Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 12:27 AM

Site: Alaska Native Languages
Course: Deg Xinag Learners' Dictionary (Deg Xinag)
Glossary: Deg Xinag Learners' Dictionary Glossary (no sound)


Ginalyaxdi AJ+ES lit. Place where things are grown
Ginalyaxdi getiy xechox dixit'anh. AJ+ES He has a big garden.  

See "Oil"

Xint'an'. HM+ED She is gathering.  
Tritr oqo xint'an'. HM+ED He is gathering wood.
Dasr q'idz tritr oqo tr'ixint'an'. AJ+ES On the sandbar we're gathering wood.  

Xitl'ogiditrik. AJ+ES lit. She gives out food.
Sam xitl'ogiditrik. AJ+ES Sam is generous.  
Sam xitl'ogiditriginh. Sam xitl'ogiditrik hinh. AJ+ES Sam is a generous person.  

Diggan-ngidox. AJ+ES Get up.
Vinixiłts'eg diggandhisdonh. AJ I got up early.
Vinixiłts'eg diggandhisdo. ES I got up early.
Sraqay diggan-duxlitth'ex. AJ+ES Children, get up!

See "Stand up"

Dina chux ES+AJ lit. Big person
Dina chux vits'intr'ithidil iy. ES+AJ We never come back from the giant. From the story, "Vits'intr'ithidilanh; The man we never come back from".

Nq'ołonh HM+RD
Nq'ołonh k'idz AJ+ES Little girl
Nq'ołonh k'idz ngi'egh nixiniłghon'. AJ+ES A little girl is playing outside.

See "Woman"

Yitl'ogatathtrit. HM+ED She started to give food to him.  
Gag sitl'odighetrit. AJ+ES She gave me berries.
A'iy nda'. AJ+ES Give me that.  

Yotig ES+AJ lit. Sky hard/brittle Anything transparent
Yotig xidinetrit. AJ+ES He broke the window.

See "Bottle", "Jar"

Nuxtth'uq HM+ED lit. Eye dish
Nuxtth'uq idiniso. HM+ED I don't have glasses.  

Logisr AJ+ES lit. Finger mittens
Siyozr oxo logisr distl'e. AJ+ES I'm knitting gloves for my son.  

Gidigega' AJ+ES
Gidigega' getiy longh. AJ Lots of gnats.  

Yiłggeth. AJ+ES He's gnawing it.  
Łek tth'inh iłggeth. AJ+ES The dog is gnawing the bone.  

See "Walk", "Paddle", "Fly"

Dinaxito' JD+RD lit. Our Father
Dinaxito' ngidiq. JD+RD God is above us.  
Dinaxito' dinanił'anh. JD+RD God is watching us.  

Den-gi q'izr. JD+RD lit. Red money
Den-gi q'izr getiy long gighalnek. JD+RD He found lots of gold.  

Agidet. HM+RD lit. That's good enough.

See "Enough"

Ngizrenh JD+RD
Nanhdal tol ngizrenh. JD+RD The duck soup is good.  
Ngi'egh xezrenh. JD+RD It's nice outside
Chel xit'ache ngizrenh! KH+AJ What a handsome boy!  
Getiy ngizren iłtthonh. HM+RD He saw a pretty woman.  
Neg HM+RD Good, nice  
Toł gan neg. HM+ED This is good soup. 

Go xiyan' ts'i xe'at. JD+RD lit. This is not the only time.
Uxudzan. HM+KH That's it. When leaving for a longer time.
Chenhdi tr'al iy. HM+KH Next time.  

Dits'in, gits'in. JD+RD lit. Winged
Dits'in q'ugandiyił. Gits'in q'ugandiyił. JD+RD Geese are flying around.  
Dits'in getiy longh. Gits'in getiy longh. JD+RD There are lots of geese.
Dits'in viye dhit'ay. Gits'in xiye dhit'ay. JD+RD Roast goose.