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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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But Ine' KH+AJ
Ngi'egh q'utasdoyh ine' siyił xidijał. KH+AJ I could walk around outside but I'm really busy.
Imo ngilanh ine' gits'i'in tadhiyo. AJ+ES Even though he was sick he went hunting.

Butter Vasdliq KH+AJ From Russian "maslo", 'butter'.
Vasdliq aghisqat. HM+ED I bought butter.

Butterfly Nilividz ED
Nilividz q'unt'ox. ED+KH A butterfly is flying around.

Button Xiqondit'oy ED lit. Put it through a hole.
Sigiviqondit'oy yadz ixidlningh. ED+KH My button fell off.

Igheqat. ED+KH He bought it. lit. He paid for it.
Tritr itasqat. ED+KH I'm going to buy some firewood.

See "With"

By, beside Nedz LH+KH
Qun nedz dhedo. LH+KH Sit by the fire.


See "House"

Cache Tso ED+KH
Genoq'uth tso yeghitlo. ED+KH I put flat fish in the cache.

See "Sweets"

Calendar No'oy gilegiq ED+KH lit. Moon paper
No'oy gilegiq nił'anh. ED+KH She's looking at the calendar.

Yiqo xinayh. ED+KH He's calling.  
Ngiqo xitasał. ED+KH I'll call you.


Calm Deghatl ED+KH
Yeqin deghatl. ED+KH The Yukon is calm.

Camera Vaxa dinayeg alzrey ED+KH lit. With it our image is taken
Siginayeg vaxa alzrey ixedhinix. ED My camera is lost.

Camp out
Nod tr'inadhoł. ED+KH We camped two nights.
Gidegh enohił. ED+KH She will camp out.

Camprobber Srixgga' LH+KH
Srixgga' getiy gini'eyh. LH+KH Camp robbers are always stealing.

Can Nilughozr tingił AJ+ES lit. Soldered pail They used to get solder by melting it off cans.
Nilughozr tingił dix didhi'onh. AJ The can is on the shelf.
Nilughozr tingił ngidixi didhi'onh. ES The can is on the shelf.

Can opener Vaxa giqo yadz gitidit'idh ED+KH lit. With it the top is cut open
Xiday vaxa qiqo yadz gitidit'idh? ED+KH Where is the can opener?

Candy Liniy AJ+ES lit. That which is sweet
Sraqay liniy q'adixet'a. AJ+ES Children love candy.

Cane Titth HM+ED
Sitiddh AJ+ES My cane
Sitiddh axa q'u'isdoyh. AJ+ES I walk around with my cane.

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