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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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At oo áwé xat tuwatee.
Kúnáx áwé ax toowú kei guxsagóo yaxwadlaagí.
Yées káayagijeit kuka.óo ax léelk'u jiyís.
A káa daak xat sakgwaháa.
I jeedé kakkwashxéet tsu.
Yee jeedé kakkwashxéet seigánin.
teeʰ3 imitate, mimic, quote
imitate him/her; mimic his/her speech; quote him/her
O-x̲'a-S-ø-teeʰ (na act) for S to imitate O; for S to mimic O's speech; for S to quote O
geik̲ improper
improper; against the law
ku-d-géik̲ (ga state)
Dleit káa x'éináx _____ yóo duwasáakw.

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