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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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There is no word in Tanacross that corresponds to English 'a' or 'the'. Rather, whether a specific or non-specific thing is meant comes from the context.
kón' k'ée audio an old, uninhabited village ALSO campsite, empty (house)
stsǎadl' audio my abdomen
SYN belly
ch'echąąshǔ' audio fat around moose stomach
gha audio
yaniidą́'ą gha nuh'éł naxghogdeg audio I am telling you all about long ago
Tanacross uses the same set of words to refer to above (vertically) and inland (away from water, especially away from the Tanana River). See Directionals.
yandóg audio distant area above, inland, or over there
nandóg nearby area above, inland, or over there
yandóg dashée' teyh tée'ah audio there is a hill above here
shtthíit'aag audio above me
ch'et-ts'iits audio
mee'u'egtón' audio I am accompanying him or her
nee'u'egtón' audio I am accompanying you, I am on your side
n'éł tihdíił audio I will do that with you
gha audio
xutnęy gha sítnih audio according to what he said
SEE blame
SEE used to
SEE sick
me'ishdęy audio an acquaintance of mine
me'ishdęyh audio  I am acquainted with him or her
See Directionals.
yandâaz audio area across (distant)
yandaas ts'ęy dhihdah audio I live across the river
yaanáan' across toward (distant)
yaanáan' ts'eyh shíi tihkeeł audio I'm boating across (the river)
xúu' xditndeyh audio he always acts that way
SEE busy
xúu' ch'e le' audio
xúu' ch'e lé' díhnęy audio that's actually what I said
shchǒl' audio my Adam's apple
SYN voice box, larynx
wuk'et deetaan audio added on (one on top of another)
More commonly used to refer to 'habit'.
yexnílts'et audio he got addicted to it
êy t'o xúu' shęę' audio that's adequate
xetnelts'étl audio  it is adhered to it
maa yidint'eh audio  she or he admires him/her/it
shaa dint'eh audio  I admire him or her
SEE scold
yitnelshąą audio he adopted him, raised him
yetnelsheex audio  she is raising him
ch'enděddh' audio
wuts'į́' xghihhá' audio  I advised him or her
shde'intth'ek nts'į́' xghuhhá'a audio listen to me because I am giving you advice
ttheetthił audio  old-time stone adze
niljet audio she or he is afraid
imperfective paradigm audio
negjet ts'eneljet
niljet naljet
neljet xneljet

sų́'ų nuljed audio do not be afraid

yik'eh audio
łii gaay yik'eh aahaał audio the puppy is following him/her
SEE then
k'adíidé' audio  in a while (in the future)
k'adíidé' tâatihdaał audio after a while I'm going home
ts'enîin él' audio
SYN placenta
xeł t'aagh audio also twilight
těyy' audio
těyy' xú' dínih audio  say it again
k'adídą́'ą audio a short while ago
k'adídą́'ą nach'ih'áatl ts'į́' k'á díhtsí́in audio I just ate a while ago so I'm not hungry
k'adîidą́'ą audio a while ago
k'adîidą́'ą nach'ih'áatl ts'į́' k'ôd dihtsįį audio  I ate a long while ago so I'm hungry
yittheh audio
shttheh audio ahead of me
łii gaay yittheh aahaał audio the puppy is walking ahead of him/her
SEE help
ts'iik audio
SYN sickness, disease
k'ets audio  alder
k'aaz tsets audio dry alder or willow branches
súu' dáhthenh audio  be on alert, be ready for the unexpected
dlaat audioALSO moss
"Moss" is the more usual meaning of "dlaat"
k'eh audio alike, similar
niłk'eh similar to each other
niłk'eh eltsįį audio they look alike
xondéyh audio she or he is alive
SYN live
xunelt'eey audio  all
xunelt'êey iin ech'įh'aał audio you feed all of those people
xuts'enelt'eh audio all of us
xunts'enelt'eh ts'į́' n'éł nayits'aa'áał audio we all will eat with you
dzeen uudíh audio all day
dzeen uudíh nts'é t'índę'ę? audio  what do you do all day?
neexon dú' teddh uudíh ts'ahteets. audio  as for us, we sleep all night.
k'áhjîil audio
k'áhjiîl t'êey koth t'íshíłáak audio I almost caught a cold again.
shę́ę' audio alone
SEE only
shih shę́ę' audio I am alone
dishę́ę' éedah audio she or he lives alone
kón' k'ée éedah audio someone home alone
k'eddh audio besides, next to
shk'eddh didhindah audio sit beside me
SYN beside
shax k'eddh saa t'âagh didhindah audio sit in the shade next to the house
k'ôd audioALSO enough
k'ôd xúu' shęę' audio enough already!
chíh audio
SYN too
díi chíh nį́h'ęh? audio what else do you see?
díi chíh eyninthenh? audio what else do you want?
k'á' chíh natelshíik audio
chích'ah audio too, also
ishndah deh chích'ah dendeey iin ehts'iik audio people are sick at my workplace too
êy chíh chích'ah le' that one too
SEE though
shée' audio
etndah shę́ę' audio she or he is always working
nt'o xúu' dínt'êey sínt'eh audio it's always like that
SEE is
shaa ch'á' xál'ęh audio I am amazed (at an activity)
shaa ch'á' xdįht'eh audio  I am amazed (at a situation)
maa ch'á' xdįht'eh audio she or he is amazed (at a situation)
k'áatthé' audio
SYN bullet
wutah audio among it
xuutah ts'iik daath audio sickness is spreading among them
shaa xdint'eh audio it is amusing, amazing to me
tsíyûul audio
SYN forefathers
wuts'enh xáts'áltsįį audio we are descended from them
éł audio
dendîig éł wudzih iin éł audio moose and caribou
see 'after (in time)' for "and then"
ts'į́' audio
ts'ani'elt'eh audio he's angry
imperfective paradigmaudio
ts'ani'egt'eh ts'anits'elt'eh
ts'ani'ilt'eh ts'ani'alt'eh
ts'ani'elt'eh ts'anixelt'eh

