Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 06:04 AM

Site: Alaska Native Languages
Course: Tanacross (Tanacross)
Glossary: Tanacross Learners' Dictionary


ch'etsídáhk'ah audio audio  fat from a moose kneecap used as a baby pacifier
xeeł audio pack, packsack (carry (on your back))
for packing water see 'haul'
ghihxeeł audio I'm packing (it)
imperfective paradigm audio
ghihxeeł ts'axeeł
ghinxeeł ghahxeeł
yaaxeeł xiyaxeeł

dendeh dexěel' áaxeeł audio the man is carrying his pack

SEE compress
taat'ôgh audio a paddle
taat'ogh éł áakeeł she or he is paddling a boat
taachet'ogh wu'éł ch'áakeel audio she or he is paddling boat
tach'iht'ox audio I'm paddling
imperfective paradigm audio
tach'iht'ox tayits'et'ox
tach'int'ox tach'aht'ox
tach'et'ox tach'axet'ox

ghegdzéł audio I am paddling fast and smooth

ch'eldlíi' audio
SYN lock
nadh'aay audio
SYN bucket
chetkeyh have a pain
shshíi chétkeyh I have a stomachache
shtthí' shíi chétkeyh I have a headache
shxól' tah chetkeyh I have pain in my legs
tseyh audio
SYN ochre
xnihtseyh audio I am painting it
shintl'áa' audio my palm
shłǐig' éhtthek audio  my dog is panting
ch'ehtlé' audio pants
shehtlé' audio my pants
ch'etlé' t'ah audio pants pockets
ch'ethéth thetl audio old time skin pants
thetl audio pants
dąą thetl audio fur pants
dináhtl'aa audio ALSO book
SEE forgive
shnąą iin audio my parents
shchox iin audio my parents
xey eek audio parka, winter coat
ch'egaay eek audio child's parka (anorak style)
ch'ehłaad audio part of, a portion of, some of
neeshí'i ts'enh ch'ehłaad déghulchúut de' audio make sure you put aside some of the food for yourself
xáan' audio half, part of, piece (of something), referring to a sizeable piece
aayh xáan' éxdék-'ąą audio I found part of a snowshoe
shxáan' ts'į́' łuug įhma' audio do your part of the fish drying
nxáan' ts'į́' t'uhdę́'ę audio I am going to do my part (to help you)
xdanint'eey audio a partition
xdanint'eeyh audio it is partitioned
xah xú' k'oth xúnłęę audio
nehłég' audio
niłk'etsixghitdeetl audio they passed each other on the trail, went by each other
SEE give me for "pass" as in "give me" or "hand me"
teth audio
mejédhekką́ą' audio  I patched it, put a patch on it
tęy audio ALSO trail, road
wuk'éetáa ch'eltsîig audio a pattern, guide
wuk'éetáa ch'į́htseeyh audio make it like this (using this as a guide or pattern)
wuké' audio it's paw ALSO foot
mexughihkéet audio I paid him or her
nexuteghihkéet audio I'm going to pay you
SEE repay
súu' xúu'ąą audio it is peaceful (right here)
ddheł tthit'aag audio mountain peak
SYN summit
shax tthit'aag audio peak of a house, roof peak
ch'edzǎagh' audio
wuk'et nách'ekt'áatth audio I peeled it (with a knife)
wuk'et nâach'ekt'áatth I peeled them
dekts'ek audio I am peeling birch or willow
nat'u'ekt'įį I usually peel it
wuk'et naxokch'uuł audio I am peeling it (orange, package)
ch'elaat'ûudz dekt'uuts I peeling bark
yehts'el she or he is peeling it
ch'ethéth audio its pelt
SYN hide, skin
shk'ę́yy' tth'ěn' audio my pelvic bone
shk'ę́yy' my pelvis
ch'etnetl'ědz' audio
łdaa audio
wutsóg' audio  his penis
dendeey iin audio
koxt'een iin audio
ch'ilkeey audio young people, adolescents
SEE maybe
The Tanacross word can refer to a man in particular or a person in general depending on context.
dendeh audio person, man
koxt'een audio people
is the usual word used; used
SEE sweat
Used for activities such as picking plants or berries or gathering firewood
jêg nektseyh audio I'm picking berries
imperfective paradigmaudio
nektseyh ts'enehtseyh
nįhtseyh nahtseyh
nehtseyh xnehtseyh

tsiil tsets nehtseyh audio the boy is gathering wood

Different words are used depending on what kind of object is being handled or if more than one object is handled.
nidihdlah audio I picked them up (more than one of any object)
perfective paradigmaudio
ni'idhíhdlah nidzíidlah
ni'idhíndlah ni'idháhdlah
nidéedlah nixiydíidlah

