Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 03:16 AM

Site: Alaska Native Languages
Course: Iñupiaq Language (Iñupiaq Language)
Glossary: Kobuk Junior Dictionary


mittenaatqan, dl. aatqatik, pl. aatqatit

A mitten can be made from caribou skin.
Aatqan tuttum amianiñ piḷiñaqtuq.

2. three-fingered mitten
tikilik, dl. tikillak, pl. tikilgich

The pair of three-fingered mittens are made from soft tanned caribou skin.
Aatqatik tikillak iñiqsimaruk i
iqniġmiñ, tuttum amianiñ.
to mix

She mixed them up.

2. to mix a batter, to put ingredients, to season

He mixed the batter for the hot cakes.
Avuuġaa siqaniksraun.

3. anything mixed with something
to mock

he is mocking him, making a fool of him
mitautigigaa, dl. mitautigigaak, pl. mitautigigaat

The woman is making a fool of her husband.
Aġnam aŋutriŋ mitautigigaa.
to moisten something when tanning

she is moistening a skin for tanning
imaqsiruq, dl. imaqsiruk, pl. imaqsirut

She is moistening the caribou leggings.
Imaqsiruq tuttum niutchiaŋiñik.

2. to moisten, to water lightly
imaqtaallak- or imaqtiq-

She moistened the soil.
Imaqtaallakaa maġġaq.

There was much mold.
Apai uquk.

2. to become moldy

it has become moldy

3. to be moldy

it is moldy
uquksimaruq, dl. uquksimaruk, pl. uquksimarut

The caribou fat is moldy.
Qaunnaq uquksimaruq.

4. that which has mold on it
auktaq, dl. auktak, pl. auktat

His arm has a mole on it.
Talia auktaqaqtuq.
manik, dl. maniik, pl. maniich [Eng.]

People desire money today.
Iñuich kimmutigiliutigaat manik uvluvak.
tatqiq, dl. tatqik, pl. tatqich

There are twelve months to a year.
Qulit malġuŋnik tatqiqaqtuq ukiumi.
moon -month-
tatqig, dl. tatqik, pl. tatqich

The moon provides light at night.
Tatqiq qaummatauraqtuq unnuami.

2. to be full -of moon-

The moon is full.
Tatqiq naaġuqtuq.

3. the moon has appeared
tatqiq nuiruq

The moon has appeared from behind the mountains.
Tatqiq nuiruq iñġich tunuatniñ.

4. The moon has begun to wane. The moon now rises later.
Tatqiq iqiatchaktuq.

5. for there to be bright moonlight

This evening, there is bright moonlight.
Anaqavak tatqiaġiksuq.
tiniika, tiniikaq, dl. tiniikak, pl. tiniikat

Moose are big.
Tiniikat aŋirut.

this morning

I drank coffee this morning.
Uvlaaq kuukpiaqtuqtuŋa.

2. this whole morning

It snowed heavily this morning.
Qanigruaqpauraqtuq uvlaavak.

3. during the morning, in the morning

I drink coffee in the morning.
Uvlaami kuukpiaqtuġuuruŋa.
kiktuġiaq, dl. kiktuġiak pl. kiktuġiat

The mosquito makes noise all summer long.
Kiktuġiaq nimmaalasruuruq auraq naatlugu.

2. mosquito larvae
pamiuqtuuraq, dl. pamiuqtuurak, pl. pamiuqtuurat

Mosquito larva can be found in swamps.
Pamiuqtuurat ittaqtut imaġniġni.

3. tiny mosquito, "white socks", gnat
milugaitchiaq, dl. milugaitchiak, pl. milugaitchiat

The tiny mosquitoes suck blood from people.
Milugaitchiat auktuġuurut iñuŋniñ.
green moss
ivruq, dl. ivruk, pl. ivrut

Green moss is used for building a sod house.
Ivruq atuġnaqtuq ivrulliruni.
mother aana, aaka

my mother

your mother

her/his mother

My mother is cooking.
Aanaga igaruq.

2. Mother!
[to address mother]
iñġiq, dl. iñġik pl. iñġich

The mountain is big.
Iñġiq aŋiruq.

2. mountain base with gradual slope
maniñiq, dl. maniññak, pl. maniñġich

The mountain base with a gradual slope is part of a mountain or hill.
Maniñiq iñġimi naaggaqaa ikpiŋmi ittaqtuq.

to mourn -as for a death-

he is mourning

She mourned when her daughter died.
Kiñuvġuruq panni tuqupman.

2. mourning song

My father’s mourning song is sad.
Taataa qirrataa alianaqtuq.
aviññaq, dl. aviññak, pl. aviññaich

The mouse gathers Eskimo potatoes.
Aviññaq masruusrisuuruq.
qaniq, dl. qannak, pl. qanġich

His mouth has become dry.
Qanġa paliġñiqsuq.

2. to hold something in the mouth
uqummiaq-, SL. qummiaq-, uqummiaġi-

he has something in his mouth
uqummiaġigaa or uqummiaqtuq SL. qummiaġigaa

The candy is in his mouth.
Uqummiaqataaq uqummiaġigaa.

3. to put in mouth
uqummirriuti- SL. qummirriuti-

The child has put her own toy in her mouth.
Iyaalugruum u-qummirriutigaa inattuani.
to move

he has moved to another dwelling
nuuttuq, dl. nuuttuk, pl. nuuttut

My older sister has moved to another city.
Aakauraġa nuuttuq atlamun nunaaqqimun.

He moved it here.
Nuutkaa mauŋa.

2. to move repeatedly

she is moving from place to place

nuktaqtuq, dl. nuktaqtuk, pl. nuktaqtut

My father is moving from place to place.
Taataga nuktaqtuq napmulliqaa.

Move it a little closer.
Nuktaallauŋ mauŋatmun.

Move it a little farther away.
Nuktaallauŋ taavuŋatmun.

4. she is moving her head forward, jerking head up and down
sikiruq, dl. sikiruk, pl. sikirut

The mother is moving her head down when dancing.
Sikiruq aana aġġi 'ami.
to be too much, take too much, do too much

he takes to much, does too much
atqunaqtuq, dl. atqunaqtuk, pl. atqunaqtut

This one ate too much.
Una atqunaqtuq niqimik.

He had a serious injury.

2.this much
itnatun aglaan

that much
taatnatun aglaan

how much, how long, how far
qanutun aglaan

How many berries did you pick?
Qanutun aglaan aullaqsruqpich?

3.how much is it?
qanutuqpa?, dl. how much are they -2-? qanutuqpak?, pl. how much are they -3 or more- qanutuqpat?