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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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SEE hang
There are two basic words used
xnat-tl'éts audio it is dark
tl'és dark
tl'és shíi dhíhdah audio I am sitting in the dark
natl'esaldox audio it is pitch black
xéł darkness
xéł t'aagh ts'į́' xáatheł audio it getting on toward dark
naghį́hxeetl audio it became dark
Tanacross has different words for referring to a man's daughter or a women's daughter. The word to use is that appropriate for the parent, not the speaker.
shyaats'é'e audio my daughter (woman's)
shtthé'e audio my daughter (man's)
The same terms are used for grandchildren
shchâay audio women's daughter-in-law
shtthûuy audio man's daughter-in-law
xútgaay audio dawn (it became daylight)
dzeen audio
k'ahdâan xú' k'ahdą̂ądé' audio
k'ahdâan xú' k'ahdą́ą' dąą' audio
SEE die
dechenh éeł audio
wudzii kôl audio
SYN fool, cheat, trick
nashtnin'áayh audio he deceived me
nantnih'áayh audio I deceived you
wunenh nach'ehjedh
texninthaat audio water is deep
jan teexdinthaat it (river) is deep here
nadaxninthaat audio depression in ground (hole, gully) is deep
tsaakée nadaxninthaat tsį́' xâaxuntthit audio dig a deep hole
dinchaax audio it is deep
shéth dínchaax audio the snow is deep
łą́'ą ch'e le' audio definitely, actually
łą́'ą ch'e le' sítnih audio he or she definitely said that
wu'éł staxúníntthet audio she or he is delirious LITERALLY 'she or he has lost direction'
maa yínindíik audio it was delivered to him/her
mech'axdekdiix audio  I am demonstrating something to him or her
ch'e'enh audio
SYN cave
yunítnalch'ų́ųtl audio it is dented

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