The plural forms below imply that more than one person is picking up a single object, not that each person is picking up an single object.
nidih'ąą audio I picked it up (a compact, solid object)
perfective paradigmaudio
nidíh'ąą nidzíi'ąą
nidín'ąą nidáh'ąą
niyidín'ąą nixiydíi'ąą

niditąą audio I picked it up (something long and skinny, like a pencil)

perfective paradigmaudio
nidíhtąą nidzíitąą
nidíntąą nidáhtąą
niydíitąą nixiydíitąą

nidihkąą audio I picked up it (something in a container, like a water jug)

perfective paradigmaudio
nidíhkąą nidzíikąą
nidínkąą nidáhkąą
niydíikąą nixiydíikąą

nidekchúuth audio I picked it up (something flat and flexible, like shirt or a book)

perfective paradigmaudio
nidekchúuth nidzihchúuth
nidįhchúuth nidahchúuth
niydihchúuth nixiydihchúuth

nidektęę audio I picked up it (a living animal or person, like a puppy or an infant)

perfective paradigmaudio
nidéktęę nidzíhtęę
nidį́htęę nidáhtęę
niydíhtęę nixiydíhtęę
ch'eshǐig' audio picture, photograph ALSO ghost, reflection
ch'ekanuhghuhłêel audio let me to take your (more than one) picture
xáan' audio part of, piece (of something), referring to a sizable piece
aayh xáan' éxdék-'ąą audio I found part of a snowshoe
ch'edǔul' audio small pieces, scraps
ch'edǔul' én' íntthet audio sweep those pieces out (for example, bits of broken glass)
see part for more examples of 'piece, part of something'
yixáningéet audio he pierced through it
dedzǎagh' xáningéet audio she pierced her own ear
uljaaddh audio northern pike (Esox lucius)
tsets xatnaldok audio wood is piled up in a heap
tthí'aał audio
łéegęyh audio
SYN cracker
wunę́ę' netgú' audio his or her face is pimpled, pock marked
wu'éł dádhíhtset audio I pinched it
shintsįį éł dádhíhtset audio I pinched my nose (for example to stop a nosebleed)
ch'elahdzôl audio
SYN spruce cones
kelahtuud audio (Pinicola enucleator)
SYN grosbeak
dzehndeedh audio (Anas acuta)
ts'íitsiy thǔul' audio
xosk'ée audio a hole in the ground
SYN hole ALSO ditch, gully
dzéex audio pitch
SYN gum
dzéex kón' audio hard outer spruce pitch
dzéex tl'ę̌y' audio soft white sticky pitch
teejuh kadįht'eh audio someone who looks pitiful (can apply to person or animal)
Used as an exclamation with meaning of 'poor thing' or 'that's too bad'
teejuh audio
eshěg' deh audio  that place, right there
na'atthíi eshěg' deh nek-'ę́ę' audio I saw it at that place down there (by the water)
ts'enîin él' audio literally 'with the child '
SYN afterbirth
nesheegh audio plants
xt'ach'ihłeeyh audio I am planting a garden
tth'áak audio
xdelxos audio they're playing
imperfective paradigmaudio
degxos dzelxos
dilxos dalxos
delxos xdelxos

shchel łii chox éł délxos audio my younger brother is playing with a big dog
dexos k'ée audio playground, a place for fun

