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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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Here are nineteen caribou.
Uvva iñuiñaġuutaiḷaq tuttu.
sisamakipiaq qulit

There are ninety students at the school.
Aglaktuat aglagviŋmi iñugiaktilaaqaqtut sisamakipiaq qulinik.
qipmiuraŋa miluum

The nipple is on the breast.
Qipmiuraŋa miluum miluŋmi ittuq.
qaŋa, qaŋaa, qaŋŋaa

no! -emphatic-

No, I do not wish to go.
Qaŋŋaa! Aullaġunġitchuŋa!

No, I don't want you to do that.
Qaŋa, taatnaqunġitchikpiñ.
he is nodding his head to the music
niaquqsruqtuq, dl. niaquqsruqtuk, pl. niaquqsruqtut

My father is nodding his head while they are dancing.
Taataga niaquqsruqtuq aġġipmata.

2. to nod yes
niaqqumik aŋŋaq-

He is nodding yes.
Niaqqumiñik aŋŋaqtuq.
to be noisy, to be loud

it is noisy, loud
nipituruq, dl. nipituruk, pl. nipiturut

The musicians are noisy.
Atuqtuuraqtit nipiturut.

2. to be too noisy

he is too noisy

Oh! They were so noisy.

3. to overwhelm someone's hearing with noise

They made too much noise for him.
north, northwesterly wind
nigiqpak or nigiqpaq

The north wind is cold.
Nigiqpak alappaaŋuruq.

2. north wind

The north wind is blowing.

3. the direction north
nigiqpaum tuŋaa

He went north.
Nigiqpaum tuŋaanun aullaqtuq.

Northern lights are bright in the dark.
Kiiġuyat qaumarut unnuami.

2. northern lights are shining
kaviqsuaq, dl. kaviqsuak, pl. kaviqsuat

The sucker has lots of bones in its tail.
Kaviqsuaq saunġukkaqtuq sipiŋmiñi.

2. milugiaq, dl. milugiak, pl. milugiat

The northern sucker is hard to the touch.
Milugiaq siqquqtuq aktuqtuni.

nose; ventilator
qiŋaq, dl. qiŋŋak, pl. qiŋŋat

My nose is in pain.
Qiŋaġa atniġñaqtuq.

The house has a ventilator.
Tupiq qiŋaqaqtuq.

2. groove under nose; entire upper lip
kakkiviaq, dl. kakkiviak, pl. kakkiviat

The groove under his nose is red.
Kakkiviaŋa kaviġñiqsuq.

3. to have a nose bleed

he has a nose bleed
auktittuq, dl. auktittuk, pl. auktittut

The man has a nose bleed.
Aŋun auktittuq.

4. to blow one's nose

He is blowing his nose.

The nostrils are used to breathe through.
Qiŋŋak aniqsalugviuruk.
-nġit, -ñġit- after strong I- [v-v]

He did not arrive.

It is not here.
Maani inġitchuq.

She is not sewing.

2. to not be
-unġit-, -ŋunġit-

[used after nouns containing two vowels in the last syllable] [n-v]

He is not a woman.

It is not a boat.

It is not a lemming.

3. to not have
-it-, ŋit-
[used after nouns containing two vowels in the last syllable] [n-v]

He does not have a dog.

She does not have a boat.

4. to not know

He does not know.

He does not know about it.
to be nothing
piunġit- or suunġit-

He is nothing.

It is nothing, don't worry about it.
Suunġitchuq, isrumaaluutiginagu.
-sunset time-

When November comes, the sun sets early.
Nippivik tikitman, siqiñiq nipinaġiaġuusriraqtuq.

We are going now.
Pakma aullaġniaqtugut.

2. now, at this time
to be numb, not fully aware

it is numb
qauġrimaitchuq, dl. qauġrimaitchuk, pl. qauġrimaitchut

I am numb from shock.
Tupakpagitḷuŋa qauġrimaisauraaqtuŋa.

2. to be numb -physically-; to die

They numbed his ear.
Tuqupchaġaat siutaa.

My leg is still numb.
Niuga tuquŋaruq suli.
-lit. that which to count by-
kisitchiñ, dl. kisitchisik, pl. kisitchisit or
kisirrun, dl. kisirrutik, pl. kisirrutit

Do you know the numbers?
Kisirrutit iḷisimavigich?
to nurse, of an infant

he is nursing
miluktuq, dl. miluktuk, pl. miluktut

The baby is nursing.
Iyaalugruaq miluktuq.

She is nursing her baby.
Miluktitkaa iyaalugruani.

2. a nurse
nurse-aq, iłuaqtitchiñiaqti
[lit. one who attempts to make another or others well or good]
or mairitchiqiri [lit. one who deals with medicine]

The nurse came.
Aggiqsuq nurse-aq.
qaqquġnaq, dl. qaqquġnak, pl. qaqquġnat

They are passing out nuts to the children.
Qaqquġnanik aatchuqtuigitchut iyaalugruaġnun.


ipun, dl. iputik, pl. iputit

The oar is longer than the paddle.
Ipun takitluktuq aŋuutmiñ.

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