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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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tl'eet abandon, get rid of
abandon, desert, leave; throw away, dispose of, get rid of
O-S-l-tl'eet~ (na act) for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O
g̲aas (2) forbidden, superstitious, abstain
superstitious; abstain, refrain from, keep from doing (usually for ceremonial or religious reasons, esp. of Lent)
at S-l-g̲aas (ga state) for S to be superstitious; for S to abstain, refrain from, keep from doing (usually for ceremonial or religious reasons, esp. of Lent)
forbidden, taboo
li-g̲aas (ga state) for something to be forbidden, taboo, not allowed by custom
dlaak̲ get, succeed, accomplish, defeat, win
win, gain, get, obtain it; acquire it; succeed, accomplish it; defeat him/her/it
O-ya-S-ø-dlaak̲~ (na event) for S to gain, get, obtain, acquire O; for S to succeed, accomplish O; for S to defeat, beat O
yoo address
address as, call by certain relationship term and thus adopt that relationship
(yéi) N yát~ x̲'a-S-d-l-yoo~ (Ø motion) for S to address, call N by certain relationship term and thus adopt that relationship
k̲'ei admire
admire, think highly of, respect; treasure, value
N yáa O-li-k̲'éi (ga state) for N to admire, think highly of, respect O; for N to treasure, value O
x'éigaa kaa oox
(Lit: real teeth)
yan wáat oox
ook (2) boil, tumble, advance, fill
boil it
O-S-l-.ook~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to boil O (esp. water)
d-l-.óok~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for something to boil
jaaʰ instruct, show, advise
instruct, show him/her; advise, cousel him/her
O-shu-ka-S-ø-jaaʰ~ (ø act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to instruct, show O (by word); for S to advise, give advice to, counsel O
x̲eitl' afraid, fear
afraid of it, fear it
P-x' a-ka-u-S-d-l-x̲éitl' (ga state) for S to be afraid of, fear P
shaan age, old
O-d-shaan~ (ø event) for O to show signs of old age (esp. grey hair), for O to become old, age
s'eex spoil, rot, age
spoil, age, rot
l-s'eex~ (ø event) for animal matter to age, spoil to stage where still firm, but smelly
ook' play, amuse
entertain, amuse oneself; play quietly (of children)
k̲u-S-d-s-.ook' (na act) for S to entertain, amuse oneself; for S to play quietly
yaa2 (5) carry, spread, anchor
carry it on one's back; pack it on one's back
O-S-ø-yaa~ (ga event) for S to carry O on back; for S to pack O
anchor it (boat)
O-sha-S-s-yaa~ (na event) for S to anchor O (boat)
carry things on one's back; pack things
at S-ø-yaa~ (ga event) for S to carry things on back; for S to pack things
spread it out; unfold it
P-x̲ O-ka-S-ø-yaa~ (g̲a motion) for S to spread out, unfold, lay out (singular) O along P
anchor (a boat)
sha-S-d-s-yaa~ (na event) for S to anchor, lower anchor
Wulixéidli aa Jenny - hóoch áwé kuyaawadlaak!
oo1 (10) dress, pregnant, own, put, forgive, wear, give, live, use, angry, frustrate
live (at a place)
k̲u-S-ø-.oo~ (na state) for S to live, live at, dwell permanently
put them, leave them there
P-x' yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to put, leave (plural) O at P
pregnant, have a baby
atk'átsk'u/yát(k') O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to have O (baby), be pregnant with O (baby)
own, possess, have
O-S-ø-.oo (na state) for S to own, possess, have O
forgive, excuse him/her
ch'a aadé yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to forgive, excuse O
dress him/her/it
N náa yéi sha-S-ø-.oo (na act) for S to dress N
frustrate him/her
N toowú x̲'ool yáx̲ O-S-ø-.oo (na state; CV́V Imperfective) for S to frustrate N
get dressed
náa(x') yéi sha-S-d-.oo (na act) for S to get dressed
angry, mean
x'áan a-S-ø-.oo (na state; CV́V Imperfective) for S to be angry, mean
wear it; use it
yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na state) for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O
ei answer
answer, reply to a greeting or to one's name
a-S-d-.ei (na act) for S to answer, reply to a greeting or to one's name
xeel' trouble, bother, anxiety
bother, trouble him/her; cause him/her anxiety
O-ka-S-ø-xéel'~ (ø event; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to bother, trouble, cause trouble or anxiety for O
jee1 wonder, curious, anxious
wonder about it; curious, anxious about it
O-ka-S-ø-jeek (na act) for S to wonder, be curious, anxious about O
goot1 (13) go, walk, follow, go to bathroom, appoint, let in, let out
follow him/her/it (singular subject) IX
N ítx̲ yaa S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to follow N (on foot)
appoint, choose for a certain position (singular object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (singular) O, choose O for a certain position
go on foot (singular subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to arrive at P, go to P (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-goot~ (g̲a motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (singular subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (singular subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) III
gági S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (singular subject) VII
gánde S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (singular subject) I
kei S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to walk, go up (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (singular subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-goot~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (singular object) II
neil~ O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (singular) O
go on foot (singular subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as general term) away from P
aat1 (18) go, walk, lead, gather together, go to bathroom, attack, appoint, let in, let out
appoint, choose for a certain position (plural object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (plural) O, choose O for a certain position
lead them
yaa O-shu-S-ø-.aat~ (ga event) for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead)
go on foot (plural subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
walking, going along there (of plural subjects)
P-x̲ yaa S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to be walking, going (by foot or as general term) along P (basically plural; see goot for singular)
go on foot (plural subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-.aat~ (g̲a motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (plural subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (plural subject) III
gági S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (plural subject) VII
gánde S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (plural subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (plural subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
go on foot (plural subject) I
kei S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk up, go up (by walking or as a general term)
attack someone
ji-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon
go on foot (plural subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (plural subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (plural object) II
neil~ O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (plural) O
gather together, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings)
woosh kaanáx̲ S-d-.aat~ (ga event) for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
gather, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings) II
woosh x̲oo-t~ S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
bend over, lean down (plural subject)
yínde sh ka-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to bend over, lean down
I kát gé yat áa?
