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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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disciple, follower
maliġuaqti, dl. maliġuaqtik, pl. maliġuaqtit

The disciple is running and singing.
Maliġuaqti aqpaqsruqtuq atuutigalugu.

discipline, correction

Discipline should be practiced by everyone.
Nalġuqsruun iñupayaam atuqtaksraġigaa.

see also disappoint

to become discouraged

he is discouraged
qapiqtuq, dl. qapiqtuk, pl. qapiqtut

The man who was leaving is discouraged.
Aŋun aullaġniaqtuaq qapiqtuq.
disease, V.D.

Disease in the body is bad.
Atniġñaun timimi pigiitchuq.

to disembark

he has disembarked
niuruq, dl. niuruk, pl. niurut

The man has disembarked from the boat.
Iñuk niuruq umiamiñ.

a dish
puggutaq, dl. puggutak, pl. puggutat

Where are my dishes?
Naami puggutatka?

to dislike a certain action, to think something is not right

he dislikes his action
iłuaginġitchaa, dl. iłuaginġitchaak, pl. iłuaginġitchaat

She dislikes the action of the person who was against her.
Iłuaginġitchaa paaqsaaqtini.

2. to dislike -esp. a potential possession-

he dislikes it
naġġugigaa, dl. naġġugigaak, pl. naġġugigaat

My older brother dislikes his new shirt.
Aniŋama naġġugigaa atikłuksrautni.

She dislikes her new pants.
Naġġuruq kamikłutchiaġmiñik.

3. to dislike

I dislike you.

He dislikes her.

to be disobedient, to disobey

he is disobedient
kamaksriñġitchuq, dl. kamaksriñġitchuk, pl. kamaksriñġitchut

The child is disobedient.
Iyaalugruaq kamaksriñġitchuq.

2. to disobey, to go against

He disobeyed her and left.
Paaqsaaqługu aullaqtuq.

distant memorable past

All these past years, that woman would catch fish with a net.
Aippaavak tara taamna aġnaq kuvraqtuqtuq.

2. to be long, of distance or duration

The length of the river is long.
Sivisuruq kuuk.

3. to be short of distance, or duration

The stream is short.
Sivikitchuq kuuġuuraq.

4. at a distant place

He is far off at a distant place.
Taavani ittuq.

5. to be distant

it is distant

Kotzebue is far from Kobuk.
Qikiqtaġruk uŋasriksuq Laugviiŋmiñ.

to dive or accidently fall into water

he has fallen into the water
nakkaqtuq, dl. nakkaqtuk, pl. nakkaqtut

he has fallen into the water
nakkaqtuq, dl. nakkaqtuk, pl. nakkaqtut

The beaver has dived into the water.
Pałuqtaq nakkaqtuq imġum iḷuanun.

The grebe dived.
Suġliq nakkallaktuq.

to divide up into portions

he is dividing it
autaaġaa, dl. autaaġaak, pl. autaaġaat

He is dividing the caribou meat.
Tuttum niqaa autaaġaa.

2. to divide into portions, to break into pieces

Divide this among them.
Avguġuŋ una iliŋitñun.

qillan, dl. qillatik, pl. qillatit

In the old days, some of the Iñupiat had divining rods.
Taipchua Iñupiat iḷaŋich qillatiqaġniqsut.

to be dizzy

he is dizzy
iivyaaŋaruq, dl. iivyaaŋaruk, pl. iivyaaŋarut

He is dizzy today.
Iivyaaŋaruq uvluvak.

2. to be dizzy

He is dizzy.

I wonder why he is dizzy.
Suplunitai kaivraanŋuva.

3. to be dizzy

She is dizzy.

to do
su-, pi-

What is he doing?
Suva? dl. Suvak? pl. Suvat?

What will you do?

Did he do it?

He did it.

I will do it.
Pigisiiga. or Pigisigiga.

2. to do a lot of
-allak-, -łallak- [v-v]

She sure is doing a lot of work.

She sure is singing a lot.
medical doctor
taakti, dl. taaktik, pl. taaktit [Eng.]

A medical doctor helps sick people.
Taakti atniġñaqtuanik iłuaqsipchairaqtuq.
qipmiq, dl. qipmik, pl. qipmich

The dog is loose.
Qipmiq pituitchuq.

There are lots of dogs on the sandbar.
Qipmich iñugiaktut tirrami.
natmaun, dl. namautik, pl. natmautit

The dog is using a pack.
Qipmim atuġaa natmaun.
quŋisiġun, dl. quŋisiġutik, pl. quŋisiġutit

The dog is using a collar.
Quŋisiġun qipmim atuġaa.
alġun, dl. alġutik, pl. alġutit

Give me the dog dish.
Alġun qairruŋ uvamnun.

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