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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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wu'éł tsąądadihdlih audio  I am teasing him, her or it
SEE tooth
naxtédhégdek audio I'm going to tell a story
imperfective paradigmaudio
naxogdek nats'exaldek
naxuldek naxaldek
naxaldek naxaxaldek

na'ilsêegh gha sh'éł naxuldek audio tell me about your hunting trip

ts'ani'elt'eey sínt'eh audio he or she has a bad temper
tthé' díndah audio  in the meanwhile, temporarily
jah tthé' díndah dhihdah audio  I am temporarily staying here
ts'ehłox detaan audio
det-tlog audio soft, tender
SYN soft
shí' det-tlog ih'aał audio I'm eating tender meat
ch'eseex tthį́į' audio  tenderloin from moose
taathéth audio  tent
niimaal audio traditional skin-covered shelter
tsults'og audio  temporary teepee-like shelter
ché' delgez arctic tern (Sterna paradisaaea)
shxěez' audio my testicles
tsín'ęę audio thank you
tsíná'ęę audio thank you very much
tsín'ęę nłęę audio she or he is thankful
tsín'ęę ihłęę audio I am thankful
êy audio that
êy łáan t'ádu'níi'i? audio do you mean to say that?
nâan audio that one
xúu' audio that way, like that
xúu' díinii audio he said it like that
na'alxęę' audio it thawed
shí' na'elxęę' audio  the meat is thawing
wunach'udéełet audio  it thawed (on the surface)
There is no word in Tanacross that corresponds to English 'a' or 'the'. Rather, whether a specific or non-specific thing is meant comes from the context.
SEE they
tl'âan audio  then
nee'eł ghindah gha tl'âan natetshah audio  he visited us and then went home
êy tl'âan tédhíhshah audio  after that I left
êy gha tl'âan audio  and then
naa audio
naa nínínłeeyh audio  put it there!
jahdûug audio
jahdûug nats'enuhtseyh audio let's gather these

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