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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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xáních'ét-thiit audio  she or he is worried
SEE injure
nahkaay audio wounded animal
ch'ekaa k'ée audio a wound, injury
SYN sore
ts'ěd' na'udét-ts'es audio  she or he has a blanket wrapped around them
SEE break
łeet'eexel'ęh audio they are wrestling
na'ídhihgétth audio I am wringing it out
na'ídhíhgétth audio I wrung it out
na'úghédhíhgétth audio I wrung it out (a hide, by wringing around a stick)
nelch'ų́ųtth audio it is wrinkled
nach'ihgêddh ts'enh shinlaatsógh' nelch'ų́ųtth audio  my fingers are wrinkled from washing clothes
shilaachěn' \de
ch'etnihtl'éts audio I'm writing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'etnihtl'éts ts'eytnetl'éts
ch'etnintl'éts ch'etnahtl'éts
ch'etnetl'éts ch'axtnetl'éts
xu'én' la ha' audio not that way (direction)!
k'á xúu' wrong way!
dada'én' audio wrong way (verbally)
dada'én' ts'į́' sų́'ų naxxghuldeg audio don't tell that story the wrong way


etháat audio she or he is yawning
imperfective paradigmaudio
ihtháat ts'etháat
intháat ahtháat
etháat xetháat
SEE shout
The Tanacross word includes yellows and browns.
deltthogh audio the yellow one
deltthox audio it is yellow
wuthéth deltthox audio its skin is yellow
k'elaxdihtsogh  warbler
ch'elahdziid audio
The Tanacross word can apply to people as well as animals.
xedettsax audio  she, he or it is yelping (in pain)
Dachi'1ndêedl Ndiig audio
ąą audio
k'ahdąą dą́'ą audio

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