Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 05:56 AM

Site: Alaska Native Languages
Course: Tanacross (Tanacross)
Glossary: Tanacross Learners' Dictionary


meetsel audio knife used for cutting fish
ts'enîin ts'ǐig' audio
dandîil chíh nadhegts'iik audio  I can't believe I'm sick again.
Different words are used depending on whether the person is mother's or father's brother.
shee'eh audio my mother's brother
shtâay audio my father's brother
stsêey audio my maternal great uncle (grandmother's brother)
tsedadint'eh audio  it is uncomfortable, inappropriate
shkentsį̌įdh' ntsûudl éł shaa tsedadint'eh audio my moccasins are small so they are uncomfortable for me
t'aagh audio
łii deshax t'aagh eedah audio the dog is sitting under its house
shk'éhts'ax audio my underarm
dashekts'ęy audio
shde'intth'ek? audio do you understand (hear) me?
nts'é dínih ts'į́' k'á ndíhtth'é́g audio I cannot understand (hear) what you are saying
SEE know
teex audio  underwater
teex aameeł audio he is swimming underwater
ch'et'aathedl audio long johns
ch'et'aa'eek audio undershirt
ch'etl'a'eeg audio bloomers, slip, skirt
na'it-'et audio  undress, take your clothes off
nkentsį̌įdh' shíi xádíl'eetth audio  take off you shoes
k'á méxútaldá́agh audio  it is unforgettable
k'á wuk'eh xultsí́iyh audio  it is rare, unique
SEE together
xetl wushíi xáxúhłeeyh audio I am unloading the sled
kón' k'ée audio
kón' k'ée łâanyíi níníhshaay gee!, I arrived at an unoccupied house
xach'ihłeeyh audio I am unpacking it, taking things out
ts'axtnildęę audio unskilled person
dinat-'et audio it is untied
łii dinat-'et audio the dog is untied
Tanacross uses the same set of words to refer to above (vertically) and inland (away from water, especially away from the Tanana River). See Directionals.
yanděg' audio upward, inland (distant)
Tats'áltęy ts'enh yanděg' Dihthâad ts'į́' tęy xúnłęę audio there is a trail up to Mansfield from Tanacross
shxatthídóg audio up above me
shxatthídóg ts'į́' dlêg de'ihtth'ek audio I hear a squirrel up above me
yaadóg audio area upward or inland (distant)
wudzih yaadóg teyh k'et ah'és audio up on a distant hill there are caribou moving around
děg' audio in an upward direction
děg' ni'ínhaayh audio get up
yatthíiděg' audio going up above
yatthíiděg' tęy xúnín'ah audio a trail goes up (into the mountains)
yandée' audio a place up river (distant)
yandíi audio direction upriver
yandíi Tok dhihdah audio I live up in Tok (said, say, in Fairbanks)
yandîidz audio from upriver (distant)
yandîidz ghihkeeł audio I'm returning (by boat) from upriver
niłkedélchúuth audio  it (blanket, paper) is upside down LITERALLY 'it is turned over'
xuuneshok audio  she or he is urging them on
ihłets audio  I am urinating
łets audio
SEE we
mexgheg'ę́ę' audio I'm accustom to it, used to it
yetl'axghįh'ąą audio it is used up, all gone (for example, firewood or food)
xúu' shę́ę' audio
xúu' shę́ę' xdítndę' audio he usually does that
ts'enîin théth
SYN womb
sdzedihłǒgh' my uvula