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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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x̲eitl blessed, lucky
lucky, blessed
O-li-x̲éitl (ga state) for O to be blessed, be lucky


héix̲waa magic
perform rites, make magic
O-S-ø-héix̲waa (na act) for S to make magic, perform rites on O to bring desirable results in nature or give youngsters power and confidence
kaa2 copy, make a face
copy him/her/it; copy what s/he said; make a face at him/her
O-ka-S-d-kaa (na act) for S to copy O
Wooch yáx naxdatee.
geiʰ1 (2) big, many
big, many
(yéi) k-u-ya-geiʰ~ (na state) for a thing to be (so) big; for things to be (so) many
big (that big, of plural things)
(yéi) + ka-u-d-geiʰ~ (na state) for (plural) things to be (so) big
haaʰ many, plenty, lots
many, plenty, lots
O-sha-ya-d-haaʰ~ (na state) for O to be many, plenty, lots
shaa1 (3) marry
marry him/her
O-S-ø-shaa~ (ø event; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to marry O
marry each other
wooch S-d-shaa~ (ø event; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S (two people) to marry each other
marry (get married)
O-du-ø-shaa~ (ø event; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for O to get married
A daa yoo x'eiwatán Martin Luther King aadé ldakát uháan ch'a wooch yáx haa kdidáal.
g̲ootl mash, squeeze
mash it; sqeeze it
O-ka-S-ø-g̲ootl~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to mash O by squeezing in the hand; for S to squeeze O tightly
Gu.aal yaxwadlaagík.

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