kón' tsêdl audio
dach'udelkét audio she or he is pleading, begging
shí' gha dach'udelkét audio he or she is begging for food
dets'inkeey gha dach'udelkét audio he or she is praying for the well-being of his children
nadayutnelsú' audio she or he is pleading with him/her
theen ch'enelzhaay semi-palmated_plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
ihdots I am plucking it
dets'ên ghihdóts tl'âan dé' tékłet audio I plucked the duck and then I will singe it
ch'et'ah audio  pocket
ch'etlé' t'ah audio pants pocket
point at
wuts'į́' ts'utédhék-'ah audio I am pointing at it
sts'į́' ts'utéh'ah audio he or she is pointing at me
point out with physical contact
mets'u'ihttheyh audio I'm pointing at it
mets'u'inttheyh audio you are pointing at it
shets'u'ettheyh audio she or he is pointing at me
mets'u'ts'ettheyh audio we are pointing at it
mets'u'ahttheyh audio you all are pointing at it
nets'uxettheyh audio they are pointing at you
wuchíi audio point or tip of something
SYN end
łdaachíi audio
yihts'ok audio he poked it
perfective paradigm
ekts'ok ts'ehts'ok
įhts'ok ahts'ok
yihts'ok xiyehts'ok

shinlaats'ógh maa ittets audio my finger poked through it

gés audio stick used for stirring campfire
dints'eeg audio
SYN rack poles
nach'udah'ę́'ę audio ALSO guard
menh audio pond ALSO lake
tl'aas k'ée audio LITERALLY 'clam place'
ch'ehdenh détłęę audio she or he is without necessities
ts'axuntleeg audio
ts'axnildę'ę ts'į́' ts'áxúntleeg ts'į́' kentsįįth ehtsįį audio  she or he is inexperienced so made poor quality moccasins
teejuh audio  poor thing!
te'injuh audio you poor thing! (I feel sorry for you)
dzéex nekk'éts audio I am popping, snapping gum (as I chew)
t'áath audio (Populus sp.) ALSO cottonwood, aspen
shos tsǎadh' audio (Boschniakia rossica)
ts'iit audio (Erethizon dorsatum)
ch'ox audio porcupine quill
Ts'induul Ndiig \de
SYN belongings
súle' audio
SYN maybe
ts'íitsiy tth'áak audio ALSO dishpan
tsaath audio Indian Potato
SYN carrot, roots (Hedysarum alpinum)
teediiz audio potatoes
xtíitl audio potlatch
ch'ąą audio potlatch food
jąą' audio gifts given at potlatch
ją́ąy' audio personal potlatch gift
soojee audio invited potlatch guest
łeghaas neltl'uun old time potlatch tripod
dzeteex ch'ełiik audio sorry song sung at potlatch
xtéetíitl audio he or she is going to make a potlatch
ldîil téhtsįį audio he or she is going to make a potlatch literally 'he or she is going to make tea'
this is a metaphorical way of talking about potlatch
xaxotíitl audio they made a potlatch
nítthéynintthéet audio  she or he pounded it in
de'ihdiił audio I'm pouring (it)
imperfective paradigmaudio
de'ihdiił dets'indiił
de'indiił dedhahdiił
deyindiił dexiyindiił

ldîil tuutiił shíi dé'índiił audio pour the tea into the cup

SEE poor
daydįhcháax audio  she or he praised him or her LITERALLY 'she/he made him/her look or sound large'
xexnindeyh audio he or she prayed
imperfective paradigmaudio
xexnihdeyh xets'axnindeyh
xexnindeyh xexnahdeyh
xexnedeyh xexaxnindeyh
giihii audio audio
SYN minister
shaa xdint'eh audio  she or he is precious to me
ts'enîin éł nt'eh audio she is pregnant
wugaay xtéełé' a pregnant animal
wuts'į́' xáxáltsįį audio she or he had a premonition
SYN sign
SEE make
SEE ready
jah deh audio  right here
jah deh na'ethet audio  he or she is present, is standing right here
kǎay' audio
SYN gift ALSO souvenir, keepsake
cheejish'áał audio I am pretending to eat
cheejeldę'ę' audio she or he is acting, pretending to do something
cheejegnih audio I pretended I said that
This refers specifically to 'face'. It is injih to say that someone is pretty or handsome.
ninsųų audio she is pretty ALSO handsome
dą́'ą audio previously, in the past
This is used to indicate that a time period is in the past.
teddh dą́'ą audio  last night
k'ént'eh audio probably
Fairbanks ts'į́' natihdaał, k'ént'eh audio I'll probably go back to Fairbanks.
súle' audio probably
k'á shnį́h'îil súle' audio you probably won't see me
êy gha súu' audio probably
yidátl'áxdin'ąą audio she or he promised him/her, gave him or her their word
ch'udelnih audio it is being protective
This word implies that that someone or something is being protective by being aggressive
deshaaz degǎay' gha én' ch'udelnih audio  the cow moose protects its young
daa súu' él'ęh audio
daa súu' él'ęh ts'į́' ch'e aayh aaxaan audio she or he is proud of the snowshoes she or he made
jêg chox audio LITERALLY 'big berry'
yihtl'ek he pried it
k'étmah audio  willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)
ddheł k'aal audio rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus)
tuu tl'adéedlah audio  puddle
nateldliih frozen puddle with no water in it
The Tanacross words include the English meanings of "drag" as well as "pull".
ghihłuuth audio I am pulling it
imperfective paradigmaudio
ghihłuuth ts'aałuuth
ghinłuuth ghahłuuth
yaałuuth xiyaałuuth

