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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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aak̲w (7) give orders, decide, plan, try
try it, attempt it
O-ka-(u)-S-ø-.aak̲w (na act) for S to try, attempt O
plan it
O-ka-S-ø-.aak̲w~ (Ø act) for S to plan O
order him/her, give him/her instructions (esp. concerning work)
át O-ji-ka-u-S-ø-.aak̲w~ (na act) for S to give O orders, instructions (esp. concerning work)
give him/her orders; command, instruct him/her
át O-ka-S-ø-.aak̲w~ (na event) for S to give orders to, command, instruct O
give him/her an opportunity to speak; give him/her directions as to what to say
O-x̲'a-ka-(u)-S-ø-.aak̲w (na act) for S to give O an opportunity to speak; for S to give O directions as to what to say
decide about it; plan it
yan~ O-ka-S-ø-.aak̲w~ (ø motion) for S to make a decision about O; for S to finish planning O
order oneself to do it; make oneself do it
át sh ji-ka-S-d-.aak̲w~ (na event) for S to make oneself do something
dlaan (2) deep
deep (of water, snow, etc.)
ø-dlaan~ (g̲a state) for water, snow, etc. to be deep, to be piled thickly
deep, thick, piled up (of snow, pine needles, etc)
yan~ ka-ø-dlaan~ (ø motion) for grain-like objects, pine needles, snow to be deep, thick, pile up
dlaak̲ get, succeed, accomplish, defeat, win
win, gain, get, obtain it; acquire it; succeed, accomplish it; defeat him/her/it
O-ya-S-ø-dlaak̲~ (na event) for S to gain, get, obtain, acquire O; for S to succeed, accomplish O; for S to defeat, beat O
l'eel' (2) defecate
a-S-ø-l'éel'~ (Ø act) for S to defecate
poop oneself
sh daa a-S-d-l'éel'~ (Ø event) for S to poop oneself
neek (5) tell, talk, explain, report, witness, gossip, disagree, prophesy, interpret, preach, narrate, defraud, call
tell, report about it; witness, testify about it
O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (na act) for S to tell about, report about, give facts about O; for S to witness to, tell about, testify about O
tell the story of it; talk into it
O-ka-S-l-neek (na act) for S to tell the story of O; for S to talk into O
explain it
(N een) k̲unáax̲ daak O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (Ø act) for S to explain O (to N)
tell on, inform on, betray (secret)
kei O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (Ø motion) for S to tell on, inform on, betray O
tell a story, narrate; preach
sh ka-S-d-l-neek (na act) for S to preach, narrate, tell a story
seek1 delayed, prevented, held back
delayed, prevented, held back from plans (often due to inclement weather)
O-ya-ø-seek~ (ø event) for O to be delayed, prevented, held back from plans (often due to inclement weather)

áx kei saxíxji kaa ooxú

kaa ooxú

yaakw deny
deny, contradict, declare untrue
P-x̲ a-ka-u-S-l-yáakw (na state) for S to deny, cotradict, declare P untrue
naak̲2 (3) let go, release, leave, desert, hand over
let go of, release him/her/it; leave, desert him/her/it; hand him/her/it over
O-ji-S-ø-naak̲~ (ø event) for S to let go, release, relinquish O; for S to leave, desert O; for S to hand over, deliver up O
quit, give up (esp. drinking)
O-x̲'a-S-ø-naak̲~ (Ø event) for S to quit, give up O (esp. drinking)
quit, stop work
ji-S-d-naak̲~ (Ø event) for S to quit, stop work
s'eex̲' (2) diarrhea
diarrhea (cause him/her to have diarrhea)
O-S-l-s'éex̲' (g̲a event) for S to cause O to have diarrhea
diarrhea (get, have diarrhea)
O-ø-s'éex̲' (g̲a event) for O to get, have diarrhea

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