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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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qauqutaq, dl. qauqutak, pl. qauqutat

A splinter hurts.
Qauqutaq atniġñaqtuq.

2. to get a splinter

she has a splinter
qauqiruq, dl. qauqiruk, pl. qauqirut

My son got a splinter from a piece of wood.
Iġñiġa qauqiruq qiruŋmik.
to split, to crack

it is split, it is cracked
qupiruq, dl. qupiruk, pl. qupirut

The ground has cracked.
Qupiniqsuq nuna.

2. to split, divide in two

she splits it in two
avikkaa, dl. avikkaak, pl. avikkaat

it has been split in two
aviktuq, dl. aviktuk, pl. aviktut
spoonaluutaq, dl. aluutak, pl. aluutat

Give me the spoon.
Aluutaq qairruŋ uvamnun.

2. little spoon
aluutauraq, dl. aluutaurak, pl. aluutaurat

The little spoon is used when eating.
Aluutauraq niġiruni atuġnaqtuq.
to spread, to scatter

it is spreading, it is being scattered
siamittuq, dl. siamittuk, pl. siamittut

The fire is spreading.
Iki siamittuq.

he is spreading them

She is spreading the papers on the floor.
Siamitkai kaliikkaich natiġmun.
-lit. potential summer-
upinġaksraq or upinġaksraaq, dl. upinġaksraak, pl. upinġaksraat

last spring

We went camping last spring.
Upinġaksraq aullaaqtugut.
upinġaksralliq, dl. upinġaksrallik, pl. upinġaksrallich

Spring skins are not good for clothing.
Upinġaksrallich amiġiitchut atnuġarriuqtuni.
mapsuksaaq, dl. niapsuksaak, pl. mapsuksaat

Give me that spring snare.
Qairruŋ taamna mapsuksaaq.
-lit. spruce’s puppy-
napaaqturn qipmiuraŋa, dl. napaaqtum qipmiuraŋik, pl. napaaqtum qipmiuraŋich

The spruce cone grows on the spruce tree.
Napaaqtum qipmiuraŋa nauraqtuq napaaqtumi.
spurts out -of liquids under pressure- to spurt water or food from the mouth. For instance when a person cannot control it but laughs, therefore spurting out what he has in his mouth.
suppuqtuq or sippuqtuq, dl. suppuqtuk, pl. suppuqtut

The stove oil spurts out.
Ikniġvium uqsrua suppuqtuq.

The whale breathes when it spouts.
Aġviq suppuqami aniqsaaġaqtuq.
to watch critically or carefully, to spy on

The girl is spying.
Aġnauraq naipiqtuuraqtuq.

he is spying on him, watching him carefully

She kept looking at her daughter to make sure she wouldn’t fall.
Naipiqtuġaa paniurani nallaqsraaqunġitḷugu.
to squat
quvsuk- or- qupsuk-

he is squatting

The old woman is squatting on the floor.
Quvsuktuq aaquaksraatchiaq natiġmun.
ground squirrel
siksrik, dl. siksriik, pl. siksrigich

The ground squirrel has a burrow in the earth.
Siksrik nunarni sisiqaqtuq.

2. tree squirrel, red squirrel
saqalataayiq, dl. saqalataayik, pl. saqalataayich

The tree squirrel can jump from one tree to another.
Saqalataayiq nuttakataġuuruq napaaqtuni.
to stab, to poke

he stabbed -himself-

He stabbed himself on the leg with a knife.
Kapiruq niumigun saviŋmik.

2. to stab suddenly

The prowler stabbed the man.
Iññiqugaurani kapliġaa aŋun.
to stagger

she is staggering
sanipaktuqtuq, dl. sanipaktuqtuk, pl. sanipaktuqtut

The drunkard is staggering.
Imiqtuaq sanipaktuqtuq.

2. to stagger

He is staggering.
stain, spot

There are dirt stains on the clothes.
Atnuġaat miñugluksimarut.

2. it is stained, spotted
miñugluktuq, dl. miñugluktuk, pl. miñugluktut

The tablet is stained.
Aglagviksraq miñugluktuq.

3. stain

it is stained
kipittuq, dl. kipittuk, pl. kipittut

My skirt has been stained.
Yuukkaaġa kipinniġaa.

My pants have an oil stain.
Kamikłuuka kipittuk uqsrumiñ.

4. stain
kipinniq or kipitinniq
stairs, ladder, steps

The house has stairs.
Tupiq tutipqiqaqtuq.
tent peg, stake
paugaq, dl. paukkak, pl. paukkat

After the stakes are put in the ground, the tent is ready to be set up. Pauktuqqaaqługu palapkaaq nappaġaġigaat.
to stalk

he is stalking
puyuaqtuq, dl. puyuaqtuk, pl. puyuaqtut

The hunter is stalking towards a game animal.
Aŋuniaqti puyuaġuraqtuq aŋŋugauramun.
to be in an upright position -of an object-, to be standing

it is standing
naparuq, dl. naparuk, pl. naparut

The house is still standing.
Tupiq napasrugaaqtuq.

2. to stand proudly

he is standing proudly, erect
qiviŋaaqtuq, dl. qiviŋaaqtuk, pl. qiviŋaaqtut

3. to stand up -of a living thing-

she stood up
qichaqtuq, dl. qichaqtuk, pl. qichaqtut

The man stood up.
Qichaqtuq aŋun.

4. to be standing

she is standing

She is still standing.
uvluġiaq, dl. uvluġiak, pl. uvluġirrat

The star is bright in the sky.
Uvluġiaq qaummaġiksuq qiḷaŋmi.

2. three stars of the sword in the constellation Orion

3. shooting star
uvluġiam anaŋa

The shooting star can be seen at night.
Taaġmi uvluġiam anaŋa tautuŋnaqtuq.

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