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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'ant'êey wushíi tnáaltthet audio she or he is in a very bad mood
miiní' shíi tnáalttthet  she or he is in a very bad mood
ttheł théth audio old time women's skin bag for holding tools
saak a bag, sack
ssǎag' audio my bag
tthí' kedz audio
ch'etey wutthí' kedz xúnłęę audio the old man is bald
wutthí' xághíntleek audio he went bald, lost his hair LITERALLY 'his hair wore out'
ihtsoł audio  I am baling fish
ch'ukêg audio
ch'uxeel audio  old time willow ball
wuk'éch'údet-tl'ûun audio  it is bandaged, wrapped LITERALLY 'something is tied up'
k'onit'êey audio
SYN handkerchief
meth audio audio  river bank
meth níideex audio the bank is crumbling
łéets éet'eey audio
SYN frybread
kentsįįth ehdenh audio
nah'ôg kentsįįth ehdenh natedaak audio  she or he is outside walking barefoot
ehttheh audio  it is barking
łii iin xehttheh audio the dogs are barking
ch'ée'aldíik audio it is giving a warning bark
naxáh'enh audio it bark, senses something out of the ordinary.
ch'elaats'eyh audio tree bark
ch'elaht'ûudz audio outer bark
ch'elahts'eyh shax audio old time bark house
unétshąą audio she is bashful
SYN shy
imperfective paradigm audio
uné'íshshąą ts'unétshąą
uné'ítshąą uné'átshąą
unétshąą uxnétshąą

ts'éhxeh gaay unétshąą audio the little girl is bashful

taatleex tth'áak audio wash basin
k'įį tth'áak audio  birch bark basket
k'įį tth'áatl audio baby basket
tth'áak ét-tl'uun audio woven basket
xéltsedz audio
dechenh xěl' audio
SYN club
k'éch'eltséł audio he is bathing
dêech'egtséł audio  I am bathing
łéets néltsel audio
łéets néltsel ektseyh audio  I am making batter
SEE is

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