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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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detl'uun audio
Detl'uun Xe'etcheth audio LITERALLY 'calico tied to it'
shuusih audio she or he is calling my name
nu'ihsih audio I am calling your name
naa nesheegh, nsts'é xiyusiix? audio what is that plant called?
SEE name
xdeexeetl audio  it (weather) is calm, still
néeháał audio she or he camped (overnight)
perfective paradigmaudio
nédhihháał ts'enéeháał
nédhinháał nédhaháał
néeháał xnéeháał

kón' k'ée ts'enéeháał audio we camped (overnight) at the campsite
Tok nihhaak audio I usually spend the night in Tok
teddh dą́'ą shég' nédhihháał audio  I spent the night there last night

jîiz audio (Perisoreous canadensis)
SYN grey jay, jay
níndeyh k'ée audio camping site
dendeey iin níndeyh k'ée níxníndah audio  the people settled at the campsite
kón' dak'ée audio fireplace, customary camping site
kón' k'ée audio  camp
ch'etiił audio
SYN container
neldzeey audio
ALSO lamp
tétth audio
SYN staff, walking stick
k'įį ts'eyh audio
taathéth audio
naltthogh audio (Aythya valisineria)
ch'etl'aa audio ALSO valley ALSO headwaters
ch'etl'aa dég' téeshah audio he is climbing out of the head of the canyon
tthíishúus ét-tl'uun audio knitted cap
nákédéex audio it capsized, flipped over, rolled over
ts'eyh wu'éł nákédéex audio his boat capsized
SYN vehicle
natet-łeg audio audio
natet-łeg deek'én' audio the car is running
galdás playing cards
galdás éł nach'ehłeek audio he's playing with cards
xuuk'ánektá' audio I'm taking care of them
wuk'ánédhéktąą audio I took care of him or her
wuk'ánįhtá' audio take care of it
wuk'átnektá' audio I will take care of it
yik'ánehtá' audio he's watching over it

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