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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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xaat1 (4) pull tight, tie, connect
connect, attach, tie it there
(P-dé) O-ka-S-s-xaat~ (Ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to connect, attach, tie O (to P)
connected, attached, tied there
P-(dé) ka-s-xaat~ (Ø state; CV́C Hort/Pot) for something to be connected, attached, tied (to) P
tight (of lid, rope, etc.)
ka-ø-xaat~ (Ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for a lid, rope, etc. to be tight
pull it tight
O-ka-S-s-xaat~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to tighten, pull on O (something fastened at the other end)
aa2 (2) examine, kiss, consider, think over, come to senses
examine, inspect it; judge, assess it
N daa ya-S-d-s-.aa~ (na act) for S to examine, inspect, look into, judge, assess N
kiss him/her
N x̲'éi-t~ ya-S-d-s-.aa~ (ø motion) for S to kiss N
deek' (2) constipate
constipate him/her; plug it
O-S-s-déek'~ (Ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to constipate, plug O
constipated, plugged
O-d-s-déek'~ (Ø event; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for O to be constipated, plugged
yeik2 hold, contain
hold more, contain more; hold a lot (of container)
l-yék (ga state) for something to hold more, contain more; for something to hold a lot
ee (3) cook
at (ø act) for S to cook
cook it (ø act) for S to cook O
yan~ ø (ø motion) for food to be cooked, done cooking
tseek cook, barbecue, broil
barbecue it; broil it
O-S-l-tseek~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to broil O slowly, cook O directly over live coals, barbecue
x̲'aal'1 cook, dip
cook herring eggs by dipping briefly in boiling water and oil
O-ka-S-sh-x̲'áal'~ (Ø event; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to cook O (herring eggs) by dipping in boiling water and oil
aat' (5) cold, cool, chill
chill it; make it cold
O-S-s-.áat'~ (ø act) for S to make O cold, cool
cold (of weather)
k̲u-s-.áat' (ga state) for the weather to be cold
cold (feel cold, of person)
O-sa-ø-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O (person) to feel cold
cold (of inanimate object)
s-.áat' (Ø state) for an inanimate object to be cold
cold (of face)
O-ya-d-s-.áat'~ (Ø event) for O's face to be cold
Ch'a keetáanáx!
wooch een yéi jidané

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