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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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xudhih'étth audio I stepped (on it)
yiteth ghin'éetth audio he stepped over it
tídéneg'éetth audio I stepped out
ts'eyh tl'á' audio
ts'eyh tl'á' k'et shaa didhindah audio sit in the stern for me
dechenh audio stick, small piece of wood
gés audio stick used for stirring campfire
xetnelch'aak audio it is sticky
nedhegk'aas audio  I am stiff (from sitting or staying in one position)
shxǒl' nélk'aas audio my legs are stiff
tth'ihtah audio still, yet
tth'ihtah k'á tth'êy nek-'é́n audio I still haven't seen any mosquitoes
tth'ihtah wukó́l audio he or she is still not here
tth'iht'eey audio still, continue
tth'iht'eey Dihthâad xt'een iin aanděg' shaa dadint'eh audio Tanacross language still sounds good to me
daadhahdeen audio you all be still, sit quietly
For a bee or mosquito sting the same basic Tanacross word meaning 'stab' is used.
shíigot audio it stung me
tth'êy shíigot audio the mosquito stung me
gųų xǒz' audio
ch'adet-tsį́į' audio she or he is stingy
ch'enihtthek audio I am stirring (something)
imperfective paradigmaudio
wu'éł ch'éníhtthek wu'éł ts'ínétthek
wu'éł ch'éníntthek wu'éł ch'énáhtthek
yi'éł ch'énétthek xi'éł ch'énétthek
shmét audio my stomach (the organ)
SEE belly
wutsaamét audio it's (animal's) stomach
ch'etthíinikónn' stomach lining
ch'ech'ąąshú' stomach fat (moose or caribou)
wuk'et xúdhihtéł audio  I stomped on it
xotétl audio she or he is thumping, stomping their foot
tthee audio
SYN rock
stsą́ą' my stool, poop
SYN excrement
sų́'ų xú' díghundę́'ę audio stop that!, don't do that!
dadhindeen audio  be still!, stop what you are doing!
ch'utkeet shax audio
nínekchúut audio I stored food (put food up for the winter)
xnik'aatth de'ukah nínekchúut audio  I stored food for winter
xághints'eyh audio  it's stormy

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