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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to smolder

it is burning slowly, smoldering
ikualauraaqtuq, dl. ikualauraaqtuk, pl. ikualauraaqtut

The fire was burning slowly this morning.
Ikualauraaqtuq ikniq uvlaaq.
to be smooth, level, flat

it is smooth, level, flat
qaiqsuq, dl. qaiqsuk, pl. qaiqsut

The floor is level.
Qaiqsuq natiq.
puyuq, dl. puyuk, pl. puyut

The smudge pot is used when there are lots of mosquitoes.
Puyuq atuġnaqtuq kiktuġiupman.
trail snack, traveling provisions [food]
taquaq, dl. taquak, pl. taquat

I have left my trail snack.
Taquaksrautiga unisiġniġiga.

2. to take a trail snack, to take travelling provisions

he has taken food for his trail snack
taquaqtuq, dl. taquaqtuk, pl. taquaqtut

The man has taken food for his snack along the trail.
Aŋun taquaqtuq apqutmi niqiksraġmiñik.

3. to have a snack before main dinner

Have this for a snack.
Itnatchimik taqqiutchiḷḷaktiġiñ.
snare -for small game-
nigatchiaq, dl. nigatchiak, pl. nigatchiat

The snare is used for rabbits.
Nigatchiaq atuqtuq ukalliñun.

2. to trap with snares

he is snaring rabbits, ptarmigans

My mother is snaring for ptarmigan.
Aanaga nigatchiaqtuqtuq aqargiñun.

3. to be snared

it is snared
napittuq, dl. napittuk, pl. napittut

The rabbit has been caught in a snare.
Ukalliq napittuq nigatchiamun.
sneeze to sneeze

he sneezed
tagiuqtuq, dl. tagiuqtuk, pl. tagiuqtut

The boy sneezed from too much pepper.
Aŋugauraq tagiuqtuq pappitḷuni.
kuukukiaq, dl. kuukukiak, pl. kuukukiat

The snipe is flying.
Kuukukiaq tiŋmiruq.
to snore

she is snoring
qamŋuiruq, dl. qamŋuiruk, pl. qamŋuirut

My father is snoring.
Taataga qamŋuiruq.
snowapun, dl. aputik, pl. aputit

The snow is white.
Apun qatiqtuq.

2. to snow

it is snowing -no wind-

3. a snowflake

The snowflake is white.
Qanik qatiqtuq.

4. to be blowing snow, to be drifting along the ground, ice -of snow-

It is blowing snow.

5. fresh snow, powder snow

The fresh snow is clean.
Apun nutaġaq puyaitchuq.

6. glazed snow in thaw time

to be glazed -of snow-

The snow has become hard.
Apun qiqsruqqaqtuq.

7. hard crusty snow

Hard crusty snow is good to walk on.
Sitḷiq pisrugvigiksuq.

8. melting snow

to be melting -of snow-

The snow is melting.
Apun auksałaktuq.

9. soft snow
aqiḷḷuqqaq, dl. aqiḷḷuqqak, pl. aqiḷḷuqqat

Soft snow is hard to travel on.
Aqiḷḷuqqaq sukaiññaqtuq iglauruni.

10. sugar snow -bottom layer nearest ground-
pukak, dl. pukaak, pl. pukaich

Sugar snow is used for making tea on an open fire.
Saiyyiuġniaqtuni siḷakun pukaŋmik aniuksraġnaqtuq.

11. to cover by snowing

it is covering with snow

It snowed last night.
Unnuavak apillaŋniqsuq.

It has covered it with snow.
It is snow covered.

The ground is covered with snow.
Nuna apigaa.
anayuutyaq, dl. anayuutyak, pl. anayuutyat

Snow shelters are helpful when one is lost during winter.
Anayuutyat ikayuutauraqtut tammaqtuanun ukiumi.

The snowbank is high.
Aniuvak kiŋiktuq.
to have snowblindness, to be snowblind

he has snowblindness, he is snowblind
illuktuq, dl. illuktuk, pl. illuktut

He was snowblind for a week.
Illuktuq akunniqsaami.

2. to be the time of year when people can become snowblind, which is in the spring

It is the time of snowblindness.
katiqsruġniq, dl. katiqsruġnaak, pl. katiqsruġniġich

He jumped over the snowdrift.
Katiqsruġniq qulautlugu nutiktuq.

2. snowdrift overhang -ready to fall-
mapsaq or tału

I saw an overhanging snowdrift.
Mapsaġmik tautuktuŋa.

An overhanging snowdrift is dangerous.
Tału nuyuaġnaqtuq.

3. snowdrift blocking a trail or in lee of a building
qimuagruk, dl. qimuagruuk, pl. qimuagruich
snowshoetaglu, dl. tagluk, pl. taglut

The snowshoes are used on snow.
Tagluk aputmi atuġnaqtuk.

2. snowshoe webbing

They use snowshoe webbing when making snowshoes.
Nuluq atuġaġigaat tagluli’amiŋ.

A mountain avalanche is dangerous.
Sisuuq iñġimi iqsiñaqtuq.
miillaq, dl. miillaak, pl. miillaich [Russ.]

Soap which is used for washing smells good.
Miillaq puyaiyautauruaq iġġuqtuni tipraġiksuq.
socksa sock, caribou fur or otherwise
aliqsi, dl. aliqsik, pl. aliqsit

Socks are used inside mukluks.
Aliqsik atuġnaqtuk iluakkun kammak.
soda, baking soda
siiġñaiyaun, dl. siiġñaiyautik, pl. siiġñaiyautit

We use baking soda when we cook hotcakes.
Siiġñaiyaun atuġikput siḷaavyiuqapta.
to be flexible, soft

it is soft, flexible
qituttuq, dl. qituttuk, pl. qituttut

The skin is soft.
Qituttuq amiq.

2. to be soft [of surface or sound]

It is soft.

It is soft to the touch.
Niġumiktuq aktuqtuni.

She is soft-spoken.
Niġumiktaamik uqaġuuruq.
nuna, maġġaq

The plant’s soil is dry.
Nautchiam maġġaŋa paliġñiġaa.

2. to be soiled; to be dirty

it is soiled -e.g. of clothes-
puyauruq, dl. puyauruk, pl. puyaurut

Her blankets are soiled, dirty.
Ikkii! Ulitchiaŋi puyauniqsut.

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