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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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an abandoned person or thing
igitaq, dl. igitak, pl. igitat

They found an abandoned child.
Igitaq iyaalugruaq paqitkaat.
The child’s abdomen is aching.
Iyaalugruum narraak atniġñaqtuk.

2. the contents of the abdominal cavity

Oh! The inside of my abdomen is in pain.
Arii, iḷuga atniġñaqtuq.
able, can
or -tḷa- after strong I [v-v]

to be able to do pitḷa- or sutla-
he is able pitḷaruq
she is able to talk or she can talk uqatlaruq

Let him go, he is able.
Taatna aullaġli, pitḷaruq.

He can do it.
to be absent, to not be there

she is absent

She was absent during the meeting.
Piitchuaq katimakmata.

to be absentminded, to have a wandering mind, to be in a daze

She is absentminded.

to have an accident -not fatal-

She had an accident.

2. to have a fatal accident

he had a fatal accident
piyaqquqtuq, dl. piyaqquqtuk, pl. piyaqquqtut

The man had a fatal car accident.
Aŋun piyaqquqtuq aksraktuaġaqtuaq.

to accompany or to be accompanied

he is being accompanied
, dl. piqasriqsuk, pl. piqasriqsut

She is being accompanied by her partner.
Piqasriqsuq paatnaġmiñik.

she is accompanying him
, dl. piqasriġaak, pl. piqasriġaat

He is accompanying her to Noorvik.
Piqasriġaa Nuurviŋmun.
to accuse, blame someone
pasritñik-, pasri-

he is accusing someone
pasritñiktuq, dl. pasritñiktuk, pl. pasritñiktut

She is accusing the man.
Pasritñiktuq aŋutmik.

he is accusing her
pasriyaa, dl. pasriyaak, pl. pasriyaat

He is accusing the woman.
Pasriyaa aġnaq.

to be sore, to be aching, to have pain
-nŋu- or - ñŋu after strong I


She has a sore throat.


He has a side pain.


After working hard, his arm ached.
Savakpauraqqaaqhuni, taliñŋuruq.
across there, visible, covering a large area or in motion

There are caribou across there.
Agga tuttut.

2. across there, visible, in a limited area or not in motion

There are caribou across there.
Itcha tuttut.

3. the one across there, visible, in a limited area or not in motion
ikña, dl. ichiguak, pl. ichigua

Whose houses are those across there?
Ichigua kisut tupiŋich?

4. to be directly across from something

The man is sitting directly across from the woman.
Aġnam akiani aquppiruq aŋun.

to add
iḷa-, iḷalaaq-

it has been added to
iḷalaaqtuq, dl. iḷalaaqtuk, pl. iḷalaaqtut

The apples have had ten more added to them.
Asriaqpaich iḷalaaqtut qulinik.

she adds to it
iḷagaa, dl. iḷagaak, pl. iḷagaat

He adds ten more to the apples.
Iḷagai qulinik asriaqpaich.

2. to add an extension

The woman added an extension to the net she was making.
Aġnam uuyagaa kuvriani atlamik.

see advise

to admonish, to advise

She is admonishing him.

to adopt a child

he adopted a child
tiguaqtuq, dl. tiguaqtuk, pl. tiguaqtut

The couple adopted a boy.
Nuliaġiik tiguaqtuk nukatpialugruaġmik.

he has adopted her
tiġuaġaa, dl. tiġuaġaak, pl. tiġuaġaat

My mother has adopted a baby.
Aanaa tiguaġaa miġaruuraq.

2. an adopted child or person
tiguaq, dl. tiguak, pl. tiguat

The children are fond of that adopted child.
Iyaalugruich nakuaġigaat taamna tiguaq.


His advice is good.
Alġaqsruutaa nakuuruq.

to advise

She is advising him.
She advised him not to smoke.
Alġaqsruġaa sikaaqunġitiugu.

2. to advise someone

She is giving advice.

He is giving advice to the children.
Alġaqsruiruq iyaalugruaġnik.

ulimaun, dl. ulimautik, pl. ulimautit

An adze is used for wood carving.
Qiruŋnun ulimaun sanautiginaqtuq.

to be afflicted, sorrowful, to grieve

She grieved over the death of her relative.
Iłuiḷḷiuqtuq iḷani tuqupman.

