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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'ani'elt'eh audio he's angry
imperfective paradigmaudio
ts'ani'egt'eh ts'anits'elt'eh
ts'ani'ilt'eh ts'ani'alt'eh
ts'ani'elt'eh ts'anixelt'eh

sts'į́' ts'ani'elt'eh audio he or she is angry with me
shshíi xnét-tthet audio  I am really angry (but not visibly showing anger)
stá'ilch'éex audio he or she went away in anger

nûun audio a mammal (for example, fox or rabbit)
nahkaay audio wounded animal
wu'enh audio
shkeechěnn' audio my ankle
kelahdôdz audio
The same term is used to refer moose or caribou antlers or sheep horns.
ch'edé' audio antlers ALSO horn
dendîig dé' audio moose antlers
ch'edé' théth audio velvet on antlers
shtthel audio my anus
SYN rectum
dóo t'êey audio
neeshax dóo t'êey kó́l audio  there's nobody at home
díi t'êey audio  anything
díi t'êey ch'e le' audio anything at all
niłts'edíndlah audio it is apart
xúu' k'éxúltsįį audio it appears to be that way
xúu' k'éxúltsįį deh ch'e nach'ih'âadl audio I ate at a place like that one
SEE resemble
aames audio
yits'į́' xáhtseyh audio
shetth én' etthet ts'į́' t'êey yitsį́' xáhtseyh audio she or he is sweeping the snow away as he/she approaches him/her
Ch'etthaayh Sǎa' \de LITERALLY 'red-tailed hawk month'
tthel audio
SYN ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii)
SEE is
SYN region
xt'een audio  area
ndée xt'een inłęę? audio where (what area) are you from?
Dihthâad xt'een ihłęę audio I'm from Mansfield
łedadzetxąą audio we are arguing with each other
łedaxdetxąą audio they picked an argument with each other
medatdédhihmáak audio  I argued angrily with him or her
shgáan' audio my arm
shtth'íil' audio my forearm
shgaantthį́į' 'under part' of my upper arm

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