sts'į́' ts'ani'elt'eh audio he or she is angry with me
shshíi xnét-tthet audio  I am really angry (but not visibly showing anger)
stá'ilch'éex audio he or she went away in anger

nûun audio a mammal (for example, fox or rabbit)
nahkaay audio wounded animal
wu'enh audio
shkeechěnn' audio my ankle
kelahdôdz audio
The same term is used to refer moose or caribou antlers or sheep horns.
ch'edé' audio antlers ALSO horn
dendîig dé' audio moose antlers
ch'edé' théth audio velvet on antlers
shtthel audio my anus
SYN rectum
dóo t'êey audio
neeshax dóo t'êey kó́l audio  there's nobody at home
díi t'êey audio  anything
díi t'êey ch'e le' audio anything at all
niłts'edíndlah audio it is apart
xúu' k'éxúltsįį audio it appears to be that way
xúu' k'éxúltsįį deh ch'e nach'ih'âadl audio I ate at a place like that one
SEE resemble
aames audio
yits'į́' xáhtseyh audio
shetth én' etthet ts'į́' t'êey yitsį́' xáhtseyh audio she or he is sweeping the snow away as he/she approaches him/her
Ch'etthaayh Sǎa' \de LITERALLY 'red-tailed hawk month'
tthel audio
SYN ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii)
SEE is
SYN region
xt'een audio  area
ndée xt'een inłęę? audio where (what area) are you from?
Dihthâad xt'een ihłęę audio I'm from Mansfield
łedadzetxąą audio we are arguing with each other
łedaxdetxąą audio they picked an argument with each other
medatdédhihmáak audio  I argued angrily with him or her
shgáan' audio my arm
shtth'íil' audio my forearm
shgaantthį́į' 'under part' of my upper arm
shk'éhts'ax audio my armpit
SEE smell
kendah audio
shax kendah tedhíhshah audio I was going around the house
wughandah audio around it
wughandah nach'enehtl'ų́' audio she or he sewed around it
jah shghendah didédhaltth'ih audio you all sit here around me
shxghendah ch'ekô1 audio there is nothing around me
nixunin'ąą audio  it is arranged, settled
tsá' nixunin'ąą audio beaver arranged his house
nts'ogh ndáa ch'e nixunin'aan? audio how in the world did you do this?
ninshah audio she or he arrived
perfective paradigm audio
nihshah ts'enindeetl
ninshah nahdeetl
ninshah xnindeetl

ndée dą́'ą jah nininshah? audio when did you arrive here?
łii xědl' shíi ch'e jah níhshaay audio I arrived here in a dog sled
SEE go

different kinds of arrows were used for different purposes.
tuuk'á' audio  arrow for waterfowl
ch'edé' tes audio blunt arrow for small game
k'á' audio big game arrow
tuuk'á' chiid audio arrowhead for water fowl arrow
ch'edé' tes chiid audio arrowhead for blunt arrow
nen dú'? audio as for you?
SEE embarrassed
kón' łědz'
lts'iis audio birch fungus ashes ALSO punk
wudįhket audio ask him/her!
díi gha shúdįhkét audio why did you ask me?
nudekket audio  I ask you
shudįhket audio you ask me
nudehket audio she asks you
ts'udehket audio  we ask her
yudehket audio he asks her
t'áath audioALSO cottonwood, poplar
niłshíi'álsheeyh audio they (plural objects) are assembled, gathered together
niłshíixatdeetl audio people are gathered together
yi'éł dé'ęh audio he is assisting her
tah audio
teddh tah shę́ę' xunsų́ų gheldzeey ts'eneh'i1ix. audio we can see the moon real well at night.
ts'į́' audio at (in the direction of)
yits'į́' tsutéh'ah audio he or she pointed at him or her
yedeet'eyh audio it is attached (tied) to it
SEE try
êy éł xghádeldêddh an auger
ch'ed audio snowshoe awl
SYN awl
Tanacross has different words that depend whose she is the sister of.
shaak'ey audio my aunt (mother's sister)
stsųų audio my aunt (father's sister) also grandmother
yadíimeey audio
SYN northern lights
noxłuu audio
SYN fall (season)
noxłuu xúnłęę audio it is autumn
wuch'aa énn' audio
wuch'á' énn' xedilda' audio stay away from him
xółxatndéyh audio  she or he is awake
SEE awake
ch'aa audio  away from
dendîig yich'á' sta'itdetth audio  the moose ran away from him
ya'én' audio  away, over there (distant)
ya'én' tíhhaał audio I'm going down that way (toward , say, Copper Center from Tanacross)
teth na'âaz menh dehtaan sixúnt'eh audio there is a lake on the other side of that hill
ttheł audio an awl
ch'ed audio snowshoe awl ALSO auger
chín'êy audio  an axe
ch'ín'êy tį́į' audio axe handle

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