2. affliction, agony

She has experienced great suffering.
Iłuiḷḷiułiq apai apqusraaġaa.

to be afraid

she is afraid
iqsiruq, dl. iqsiruk, pl. iqsirut.

He is afraid of the drunkard.
Iqsiruq imiqtuamik.

she is afraid of him
iqsigigaa, dl. iqsigigaak, pl. iqsigigaat

He is afraid of my dog.
Iqsigigaa qipmiġa.

to be in agony, to be in intense pain in body or mind, to suffer

He is suffering.

to aim, to focus, to set something like a clock or dial, to tune in on a station, channel
naluatit-, nalautitchi-

He is aiming it.
He is focusing it.

He aims his rifle at the caribou.
Nalautitchiruq supputmiñik tuttumun.

He aims it.
She focuses it.
He sets the dial.

My father aimed his gun at the caribou.
Taataa nalautitkaa supputni tuttumun.

2. to aim with a weapon or to be ready to strike

When he aimed at the caribou, it ran away.
Iigutikmani, tuttu aullaqiruq.

3. to aim with a rifle

He is aiming.

He is aiming at it.

air, atmosphere, weather

The weather is nice.

tiŋmisuun, dl. tiŋmisuutik, pl. tiŋmisuutit

The airplane landed at the airport.
Tiŋmisuun mitchuq mirviŋmun.

2. a small plane

3. a jet

alcohol, intoxicating beverage
taaŋŋaq, dl. taaaŋŋaak, pl. taaŋŋaich

Liquor is bad.
Taaŋŋaq pigiitchuq.

alder tree, rust colored dye from alder bark
nunaŋiak dl. nunaŋiak, pl. nunaŋiagich

They use alder bark to dye skins.
Nunaŋiak kipirrutigiraġigaat ammiñun.

to be alive -of an animal or plant

it is alive
uumaruq, dl. uumaruk, pl. uumarut

The plant is alive.
Nauriaq uumaruq.

2. to be alive -of a human-

He is still alive.

all of it or the whole thing

all of two things

all of three or more things

All of the people went to the town.
Iluqatiŋ iñuich nunaaqqimuktut.

I went to get all of them.
Iluqaitñik aigitka.

to be alongside, to be parallel

is along side, is parallel
saniġaqłiuruq, dl. saniġaqłiuruk, pl. saniġaqłiurut

The boys are running side by side.
Aŋugaurat saniġaqłiġiikhutiŋ aqpaqsruqtut.


The man took the dog, the boy, and also the boat.
Aŋutim piyai qipmiġu, suluunlu suli umiaq.

The river is always flowing.
Kuuk ataramik saġvaqtuq.


Where is my ammunition?
Qaġrutka naami?

ammunition case
qaġruqaġvik dl. qaġruqaġviik, pl. qaġruqaġviich

The ammunition case is brown.
Qaġruqaġvik iliktauruq.


located within something
located in between
dl. akunġakni
located among
pl. akunġatni

He is standing among the trees.
Akunġatni napaaqtut qichaqtuq.

Anchorkisaq, dl. kisak, pl. kisat

The anchor is heavy.
Kisaq uqumaitchuq.

2. anchor of a trap or snare
sautaaq, dl. sautaak, pl. sautaat

An anchor is used when trapping.
Sautaaq atuġnaqtuq naniġiaqtuqtuni.

3. to anchor

He is anchoring the boat.
Kisaġaa umiaq. or
Kisairuq umiamik.

and so, and then
aasriiñ, aasriiñ uvva, uvva aasriiñ

John went hunting and then fishing.
Pamiuqtaq aŋuniaqtuq aŋŋutinik aasriiñ niksiksuġiaqhuni suli.

2. and also -used in an additive sense, contrasts with aasriiñ

3. and -used in an additive sense, easily interchangable with suli-

I have a house, a sled and a dog.
Piqaqtuŋa tupiġmiglu, qilġiuraniglu suli qipmimik.

-lit, one with wings-
israġulik, dl. israġullak, pl. israġulgich

An angel has white garments.
Israġulik atnuġaaqaqtuq qatiqtaanik.

Angry to become angry

he has become angry, hurt, disturbed
uumitchaktuq, dl. uumitchaktuk, pl. uumitchaktut

He became angry when they fought with him.
Uumitchaktuq aŋuyakmatni.

