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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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air, atmosphere, weather

The weather is nice.

tiŋmisuun, dl. tiŋmisuutik, pl. tiŋmisuutit

The airplane landed at the airport.
Tiŋmisuun mitchuq mirviŋmun.

2. a small plane

3. a jet

alcohol, intoxicating beverage
taaŋŋaq, dl. taaaŋŋaak, pl. taaŋŋaich

Liquor is bad.
Taaŋŋaq pigiitchuq.

alder tree, rust colored dye from alder bark
nunaŋiak dl. nunaŋiak, pl. nunaŋiagich

They use alder bark to dye skins.
Nunaŋiak kipirrutigiraġigaat ammiñun.

to be alive -of an animal or plant

it is alive
uumaruq, dl. uumaruk, pl. uumarut

The plant is alive.
Nauriaq uumaruq.

2. to be alive -of a human-

He is still alive.

all of it or the whole thing

all of two things

all of three or more things

All of the people went to the town.
Iluqatiŋ iñuich nunaaqqimuktut.

I went to get all of them.
Iluqaitñik aigitka.

to be alongside, to be parallel

is along side, is parallel
saniġaqłiuruq, dl. saniġaqłiuruk, pl. saniġaqłiurut

The boys are running side by side.
Aŋugaurat saniġaqłiġiikhutiŋ aqpaqsruqtut.


The man took the dog, the boy, and also the boat.
Aŋutim piyai qipmiġu, suluunlu suli umiaq.

The river is always flowing.
Kuuk ataramik saġvaqtuq.


Where is my ammunition?
Qaġrutka naami?

ammunition case
qaġruqaġvik dl. qaġruqaġviik, pl. qaġruqaġviich

The ammunition case is brown.
Qaġruqaġvik iliktauruq.


located within something
located in between
dl. akunġakni
located among
pl. akunġatni

He is standing among the trees.
Akunġatni napaaqtut qichaqtuq.

Anchorkisaq, dl. kisak, pl. kisat

The anchor is heavy.
Kisaq uqumaitchuq.

2. anchor of a trap or snare
sautaaq, dl. sautaak, pl. sautaat

An anchor is used when trapping.
Sautaaq atuġnaqtuq naniġiaqtuqtuni.

3. to anchor

He is anchoring the boat.
Kisaġaa umiaq. or
Kisairuq umiamik.

and so, and then
aasriiñ, aasriiñ uvva, uvva aasriiñ

John went hunting and then fishing.
Pamiuqtaq aŋuniaqtuq aŋŋutinik aasriiñ niksiksuġiaqhuni suli.

2. and also -used in an additive sense, contrasts with aasriiñ

3. and -used in an additive sense, easily interchangable with suli-

I have a house, a sled and a dog.
Piqaqtuŋa tupiġmiglu, qilġiuraniglu suli qipmimik.

-lit, one with wings-
israġulik, dl. israġullak, pl. israġulgich

An angel has white garments.
Israġulik atnuġaaqaqtuq qatiqtaanik.

Angry to become angry

he has become angry, hurt, disturbed
uumitchaktuq, dl. uumitchaktuk, pl. uumitchaktut

He became angry when they fought with him.
Uumitchaktuq aŋuyakmatni.

2. to become angry at someone or something

He became angry at the disobedient dog.
Uumitchautigaa qipmiq uqaqsiġiiḷaq.
that which causes annoyance
uumiñaq- or naŋinnaq-

His constant blabbering is annoying.
Uqauraġuitḷaiḷha naŋinnaqtuq.

another one, different one
atla, dl. atlak, pl. atlat

You took a different one.
Atla taamna piñiġiñ.

2. to be different, to be another one

it is another one, it is a different one
atlauruq, dl. atlauruk, pl. atlaurut

to answer
kiu-, kiusri-

he answered, he replied

He answered when she called him.
Tuqłuqmani kiusriruq.

he answered him
kiugaa, dl. kiugaak, pl. kiugaat

He answered her when she asked a question.
Kiugaa apiqsruqmani.

kiktuqsralik, dl. kiktuqsrallak, pl. kiktuqsralgich

The ant is small.
Kiktuqsralik mikiruq.

nagruk, dl. nagruuk, pl. nagruich

Antlers can be used as sinkers on a net.
Nagruich atuġnaqtut kuvram saatqutaiñun.

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