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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Cheese Q'en'dots'a' AJ+ES
Q'en'dots'a' igheqat gidiqad. AJ+ES She bought cheese at the store.

Chest Doghon AJ+ES
Vidoghon imo. AJ+ES His chest hurts.
Sidoghon imo. AJ+ES My chest is sick.
Vidoghon chux xelanh. AJ+ES He has a big chest.

Gu'oł. AJ+ES He is chewing something.
Genoq'uth is'oł. AJ+ES I'm chewing flat fish.
Xełedz ngi'oł iy ngo genelnix.ES Chew it well or you'll choke on it.
Xełedz ngi'oł ngo genelnix. AJ Chew it well or you'll choke on it.

Chickadee Sigiggeq AJ+ES
Ngi'egh sigiggeq yidilighusr. ES Outside, chickadees are making noise. Chickadee sees something; it's a warning for people to get out of there fast.
Sigiggeq xiyh xiq'a itrix. AJ+ES Chickadee is crying for winter. They're winter birds so they're only warm in winter. They're cold in summer.

Chief Xunedhidon HM+KH
Diva qay xunedhidon? KH+HM Who is the village chief?

Nq'ołonh k'idz AJ+ES Little girl  
Nq'ołonh k'idz ngi'egh nixiniłghon'. AJ+ESA little girl is playing outside. 
Chel k'idzAJ+ES Little boy  
Chel k'idz ngi'egh xidilighusr. AJ+ES Little boys are playing outside.

See "Boy", "Girl"

Children Sraqay AJ+ES
Sraqay ndadz dixit'anh? AJ+ES What are the children doing?

Chin -yado'
Viyado' AJ+ES His chin
Viyado' k'idz xelanh. AJ+ES His has a little chin.

Gendlniq. HM+KH She started to choke.
Tth'inh endlniq. HM+KH She's choking on a bone.
Xot gehonh; nogenelnix.HM+KH Eat slowly; you will choke.

Niłtogidiłqoyh. AJ+ES She's chopping things in two.
Soxo niłtogidiłqoyh. AJ+ES He is chopping wood for me.
Chel dingonh oxo niłtogidiłqoyh.AJ+ES The boy is chopping wood for his mother.

Christmas Q'inodle chux JD+KH lit. Big prayer

See "Easter"

Church Q'inodle yix AJ+ES lit. Prayer house
Venhdida' q'inodle yix nasrodał. AJ+ES Tomorrow we'll go to church.

Cigarette Didljid AJ+ES
Didljid inagh iy; ngogh tr'ot'ix iy. AJ Don't touch that cigarette; it's bad for you.

City Qay xichux AJ+ES lit. Big village
Ngi'in Qay Xichux dhido. AJ+ES She's over in Anchorage.
Ngine' Qay Xichux dhisdo. AJ+ES I live in Fairbanks. lit. I live in upriver city.
Engan Qay Xichux dhido.AJ She lives in Seattle. lit. She lives in way outside city.

Claw, fingernail Logging AJ+ES
Dilogging axa xitrit. AJ+ES It scratches with its claws.

Clay Ethok łats HM+KH lit. Pot mud
Łats dithitl'idz iy axa tingił yixeghoyh. AJ+ES They used to make pots out of black clay.
Ethok łats diłdziq. HM+KH Clay is sticky.

Clean Ggusr qul AJ+ES lit. Dirt none
Ngiyixi ixidine'on vogh ggusr qul. AJ The floorboards are clean.
Ngiyix xiqidine'on vogho ggusr qul. ES The floorboards are clean.

Te giqilighing xiq'i hiy. AJ The water seems clear.
Yoyan' xelanh. AJ+ES It's clear weather. lit. Sky only it is.

Deloy q'idz xidhehoyh. AJ+ES Climb the mountain. lit. Go up the mountain.
Tso q'idz didhehoyh. AJ+ES Climb up in the cache.

See "Go"

Clock Viye xigighidl. AJ+ES lit. Inside it ticks, hits.
Nda nixinedhit viye xigighidl? AJ+ES What time is it by the clock?

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