2. to become angry at someone or something

He became angry at the disobedient dog.
Uumitchautigaa qipmiq uqaqsiġiiḷaq.
that which causes annoyance
uumiñaq- or naŋinnaq-

His constant blabbering is annoying.
Uqauraġuitḷaiḷha naŋinnaqtuq.

another one, different one
atla, dl. atlak, pl. atlat

You took a different one.
Atla taamna piñiġiñ.

2. to be different, to be another one

it is another one, it is a different one
atlauruq, dl. atlauruk, pl. atlaurut

to answer
kiu-, kiusri-

he answered, he replied

He answered when she called him.
Tuqłuqmani kiusriruq.

he answered him
kiugaa, dl. kiugaak, pl. kiugaat

He answered her when she asked a question.
Kiugaa apiqsruqmani.

kiktuqsralik, dl. kiktuqsrallak, pl. kiktuqsralgich

The ant is small.
Kiktuqsralik mikiruq.

nagruk, dl. nagruuk, pl. nagruich

Antlers can be used as sinkers on a net.
Nagruich atuġnaqtut kuvram saatqutaiñun.

itiq, dl. ittak, pl. itqich

The anus is where the bodily waste comes out.
Itiq annam annivigigaa.

to be anxious to obtain, to try hard to obtain

he is anxious to get something
kipiġiruq, dl. kipiġiruk, pl. kipiġirut

He was anxious to get more fish.
Qalulaaġukhuni kipiġiruq.

any time
qakugupayaaq, sumipayaaq

Come any time you wish.
Qakugupayaaq aggiqña.

He can come at any time.
Sumipayaaq aggiłhiñauruq.

anyone kiñapayaaq
anything suapayaaq
anyplace nanipayaaq

to appear, to become plain, to come out into the open, to become obvious

it has appeared
sagviqsuq, dl. sagviqsuk, pl. sagviqsut

The sun has appeared from behind the cloud.
Sagviqsuq siqiñiq nuviyamiñ.

The woman took out her sewing kit from the bag.
Aġnam sagviġaa immutviurani ikpaatchauraġmiñiñ.

2. to appear, come into view

it has appeared
nuiruq, dl. nuiruk, pl. nuirut

The sun has appeared from behind the mountains.
Siqiñiq nuiruq iñġich kiluatniñ.

uqsi, dl. uqsiik, pl. uqsiich

The appendix is in the abdominal cavity.
Uqsi iḷumi ittuq.

to approach, to come near

it is approaching, it is coming near
qalliruq, dl. qalliruk, pl. qallirut

The hunter is approaching the caribou.
Aŋuniaqti qalliruq tuttumun.

-the month of the geese-
Tiŋmirrat Tatqiat

Geese and ducks come during April.
Tiŋmirrat aggiġaqtut Tiŋmirrat Tatqiatni.

to arch one’s back

She is arching her back.

Arch your back!

qusrkhaaq, dl. qusrkhaak, pl. qusrkhaat

The arctic fox is white.
Qusrkhaaq qatiqtuq.

mitqutaiḷaq, dl. mitqutaiḷak, pl. mitqutaiḷat

The arctic tern is flying.
Mitqutaiḷaq tiŋmiraqataqtuq.

to argue, to give reasons for or against something

They -2- are arguing.

2. to disagree verbally, to argue

They -2- have a verbal disagreement.

3. he is argumentative, he is difficult to talk down
qapiqtaiḷiḷguruq, dl. qapiqtaiḷiḷguruk, pl. qapiqtaiḷiḷgurut

That person is argumentative.
Taamna iñuk qapiqtaiḷiḷguruq.

4. he is arguing heatedly
uqaalallapiaqtuq, dl. uqaalallapiaqtuk, pl. uqaalallapiaqtut

to arise, to get out of bed, to get up

He got up early today.
Makinnaġiaqtuq uvluvak.

arm taliq, dl. tallik, pl. tallich

My arm is hurting.
Taliġa atniġñaqtuq.

2. to break an arm

he broke his arm
talliaqtuq, dl. talliaqtuk, pl. talliaqtut

The man fell and broke his arm.
Aŋun katakhuni talliaqtuq.
aŋuyautnaq, dl. aŋuyautnak, pl. aŋuyautnat

The soldier put the armor on.
Aŋuyautnaq aŋuyyiuqtim atigaa.

an army of soldiers

around here

It is around here.
Maani ittuq.

