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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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shk'éhts'ax audio my armpit
SEE smell
kendah audio
shax kendah tedhíhshah audio I was going around the house
wughandah audio around it
wughandah nach'enehtl'ų́' audio she or he sewed around it
jah shghendah didédhaltth'ih audio you all sit here around me
shxghendah ch'ekô1 audio there is nothing around me
nixunin'ąą audio  it is arranged, settled
tsá' nixunin'ąą audio beaver arranged his house
nts'ogh ndáa ch'e nixunin'aan? audio how in the world did you do this?
ninshah audio she or he arrived
perfective paradigm audio
nihshah ts'enindeetl
ninshah nahdeetl
ninshah xnindeetl

ndée dą́'ą jah nininshah? audio when did you arrive here?
łii xědl' shíi ch'e jah níhshaay audio I arrived here in a dog sled
SEE go

different kinds of arrows were used for different purposes.
tuuk'á' audio  arrow for waterfowl
ch'edé' tes audio blunt arrow for small game
k'á' audio big game arrow
tuuk'á' chiid audio arrowhead for water fowl arrow
ch'edé' tes chiid audio arrowhead for blunt arrow
nen dú'? audio as for you?
SEE embarrassed
kón' łědz'
lts'iis audio birch fungus ashes ALSO punk
wudįhket audio ask him/her!
díi gha shúdįhkét audio why did you ask me?
nudekket audio  I ask you
shudįhket audio you ask me
nudehket audio she asks you
ts'udehket audio  we ask her
yudehket audio he asks her
t'áath audioALSO cottonwood, poplar
niłshíi'álsheeyh audio they (plural objects) are assembled, gathered together
niłshíixatdeetl audio people are gathered together
yi'éł dé'ęh audio he is assisting her
tah audio
teddh tah shę́ę' xunsų́ų gheldzeey ts'eneh'i1ix. audio we can see the moon real well at night.
ts'į́' audio at (in the direction of)
yits'į́' tsutéh'ah audio he or she pointed at him or her
yedeet'eyh audio it is attached (tied) to it
SEE try
êy éł xghádeldêddh an auger
ch'ed audio snowshoe awl
SYN awl

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