Yéilx gé isitee, kach'u Ch'áak'?
xeet (3) write, argue
write it; draw it; paint it; take a photograph of it; x-ray it
O-ka-S-sh-xeet~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, X-rays of O
argue, quarrel
N een woosh x̲'a-S-d-xéet (na act) for S to argue, quarrel with N
write; draw; paint; take a photograph
ka-S-d-sh-xeet~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to take a photograph
woos'1 ask, question
ask him/her, question him/her
O-x̲'a-S-ø-wóos' (na act) for S to ask, question O
k̲aa1 (7) ask, charge, confess, order, say, send, tell
instruct him/her; give him/her orders to do
áa O-ji-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to instruct, give O orders (to do)
send him/her on a mission, errand
O-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to send O (esp. on a mission or errand, or to deliver a message)
confess, acknowledge, declare; charge, set the price, charge for
(N éede) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
insult him/her, offend him/her by what one says
sh tugéit O-ya-S-d-s-k̲aa~ (Ø event) for S to insult, offend O by what one says
tell him/her (a certain thing)
(yéi) O-daa-ya-S-ø-k̲á (act) for S to tell O (a certain thing)
say (a certain thing); confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
(yéi) ya-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
tell, say to him/her; ask him/her to do
(yóo) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to tell, say (that) to O; for S to ask O to do (that)
jaak̲w1 beat up, assault, attack
beat him/her up; assault him/her; attack him/her
O-S-ø-jáak̲w (na act) for S to beat up, assault, violently attack O
gwaatl (7) roll, rock, fold up, bend, astonished
roll it (log, barrel, etc.)
O-ka-S-l-gwáatl~ (na motion) for S to roll O (log, barrel, etc.)
bend limb (arm, leg); fold up (paper, etc.) in loose roll
O-ka-S-l-gwaatl~ (Ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to bend O (limb); for S to fold up O (paper, etc.) in a loose roll
roll (of spherical object)
P-t~ ka-ø-gwáatl~ (ø motion) for a spherical object to roll to P
astonished, flabbergasted, be left open-mouthed
O-k̲'a-d-gwáatl~ (Ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for O to be astonished, flabbergasted, left open-mouthed
capsize, overturn (of canoe, boat) III
áa yax̲ ø-gwáatl~ (Ø motion) for a boat to capsize, overturn
rock, roll it (canoe, boat)
P-t O-ka-ka-S-l-gwáatl~ (na motion) for S to rock, roll O (boat) at P
rock, roll (of canoe, boat)
P-t ka-ka-ø-gwáatl~ (na motion) for a canoe, boat to rock, roll around
jaak̲w1 beat up, assault, attack
beat him/her up; assault him/her; attack him/her
O-S-ø-jáak̲w (na act) for S to beat up, assault, violently attack O
aat1 (18) go, walk, lead, gather together, go to bathroom, attack, appoint, let in, let out
appoint, choose for a certain position (plural object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (plural) O, choose O for a certain position
lead them
yaa O-shu-S-ø-.aat~ (ga event) for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead)
go on foot (plural subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
walking, going along there (of plural subjects)
P-x̲ yaa S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to be walking, going (by foot or as general term) along P (basically plural; see goot for singular)
go on foot (plural subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-.aat~ (g̲a motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (plural subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (plural subject) III
gági S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (plural subject) VII
gánde S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (plural subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (plural subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
go on foot (plural subject) I
kei S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk up, go up (by walking or as a general term)
attack someone
ji-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon
go on foot (plural subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (plural subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (plural object) II
neil~ O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (plural) O
gather together, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings)
woosh kaanáx̲ S-d-.aat~ (ga event) for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
gather, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings) II
woosh x̲oo-t~ S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
bend over, lean down (plural subject)
yínde sh ka-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to bend over, lean down
dleit daak wushix'íl'
x̲eik̲ awake
keep him/her awake
O-S-s-x̲eik̲~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to keep O awake

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