xáyínłuuth audio he or she pulled it out
tl'uuł teełų́ųnin'ąą audio he or she pulled a rope
xaałų́ųghíh'ąą audio I pulled it out of the water (with a rope)
nanishłuuth audio I dragged it back
tsiil tsets nadatłuuth audio the boy is dragging wood

SEE hit
wuch'anekch'etth audio I punctured it, punched through it
ekts'eth audio I am punishing him or her
łii ch'udelneey ekts'eth audio  I am punishing the naughty dog (with a switch)
lts'iis audioALSO ashes birch fungus ashes
shnaxtl'ědz' my pupil
łiigaay audio
SEE buy
xeth audio
me'ektset audio  I am pushing it
imperfective paradigmaudio
me'ektset yits'ehtset
me'įhtset me'ahtset
yi'ehtset xiye'ehtset

én' mé'éktset audio  I am pushing it away
ndêddh me'ektset audio  I am pushing it forward

dahłiigaay audio pussy willow
k'ę́y' jiits  pussy willow buds, young growth
naa nínínłeeyh audio put it there!
chenhtiił ndée nínín'ąą? audio where did you put the box?
tuu shíi táládhég'ąą audio I put my hand in water
taandîidz tah shí' níxníndlah audio they put the food in the center
Dóo ch'e thaayh jah di'endel? audio Who put this sand here?
nínekchúut audio I put away food
xey de'ukah shí' nínekchúut audio I put away food for the winter
wuch'aa yidhihdlah audio I put it away from him or her (so they won't bother it)
Different words are used depending on what kind of object is being handled or if more than one object is handled.
nádíh'ąą audio I put it down (a compact object such as a box)
perfective paradigmaudio
nádih'ąą nádzín'ąą
nadin'ąą nádáh'ąą
náydín'ąą náxíydín'ąą

nâadih'ąą audio I put it down again
nádíhtąą audio I put it down (something long and skinny, like a pencil)

perfective paradigmaudio
nádíhtąą nádzíntąą
nádíntąą nádáhtąą
náydíntąą náxíydíntąą

nádíkąą audio I put it down (something in a container, like a water jug)

perfective paradigmaudio
nádíhkąą nádzínkąą
nádínkąą nádáhkąą
náydínkąą náxíydínkąą

teddh tah kón' daak'ée ts'enh tuu nâadihkîig xde'ishdéyh at night I usually take the water off the stove
nádíhdlah audio I put them down (any multiple objects)

perfective paradigmaudio
nádíhdlah nádzíndlah
naadindlah nádáhdlah
náydídlah náxíydíndlah

nádekchúuth audio I put it down (something flat and flexible, like shirt or a book)

perfective paradigmaudio
nádekchúuth nádzinchúuth
nádįchúuth nádahchúuth
náydinchúuth náxíydinchúuth

nîinekchuut I put it back down (piece of food)
nâadektęę audio I put it down (a living animal or person, like a puppy or an infant)

perfective paradigmaudio
nádektęę nádzintęę
nádįtęę nádahtęę
náydintęę náxíydintęę

nashég' nálághék-'ah audio I put my hand down

na'it-tl'uh audio put on your clothes
kón' natnįhdeex audio put out the fire