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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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shaa xníndíik audio  I am enjoying it
maa xníndíik audio she or he is enjoying it
maa xunétdíik audio she or he is enjoying it
k'ôd audioALSO already
k'ôd xúu' shęę' audio that is enough
shshíi xnét-tthet audio I am enraged
wushíi xnét-tthet audio she or he is enraged
daninshah audio she or he entered
shshíi dįhshąą audio  it is entertaining me, keeping me company
shtlęę shnidįhshąą audio my friend is entertaining me
niłxa tsądaxdetdlii audio they are entertaining each other, making each other laugh
xunelt'eh audio entire, all of it, them
nat-tlêdz' xunelt'eh ts'í nanįhts'eyh audio  pick up all the beads
uudíh entire (time)
teddh uudíh ghishndah audio  I worked the entire night
dahxultsįį deh audio
yuunit-łé' audio she or he is envious of him/her/it
xetl súu nek-'ę́ę' ch'e wunihłé'e audio  I am envious of the sled I saw
niłk'e' nel'ąą audio
niłk'e nel'ąą ts'į́' xútlajų́hchuut dé' audio make sure you give them an equal amount of food
nanin'ét audio undo it, erase it
nihmaay audio
SYN weasel (Mustela erminea)
statthinįhshah audio  she or he escaped, fled away
negjed éł tthítédhékshah audio  I was afraid so I escaped, fled
nedagh ghinshah audio he, she or it escaped
Ch'enaakeey \de
shthéeg' audio my esophagus
SYN throat
xeł tah audio
xeł ts'į́' audio toward evening, dusk
xaatêg audio
xaatêg tah ldîil ishdíix audio every now and then I drink tea
xunelt'eh audio
xunelt'eh ts'í meexushaak audio everything is lost
łą́'ą xúnsųų audio  an excellent place, weather
łą́'ą nsųų audio an excellent thing
SEE too much
SEE trade

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