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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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shaat (4) catch, hold, change mind
catch it; grab him/her/it; arrest him/her/it; trap him/her/it
O-S-ø-sháat~ (ga event) for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O
gust (move in gusts (of weather)) II
P-t~ a-ya-ø-sháat~ (Ø motion) for the wind, weather to move in gusts to P
hold it; capture it; hold it captive
O-S-l-sháat~ (g̲a act) for S to hold, retain O in one's grasp; for S to capture, hold O captive
change one's mind
k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-sháat~ (ø motion) for S to change one's mind
aat2 (17) think, give, take, carry, lie2, speak, turn, change mind
think over, consider, make up one's mind about (plural subject)
N daa yoo tu-S-l-.aat~ (ø act) for (plural) S to think over, consider, make up one's mind about N
change one's mind; think it over and reconsider, be converted (plural subject)
N daatx̲ k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to change mind about N; for (plural) S to think over and reconsider N
button it up
aanáx̲ O-ka-S-l-.aat~ (Ø act) for S to button up O
lying there (to have small objects lying there)
P-t O-ka-S-l-.át (position) for S to have O (small objects) lying at P
lie there (of small objects)
P-t ka-l-.át (position) for small objects to lie at P
lie there (of several things; of dead or unconscious persons or animals)
P-t l-.át (position) for several things to lie at P; for several persons or animals to lie dead, unconscious, or incapacitated at P
carry them, take them (esp. baggage) VII
P-dé O-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for S to carry, take (plural) O (esp. baggage) to P
speak, talk to him/her (plural subject)
N ée-t~ x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to speak, talk to N
give, take, hand it to him/her (small, round or hoop-like objects)
N jee-t~ O-ka-S-l-.aat~ (ø event) for S to give, take, hand O (small, round or hoop-like objects) to N
give, take, hand them to him/her (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
N jee-t~ O-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand (plural) O (esp. baggage and personal belongings) to N
lying down (of human) (plural subject)
(P-t) sh S-d-l-.át (position) for (plural) S to be lying down (at P)
speak, talk, make speech (plural subject)
x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (na event) or (plural) S to speak, talk, make a speech
turn the wheel (boat, car) I
kei O-ya-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to turn O (boat, car)
put it down, leave it (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
yan~ O-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave (plural) O (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
lie down (of human) (plural subject)
yan~ sh S-d-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to lie down
stop speaking, stop talking (plural subject) II
yan~ x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to stop talking
speak to, talk to, converse (plural subject)
yoo x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (ø act) for (plural) S to speak, talk, converse
k̲aa1 (7) ask, charge, confess, order, say, send, tell
instruct him/her; give him/her orders to do
áa O-ji-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to instruct, give O orders (to do)
send him/her on a mission, errand
O-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to send O (esp. on a mission or errand, or to deliver a message)
confess, acknowledge, declare; charge, set the price, charge for
(N éede) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
insult him/her, offend him/her by what one says
sh tugéit O-ya-S-d-s-k̲aa~ (Ø event) for S to insult, offend O by what one says
tell him/her (a certain thing)
(yéi) O-daa-ya-S-ø-k̲á (act) for S to tell O (a certain thing)
say (a certain thing); confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
(yéi) ya-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
tell, say to him/her; ask him/her to do
(yóo) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to tell, say (that) to O; for S to ask O to do (that)
keil'1 flee, run, chase
chase him/her/it out into the open
daak O-l-kéil'~ (ø motion) for S to chase O into the open
aat' (5) cold, cool, chill
chill it; make it cold
O-S-s-.áat'~ (ø act) for S to make O cold, cool
cold (of weather)
k̲u-s-.áat' (ga state) for the weather to be cold
cold (feel cold, of person)
O-sa-ø-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O (person) to feel cold
cold (of inanimate object)
s-.áat' (Ø state) for an inanimate object to be cold
cold (of face)
O-ya-d-s-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O's face to be cold
x̲oot'2 (2) chip
chip it out
O-S-ø-x̲óot'~ (Ø act) for S to chop O (wood); for S to chip O out (with adze)
chop it up; split it (wood)
O-ka-S-l-x̲óot' (g̲a act) for S to chop up O; for S to split O (wood)
t'ook shoot, choose
shoot it (with bow and arrow); choose it (in gambling with sticks)
O-S-ø-t'óok~ (ø event) for S to shoot O (with bow and arrow); for S to choose O (in gambling with sticks)
s'oow chop
chop it
O-S-ø-s'óow~ (na act) for S to chop O (esp. chopping down trees, chopping off branches)
hein own, claim
own, claim it
O-S-ø-héin (na state) for S to own, claim O (esp. clan property)
xaats' clear
clear (of sky), be clear, cloudless
a-ka-ø-xáats'~ (na event) for the sky to be clear, cloudless

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