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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'enîin audio  child
ts'ínkeey iin audio  children
ntsûudl dą́'ą audio
SEE cool
łet daak'ée audio
łet xádétjuut deh audio
shdá' audio my chin
beak, bill
xnektthúuk audio I'm chinking it
imperfective paradigmaudio
xnektthúuk ts'axnehtthúuk
xnįhtthúuk xnahtthúuk
xnehtthúuk xahnehtthúuk

shax xnehtthúuk audio she or he chinking the house
dahtsáa xnektthúuk audio I am chinking the cache

wu'éł xnéltthûug audio
tsaał audio
SYN wind
ehjek audio she or he is chipping
shí' néltsįį ts'į́' yéhjek naadley the meat is frozen solid so he is chipping it instead
ekch'ék audio I am chipping it
yehch'ék audio he or she is chipping it
łuut ekch'ek audio I am chipping ice
ch'etthěel' audio
tsaath tthěel'  potato chips
tsets tthěel' audio wood chips
Different words are used depending on whether a solid or liquid caused the choking.
yitnelndék audio she or he choked on it (on something solid)
perfective paradigmaudio
tnédhegdék yits'etnelndék
tnédhildék tnédhaldék
yitnelndék xiytnelndék

ch'etnédhegshíits audio I choked (on liquid)

ch'etah xayį́htęę audio he chose him (from a group)
ch'etah ts'enh xaghíhdlah audio I chose these from among them
ihddheł audio I am chopping it (into chunks)
imperfective paradigm audio
ihddheł ts'eddheł
inddheł ahddheł
yeddheł xiyeddheł

nén' íhddheł tsaath xaghúhłêel gha audio I chopping at the ground to get roots
ihtthéeł audio I am chopping it
chín'êy éł tsets etthéeł audio he is chopping wood with an axe
SEE cut, hack

wut'axdį́ht'eey ts'eníin' exúnłęę dzěen' audio audio Christmas Day
nach'imaal audio traditional stick used to give and receive gifts audio
dek'ěnn' audio
dayudétdíik audio she or he claimed it
tl'aas audio lake clam
Commonly found in Mansfield Creek. ALSO snail
SYN mussel
wu'éł ch'údeltl'êd audio
the following are some common clan names in Tanacross
Ch'echeelyu audio
Ch'aadz audio
Ałts'į́' Dendeey audio
Dik'aagyu audio
Niisaas audio
Taandîidz Altsiil audio
Tsesyu audio
Naltsiin audio
lach'ihkét audio  I am clapping
imperfective paradigmaudio
lach'ihkét layts'ekét
lach'inkét lach'ahkét
lach'ekét lach'axekét

maa lach'ihkét audio I clapping for him or her, applauding him or her

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