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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be pleased, to be very happy

She was pleased to be in school.
Pipikaqtuq aglagiaqami.

The stars of the Pleiades constellation are up in the sky.
Siqupsiqqat uvluġiat ittut qiḷaŋmi.
plenty, abundant, a lot

She caught plenty of fish.
Atqunaq qaluktuq.

2. plenty! enough!

There are plenty of berries.
Apai asriat.
kiggisik, pl. kiggisit

The pliers are lost.
Kiggisik tammaqtuk.
black-bellied plover
tullikpak, dl. tullikpaak, pl. tullikpaich

The black-bellied plover can fly.
Tullikpak tiŋmitḷaruq.

2. golden plover
tullik, dl. tulliik, pl. tulliich

The golden plover is a bird.
Tullik tiŋmiurauruq.

3. semipalmated plover
qurraquraq, dl. qurraqurak, pl. qurraqurat

A semipalmated plover is also a bird.
Qurraquraq tiŋmiuraukmiuq.

4. upland plover
nunam kanaaqturuaŋa, dl. nunam kanaaqturuaŋak, pl. nunam kanaaqturuaŋat

The upland plover is a bird.
Nunam kanaaqturuaŋa tiŋmiurauruq.
to pluck fowl

he is plucking fowl
iġitchaqtuq, dl. iġitchaqtuk, pl. iġitchaqtut

She is plucking a goose.
Iġitchaqtuq tiŋmiamik.

she is plucking it
iġitchaġaa, dl. obj. iġitchaġik, pl. obj. iġitchaġai

He is plucking the duck.
Iġitchaġaa tiŋmiaġruk.
aiñiq, dl. aiññak, pl. aiñġich

The pocket has a hole.
Aiñiq allaqaqtuq.
point, promontory
nuvuk, dl. nuvuuk, pl. nuvuich

2. to point with finger

to keep on pointing

he is pointing
tikkuaqtuqtuq, dl. tikkuaqtuqtuk, pl. tikkuaqtuqtut

The teacher is pointing at me.
Aglakti tikkuaqtuqtuq uvamnun.
to poke at with a stick, to break up pieces of ice with a sharp pointed metal tool
tuggaq-, or tugak-

The woman poked at the mouse’s hole with a stick.
Aġnam tuggaġaa -or tugakkaa- aviññaum sigauraŋa.

2. to poke with a sharp object; to sting, of an insect

it poked her
tuuqtiġaa, dl. tuuqtiġaak, pl. tuuqtiġaat

The wasp stung her.
Tuggayuum tuuqtiġaa.

poking stick
tuggaun, dl. tuggautik, pl. tuggautit

The man’s poking stick is long.
Aŋutim tuggautaa takiruq.
pole, pillar, post
ayak, dl. ayyak, pl. ayaich

The pole is in the house.
Ayak tupiġmi ittuq.

2. a pole

Maniiḷaq used to have a pole with him at all times.
Maniiḷaq napaqsraqaġuuniqsuaq.

3. a pole, a grave marker
nappaqutaq, dl. nappaqutak, pl. nappaqutat

There were many poles by their house.
Nappaqutat iñugiaktut siḷataatni.
common red poll, hoary red poll
saksakiq, dl. saksakik, pl. saksakich

The common red poll stays during winter.
Saksakiq ittaqtuq ukiumi.
iḷuqutaq, dl. iḷuqutak, pl. iḷuqutat

The porcupine tastes good when you eat it.
Iḷuqutaq niġiruni kayumiktuq.
cooking pot
utkusrik, dl. utkusriik, pl. utkusriich

My cooking pot is big.
Utkusriga aŋiruq.
potatomasru, dl. masruk, pl. masrut

plant of Eskimo potato
masruqutaq, dl. masruqutak, pl. masruqutat

We search for the stems of Eskimo potatoes when gathering them.
Masruqutanik pakigaqtugut masrunniaqapta.
pour to pour

it is pouring
kuviuraaqtuq, dl. kuviuraaqtuk, pl. kuviuraaqtut

It is pouring onto the floor.
Kuviuraaqtuq natiġmun.

he is pouring it
kuviuraaġaa, dl. kuviuraaġaak, pl. kuviuraaġaat

He is pouring the water.
Kuviuraaġaa imiq.
praise, honor

They sang the song of praise.
Atuun nanġaun atuġaat.

2. to praise, to brag about

he is praising him
nanġaġaa, dl. nanġaġaak, pl. nanġaġaat

He praised the one who sang.
Nanġaġaa atuqtuaq.
pray to pray
aŋaayyu-, agaayyu-

she is praying

She is praying for her children.
Aŋaayyutigai qitunġani.

2. to ask for, to pray

she is asking for something, he is praying
iŋiqsruqtuq, dl. iŋiqsruqtuk, pl. iŋiqsruqtut

He is praying for help.
Iŋiqsruqtuq ikayuqupluni.

3. prayer
iŋiqsrułiq, pl. iŋiqsrułhich or
aŋaayyułiq, pl. aŋaayyułhich

Prayer is to be said at all times.
Aŋaayyułiq atuumaruksrauruq ataramik.
to preach

he is preaching

he is preaching about it

The pastor gave a sermon.
Aŋaayyuliqsi quliaqtuaqtuq.
preacher, pastor
aŋaayyuliqsi, agaayyuliqsi, quliaqtuaqti, uqaqti

The preacher came.
Aŋaayyuliqsi aggiqsuq.
to be pregnant

she is pregnant
naaqturuq, dl. naaqturuk, pl. naaqturut

The woman is pregnant.
Aġnaq naaqturuq.

2. to be pregnant, to have a fetus inside

She is pregnant.

Are you pregnant?

3. to be pregnant, to be bloated from overeating

she is pregnant, he is bloated from overeating
tiŋŋiqsiruq, dl. tiŋŋiqsiruk, pl. tiŋŋiqsirut

Her belly is bloated.
Narraak tiŋŋiqsiruk.

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