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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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paatnaq, dl. paatnaak, pl. paatnat [Eng.]

2. to be partners, also in the sense of a special friendship between people who trade items and are loyal friends to each other

They -2- are partners.

My such partner.
to meet and pass each other

they -2- pass each other
paaqsaaġutiruk, pl. paaqsaaġutirut

The two men passed each other.
Malġuk iññuk paaqsaaġutiruk.

2. to pass, to grow taller than someone else

he passed it

He passed me. or
He grew taller than me.

3. to pass overhead

it is passing overhead
qulauttuq, dl. qulauttuk, pl. qulauttut

The plane is flying above us.
Tiŋmisuutim qulautkaatigut.

4. to pass by via waterways, frozen or melted

The barge is slowly passing by.
Umiaqpak sarġutchaaqtuq.

There is the dog musher passing by on the river.
Taunna uniaġaqtuaq sarġuttuq.

5. to pass by outside of tent, house or building

He went past the house outside of us.
the past

2. distant memorable past, further away in time than ikpaksraavak

In the distant memorable past, long ago

3. recent past, at a particular time

4. in the past, before this time, before

We used to do that in the past.
Sivuani uvva taatnaġuuruani.
pastor, missionary
aŋaayyuliqsi or agaayyuliqsi, dl. aŋaayyuliqsik, pl. aŋaayyuliqsit

The pastor is a preacher in the village.
Aŋaayyuliqsi quliaqtuaqtauruq nunaaqqimi.
a path cut through brush or trees

The path is open.
Kiksrat aŋmarut.

2. the path, the way
apqun, dl. apqutik, pl. apqutit.

Follow the path.
Apqun malguraġlugu.
to be patient

She is patient.

to become patient

She became patient and watched the children.
Qatmiiqhuni qaunagigai iyaalugruich.
uuktuun, dl. uuktuutik, pl. uuktuutit

I used a pattern to make the mukluks.
Atuġiga uuktuun kammi’ama.

2. peace

Peace to all people.
Qiñuiññaq iluqaitñun iñuŋnun.
to be peaceful, to be calm

it is peaceful, is calm
qiñuitchuq, dl. qiñuitchuk, pl. qiñuitchut

The man is peaceful.
Aŋun qiñuitchuq.

2. to be a calm, peaceful person, -lit. one who does not nag or complain-

She is peaceful and calm.

The pelvic girdle is big.
Kuutchiñaak aŋiruk.
pencilaglaun, dl. aglautik, pl. aglautit

The pencil is used for writing.
Aglaun atuġaqtuq aglaktuni.

The penis is part of a man’s body.
Usruk aŋutim timaani ittuq.

There are many people.
Iñuich iñugiaktut.

2. young people
nutaat, nutaqqat

3. younger people, teenagers
nutaġaurat, nutaat

Young people will also become old.
Nutaat utuqqanaaġuġisikmiut.

4. old people

The old people are many.
Utuqqanaat iñugiaktut.
papa, dl. papak, pl. papat [Eng.]

Pepper can also be added to a stew.
Papaliġñaqmiuq imiġaurriugaq.
-lit. a means of causing good odor-, incense
tipigiksaun, dl. tipigiksautik, pl. tipigiksautit

Perfume is yellow.
Tipigiksaun suŋaqpaluuruq.
to persecute, to torture

He was persecuted for his beliefs.
Nagliksaaqtitkauruq ukpiqsriiġmigun.
to be persevering, to be confident

he is persevering, does not give up, is confident, has hope
nikaitchuq, dl. nikaitchuk, pl. nikaitchut

My sister doesn’t give up when she picks berries.
Aniqatiga nikaitchuq aullaqsruġniaqami.

2. to persevere, to keep on going

he is persevering, keeps on going

He is persevering in spite of temptations.
Sivutmuuruq nikasraaġutit itkaluaŋŋaitñik.
iñuk, dl. iññuk, pl. iñuich

That person is good.
Iñuk taamna nakuuruq.

2. a person born in the same year as self or others
iñuuqan, dl. iñuuqatik, pl. iñuuqatit

She is the same age as I. lit., There is the one who is the same age as I am. Iñuuqatiga tara.
auksruaq, dl. auksruak, pl. auksruat

Phalarope is the name of a bird.
Auksruaq atqa tiŋmiuram.

2. northern phalarope
qayyiiġun, dl. qayyiiġutik, pl. qayyiiġutit

The northern phalarope is small.
Qayyiiġun mikiruq.
to pick up many items

he is picking up again and again, he is gathering
pukuktuq, dl. pukuktuk, pl. pukuktut

he is picking them up, he is gathering them

He is picking up clothes.
Pukuktuq atnuġaanik.

She is picking up wood chips.
Pukukkai ulimmakut.
pick berries
2. to pick berries

she is picking berries
aullaqsruġniaqtuq, dl. aullaqsruġniaqtuk, pl. aullaqsruġniaqtut

The woman is picking blueberries.
Aġnaq aullaqsruġniaqtuq asriaviŋñik.

3. to pick up, to take hold of something

she has taken hold of something
tigusriruq, dl. tigusriruk, pl. tigusrirut

He has picked up a pencil from the floor.
Aglautmik tigusriruq natiġmiñ.

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