today we have over 100 dancers. We range in age from toddlers to 17."

Juneau's Floyd Dryden Middle School Wolf Team Plant Projects
Excerpt: "The students on the 7th grade Wolf Team at Floyd Dryden Middle School spent the fall quarter of 1999-2000 studying local plants. They studied characteristics of plants, how plants are classified, and the structure and function of plants. Students learned about the traditional uses of plants from many books and from a very knowledgable Tlingit elder, Marie Olsen. Each students collected plant specimens, pressed them, and made a plant book."

KNBA 90.3 FM's Native Word Archives
This site includes Native words with sounds from Native speakers. The languages represented are Iñupiaq, Aleut, Tlingit, Athabascan, and Yup'ik.

The Native Studies Curriculum and Teacher Development Project (NSCTD) brings together teams of teachers, elders, and community members in various parts of Alaska with university-based specialists to develop curricula on Alaska Native studies and language that is available to all schools through the internet or on CD.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Native Language Center is an excellent resource for information on the languages of Alaska Natives.

Tlingit National Anthem:Alaska Natives Online
Alaska Native and American Indian anthems, flags, history, art, celebrities,culture, dance, storytelling, photographs, music, languages, writers, radio, and media. Alaska Natives Online, tourist attractions. Alaska Native and American Indian issues, internet resources.

Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI) is a regional Native nonprofit organization founded for the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people of Southeast Alaska. SHI was established in 1981 by Sealaska Corp., a for-profit company formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). SHI, formerly Sealaska Heritage Foundation, administers Sealaska Corp.'s cultural and educational programs.

Alaska Native Heritage Center
Excerpt: "The Alaska Native Heritage Center is a gathering place that celebrates, perpetuates and shares Alaska Native cultures. Since opening in 1999, the Center has become Alaska's premier interactive cultural destination."


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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
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Last modified June 19, 2012