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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to prepare, to get ready, to pack

she is preparing
paqnaruq, dl. paqnaruk, pl. paqnarut

She is preparing to sing.
Paqnaruq atuġukhuni.
to be, to be present

she is present
ittuq, dl. ittuk, pl. ittut

He is present at the meeting.
Ittuq katimaruani.

2. at the present moment, now

She is here at present.
Pakma uvaniittuq.

3. a present, a gift

a present not yet given
pressure appliance stove, camp stove
siiġruk, dl. siiġruuk, pl. siiġruich

The camp stove uses gasoline.
Kaasliimik uqsruqtuġuuruq siiġruk.
to pretend
-ŋŋuaq- [v-v]

He is pretending that his arm is hurt.
Atniŋŋuaqtuq taliġmigun.

2. to pretend

he is pretending
piŋŋuaqtuq, dl. piŋŋuaqtuk, pl. piŋŋuaqtut

3. to pretend to believe, to be hypocritical

she is a hypocrite
ukpiŋŋuaqtuq, dl. ukpiŋŋuaqtuk, pl. ukpiŋŋuaqtut

A hypocrite is in danger.
Ukpiŋŋuaqti navianamiuruq.
to be pretty, good, nice to look at

she is pretty
qiñiyunaqtuq, dl. qiñiyunaqtuk, pl. qiñiyunaqtut

She is pretty when she dresses up.
Qiñiyunaqtuq paqnallakami.

2. to be pretty, fancy

it is pretty

The Christmas lights are pretty.
Aŋaayyuniqpaum naniŋi piññaqnaqtut.

3. to be pretty -of a female- to be cute or precious looking of children and animals and small, cute inanimate objects

she is cute

The puppy is cute.
Qipmiuraq anaŋŋaaŋuruq.

The girl is pretty.
Aġnauraq anaŋŋaaŋuruq.

4. How cute! How pretty! How precious looking!
to prick

she pricked herself
kakiruq, dl. kakiruk, pl. kakirut

The woman pricked her finger with the needle.
Aġnaq kakiruq -or kapiruq- mitqutmik.

2. to stab, prick, pierce, puncture; to get a shot with a hypodermic needle

He accidentally stabbed himself with a knife.
Kapliġniqsuq saviŋmik.

The nurse gave her a shot.
Mairitchiqirim kapigaa.

He is filled with self-pride.
Pigiłiġmik imaqaqtuq.

She is proud of herself.
Pigiruq iŋmiñun.
prison, jail
isiqtauvik, dl. isiqtauviik, pl. isiqtauviich

He is not in jail.
Isiqtauviŋmi piitchuq.
do it, say it, proceed, go ahead
ki, kii-kii or kii-kaa

Go ahead. Show me the way.
Kii-kii. Iḷisautiŋŋa tumimik. or
Ki! Iḷisautiŋŋa tumimik.
a promise, covenant
akiqsruun, dl. akiqsruutik, pl. akiqsruutit

We had heard the promise.
Akiqsruun tusraakkaqput.
prophet, apostle -lit. God’s speaker-
uqaqtaa Godŋum

2. prophet, one who foretells the future

The prophet tells about the future.
Sivuniksriqiri uqaqtuq sivuniksramik.
to shield, to protect
tuvluaq-, tugluaq-

she is shielding him, he is protecting him
tuvluaġaa, tugluaġaa

She is protecting him from harm.
Tuvluaġaa suviksraŋaniñ.

He protects us at all times.
to be proud, to think oneself worthy

he is proud of himself

She was proud when she completed her work.
Pigiruq pianikami savaaġmiñik.
to provoke, to tease

she is provoking him
pisaayugaġaa, dl. pisaayugaġaak, pl. pisaayugaġaat

2. to provoke
uumisaaq-, or uumisaaġuraq-

he is provoking her
uumisaaġuraġaa, dl. uumisaaġuraġaak, pl. uumisaaġuraġaat

The boy is provoking his older brother.
Nukatpialugruum uumisaaġuraġaa aniŋani.

3. to provoke, to bother, to tease

she is provoking him

Don’t tease!
prowler -unknown person who is sometimes seen from afar and is blamed for otherwise unexplained occurrences-
uliqqan, iññuqutaq, iqsiuq, dl. uliqqatik, iññuqutak, iqsiuk, pl. uliqqatit, iññuqutat, iqsiut

The prowlers can be noticed in early fall.
Uliqqatit uliġnaqsiraqtut ukiaksraaqman.
ptarmigan rock ptarmigan
niksaaktuŋiq, dl. niksaaktuŋik. pl. niksaaktuŋich

The rock ptarmigan lives on the tundra.
Niksaaktuŋiq natiġnami itchuuruq.

2. willow ptarmigan
aqargiq, dl. aqargik, pl. aqargich

The ptarmigan is white in winter.
Aqargiq qatiġaqtuq ukiumi.
immiñauraq, dl. immiñaurak, pl. immiñaurat

The puddle is muddy.
Immiñauraq maqatlauruq.
puffin common puffin, tufted puffin
qiḷaŋŋaaq, dl. qiḷaŋŋaak, pl. qiḷaŋŋaat

Puffins live at sea.
Qiḷaŋŋaat taġiumi itchuurut.
to pull -of an animal-

it is pulling -of an animal-
qimuktuq, dl. qimuktuk, pl. qimuktut

The dog is pulling a sled.
Qipmiq qimuktuq qiḷġiñik.

2. to pull a boat along the shore with a rope

He is pulling my boat along the shore.
Ukammaġaa umiaġa.

3. to pull

he has pulled it
nuqitkaa, dl. nuqitkaak, pl. nuqitkaat

The man has pulled the trigger of the gun.
Aŋutim nuqitkaa supputim nuqirrutaa.

4. to pull from opposite ends, to play tug-of-war

They -2- are playing tug-of-war.
to punish, to teach a lesson to

to punish oneself

She is punishing him.

2. to learn one’s lesson, to feel the effects of punishment

He learned his lesson.

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