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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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súu' dáhthenh audio  be on alert, be ready for the unexpected
dlaat audioALSO moss
"Moss" is the more usual meaning of "dlaat"
k'eh audio alike, similar
niłk'eh similar to each other
niłk'eh eltsįį audio they look alike
xondéyh audio she or he is alive
SYN live
xunelt'eey audio  all
xunelt'êey iin ech'įh'aał audio you feed all of those people
xuts'enelt'eh audio all of us
xunts'enelt'eh ts'į́' n'éł nayits'aa'áał audio we all will eat with you
dzeen uudíh audio all day
dzeen uudíh nts'é t'índę'ę? audio  what do you do all day?
neexon dú' teddh uudíh ts'ahteets. audio  as for us, we sleep all night.
k'áhjîil audio
k'áhjiîl t'êey koth t'íshíłáak audio I almost caught a cold again.
shę́ę' audio alone
SEE only
shih shę́ę' audio I am alone
dishę́ę' éedah audio she or he lives alone
kón' k'ée éedah audio someone home alone
k'eddh audio besides, next to
shk'eddh didhindah audio sit beside me
SYN beside
shax k'eddh saa t'âagh didhindah audio sit in the shade next to the house
k'ôd audioALSO enough
k'ôd xúu' shęę' audio enough already!
chíh audio
SYN too
díi chíh nį́h'ęh? audio what else do you see?
díi chíh eyninthenh? audio what else do you want?
k'á' chíh natelshíik audio
chích'ah audio too, also
ishndah deh chích'ah dendeey iin ehts'iik audio people are sick at my workplace too
êy chíh chích'ah le' that one too
SEE though
shée' audio
etndah shę́ę' audio she or he is always working
nt'o xúu' dínt'êey sínt'eh audio it's always like that
SEE is
shaa ch'á' xál'ęh audio I am amazed (at an activity)
shaa ch'á' xdįht'eh audio  I am amazed (at a situation)
maa ch'á' xdįht'eh audio she or he is amazed (at a situation)
k'áatthé' audio
SYN bullet
wutah audio among it
xuutah ts'iik daath audio sickness is spreading among them
shaa xdint'eh audio it is amusing, amazing to me
tsíyûul audio
SYN forefathers
wuts'enh xáts'áltsįį audio we are descended from them
éł audio
dendîig éł wudzih iin éł audio moose and caribou
see 'after (in time)' for "and then"
ts'į́' audio

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