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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to desire

he desires
kimiruq, dl. kimiruk, pl. kimirut

He desires a big house.
Kimiruq tupiqpaqaġukhuni.
school desk, school, lit., place of writing
aglagvik, dl. aglagviik, pl. aglagviich

The desk is brown.
Aglagvik iliktauruq.

to despise, to dislike [someone or others]

he despises her
uumigigaa, dl. uumigigaak, pl. uumigigaat

I despise that evil man.
Uumigigaa pigiitchuaq taamna aŋun.

he is determined to accomplish something

2. to become filled with determination to accomplish, to become heated up to win

He became determined, so he tried his turn in Eskimo Games.
Siimatchakhuni saavittuq anaktaqtuani.
tuunġaq, dl. tuunġak, pl. tuunġaich

The devil is bad.
Tuunġaq pigitchuq.
to speak another dialect of Iñupiaq

He is speaking another dialect.

The visitor speaks another dialect.
Iglaaq pimiulliaruq.
makkak or makkaq, dl. makkaak, pl. makkaich

Babies use diapers.
Iyaalugruich makkaktuġaqtut.
or Iyaalugruich makkaqtuġaqtut.

2. to change a diaper

I changed his diaper.

She changes his diaper.

3. she feels uncomfortable because her clothing is soggy
qaayuliqsuq, dl. qaayuliqsuk, pl. qaayuliqsut

The baby is uncomfortable with his soggy diaper.
Qaayuliqsuq iyaalugruaq makkaŋmiñik or makkaġmiñik.

The diaphragm is part of the body.
Mulik timim iḷaviñiġigaa.

to have diarrhea
itiktaq- or itiksi-

he has diarrhea
itiktaqtuq, dl. itiktaqtuk, pl. itiktaqtut

She has had diarrhea for two days.
Itiktaqtuq malġuŋni uvluŋni.

2. to have diarrhea

He has diarrhea.

She is having diarrhea.

to die; wither, of plant

she has died, it has withered
tuquruq, dl. tuquruk, pl. tuqurut

The plant has withered.
Nautchiaq tuquruq.

2. to stop living, lit., to stop

The old man died.
Aŋugaatchiaq nutqallaktuq.

3. to die, to live up to a certain time, lit., to go or exist up to that point

The old woman passed away.
Aaquaksraatchiaq taruŋaaglaallaktuq.

4. to calm down -of wind-

It has died down.

The west wind died down.
Qasruaġaa kanaknaq.
a different one, another one

You got a different one.
Atla piñiġiñ.

2. to become different, to change
atlaġuq- or atlaŋuq-

it is different
atlaŋuqtuq, dl. atlaŋuqtuk, pl. atlaŋuqtut

The house is different now because it has gotten old.
Tupiq atlaŋuqtuq utuqqaġuqhuni.

3. to be a different kind, another kind

it is a different kind, another kind
atlakauruq, dl. atlakauruk, pl. atlakaurut

The cloth is different.
Nukihaaq atlakauruq.
to be difficult

it is difficult

The work is difficult.
Sakiqnaqtuq savaaq.

2. it has become difficult to handle
sapiġñaqsiruq, dl. sapiġñaqsiruk, pl. sapiġñaqsirut

The dog is difficult to handle.
Sapiġñaqsiruq qipmiq analattuni.

3. to be difficult, to not be easy

It is difficult.

My job is difficult.
Savaaġa qaġananġitchuq.

dig to shovel, to dig with a shovel

he is shoveling, he is digging
nivaktuq, dl. nivaktuk, pl. nivaktut

She is shoveling for Eskimo potatoes.
Nivaktuq masrunun.

2. to dig

she is digging
paksraktuq, dl. paksraktuk, pl. paksraktut

The dog is digging.
Qipmiq paksraktuq.
diminutive, indicating small size and sometimes the state or quality of being familiarly known, lovable, or pitiable
-uraq [n-n]

a small puppy

my baby

my young son

2. to do surreptitiously, timidly or softly. May also indicate that the subject is either small, very young, or crippled.
-uraq [v-v]

to talk in such a way

to walk in such a way, as with small steps

The baby is sleeping. [As is typical of baby]
Paipiuraq siñŋuraqtuq.

to take a dip, to immerse oneself in water temporarily

He takes a dip in the water.
Misruktuq imiġmun.
dipnetqalu, dl. qaluk, pl. qalut

The dipnet is big.
Qalu aŋiruq.

2. to use a dipnet; to skim oil or fat when making fish oil, from cooking food, etc.

he is using a dipnet
qaluuqtuq, dl. qaluuqtuk, pl. qaluuqtut

The man is using a dip net for fish.
Aŋun qaluuqtuq qaluŋnun.
qalutauraq or tipaq [Eng.]

Where is my dipper?
Qalutauraġa naami? or
Tipaġa naami?

2. dipper -a bird-
aanaruum kiviruq

The dipper is a bird.
Aanaruum kiviruq tiŋmiurauruq.
director, governor, officer, one who leads or handles
aŋalati, dl. aŋalatik, pl. aŋalatit

The director manipulates the people.
Aŋalati aŋalatchiruq iñuŋnik.

dirt, debris, dust

The old house was filled with dirt, debris, dust, etc.
Tupaaqłuk puyamik immilḷḷaŋniqsuq.

2. to become dirty

it has become dirty, it is dirty
puyattuq, dl. puyattuk, pl. puyattut

The house is dirty.
Tupiq puyattuq.

3. to be messy, dirty

it is dirty, it is unclean, it is not neat
salumaitchuq, dl. salumaitchuk, pl. salumaitchut

The house is dirty.
Salumaitchug tupiq.

4. dirt, earth

dirt, mud

to be disappointed

he is disappointed

She is disappointed to find out that she’s not going.
Qapiqtuq aullaġnianġiññiqami.

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