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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tsaak'ée audio
łuug tsaak'ée déghíhdlah dzenax ghultseyh gha audio I put fish in the cache to make fermented fish
tth'enk'ée audio
taandîidz audio
taandîidz tah shí' níxníndlah audio they put the food in the center
tandîidz xiyihdah audio he's in court (they are holding court for him)
ts'íitsiy tl'uuł audio
k'étl'ádíidaay audio
SEE different
det-ts'iits audio it is chapped; rough and dry
shthéth dét-ts'iits audio my skin is chapped
net-ts'iits \au it (his or her face) is chapped
t'ées audio
SEE burn
stâashnéninshúut audio  he chased me away
tâaxuneshók audio he (always) chases them away
SEE shiver
diitlog audio something cheap
jâan diitlog sínt'eh audio this one is cheap
SYN inexpensive
nashnin'aak audio he cheated me
naynin'aak audio she or he cheated him or her
sų́'ų nashtnun'aag audio  don't cheat me
shintl'ahmét audio my cheek
shxostl'aa audio the inside of my check
shaa dint'eyh audio I cherish him or her
shaa dint'eey audio my cherished ones
maa yidint'eyh audio he or she cherishes him or her
shchâay iin shaa dint'eyh audio I cherish my grandchildren
sdzehchíi audio my chest
sdzehchíi chetkeyh  I have a pain in my chest
sdzehtah my chest area
xaytnáldeetl audio he chewed it up
perfective paradigmaudio
xatnégdeetl xats'enáldeetl
xatníldeetl xatnáldeetl
xaytnáldeetl xaxeyináldeetl

nshí'i xunsų́ų xátnuldék tl'âan tuhndék déh audio chew you food well before you swallow it.

ts'egąąg audio
xáxkeh audio audio
Tthee Xaaddh' Ts'edenįįłęy

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