2. to go around in a circle

She is going around and around, spinning.

He is going all the way around it.

to arrive, to reach

he has arrived
tikitchuq, dl. tikitchuk, pl. tikitchut

The dogteam racers have arrived.
Uniaġaqqautraqtuat tikitchut.

He reached the village.
Tikitchaa nunaaqqiq.

arrow; shell, bullet
qaġruq, dl. qaġruk, pl. qaġrut

The arrow is red.
Qaġruq kaviqsaaŋuruq.

taqaqpak, dl. taqaqpaak, pl. taqaqpaich

Blood travels through the artery.
Taqaqpak augum igliġvigigaa.

to ascend, climb, go up

he is ascending, climbing
mayuqtuq, dl. mayuqtuk, pl. mayuqtut

He is climbing up the ladder.
Mayuqtuq tutipqiñi.


Ashes are left after something burns.
Aġra ikniġmiñ piraqtuq sut ikipmagich.

ashamed to be ashamed of, to feel shame for

he is ashamed of her
kanŋugigaa, dl. kanŋugigaak, pl. kanŋugigaat

She is ashamed of his exaggerated actions.
Pivaałłakman kanŋugigaa.
sikaakuvik, dl. sikaakuviik, pl. sikaakuviich

The ashtray smells bad.
Sikaakuvik tipituruq.

to ask for something

he asked for something
iŋiqsuq, dl. iŋiqsuk, pl. iŋiqsut

He asked for his food.
Iŋiqsuq niqiksraġmiñik.

2. to ask a question

he asked a question
apiqsruqtuq, dl. apiqsruqtuk, pl. apiqsruqtut

They asked for instructions.
Apiqsruqtuk sułiksraġmiknik.

he asked her
apiqsruġaa, dl. apiqsruġaak, pl. apiqsruġaat

She asked him whether or not he was leaving.
Apiqsruġaa aullaġniaqmaŋaan.

this one [e.g. box, chair, confined area or person who is aware of activity around him] not in motion, visible
uumani, dl. ukuŋnaŋni, pl. ukunani

2. this one [boat, river, train, airplane, area without confines, or a person who is not aware of activity around him] lengthy or in motion, visible marrumani, dl. makuŋnaŋni, pl. makunani

I will sit in this chair.
Uumani aquppiutami aquppigisiruŋa.

I will stay with these people.
Ukunani inniaqtuŋa.

He drowned in this river.
Marrumani kuuŋmi ipiruaq.

We net for fish in this river.
Marrumani kuuŋmi kuvraqtuġuurugut.

he is attracting caribou by hollering
tuvaaqtuqtuq, dl. tuvaaqtuqtuk, pl. tuvaaqtuqtut

As they were hunting caribou, one person hollered and made noises to attract the caribou.
Tuttunniaqamiŋ iñuk aviumikhuni tuvaaqtuqtuq.

-molting time, the caribou loses velvet-

In the month of August, the velvet on the antlers of caribou peels off.
Amiġaiqsivik tatqiq tikitman, tuttut nagruŋich amiiġaġtut.

or August
lit., the time to fly away


my aunt, father’s sister
atchaga, dl. atchaaka, pl. atchaatka

My father’s sister is making a parka.
Atchaga atikłiruq.

2. aunt

my aunt, mother’s sister
ayaġruksaaġa, dl. ayaġruksaaka, pl. ayaġruksaatka

My mother’s sister is making a fishnet.
Ayaġruksaaġa kuvriruq.

see fall
ukialliq, dl. ukiallik, pl. ukiallich

The autumn skin is good for mukluk bottoms.
Ukialliq amiq atuŋagiksuq kamiŋnun.

to be awake

he is awake
itqumaruq, dl. itqumaruk, pl. itqumarut

He was awake all night.
Itqumaruq unnuavak.

2. to be fully awake, alert

she is fully awake
qiptaitchuq, dl. qiptaitchuk, pl. qiptaitchut

The child is fully awake, not sleepy.
Qiptaitchuq iyaalugruaq.

ipiġautaq, dl. ipiġautak, pl. ipiġautat

The ax is sharp.
Ipiġautaq ipiktuq.

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