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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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taamâagh audio
SYN shore
nat-tl'êdz audio
nat-tl'êdz nihkón' audio shiny beads
ch'enih'ées audio I am doing beadwork, sewing with beads
imperfective paradigm audio
ch'enih'ées yits'ene'ées
ch'enin'ées ch'enah'ées
yine'ées ch'axne'ées

wudá' audio its beak
SYN bill ALSO chin
ch'ets'edz gaay audio kidney beans LITERALLY 'little kidney'
shos audio bear (general term)
shos sęy audio black bear (Urus americanus)
ch'éliitthǒgh' audio brown bear
SYN grizzly bear (Urus arctos )
Sht'ey Ndiig
Sht'ey Teyy' Nda'
dendéyh audio
jîiz ndǎagh' audio (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
shdaaxá' audio my beard
SYN whiskers
łaydehnęy audio she or he beat him or her (at a game)
shlsǎaz' ładedheknęyh audio  I lost my money (in a game)
ładedhegnęyh audio I lost (at a game)
ch'ehxeł audio he is beating it (drum)
imperfective paradigm audio
ch'ekxeł yits'ehxeł
ch'įhxeł ch'ahxeł
ch'ehxeł ch'axehxeł

yi'éł ch'enehtthék audio she or he is beating it, stirring it
tsá' audio (Castor canadensis)
tsá' íin xaa'ół audio beavers are swimming together
tsá' kę̌ę' audio beaver lodge
gha audio
k'á xníntthogh n'éł tihdâal, ishndaay gha audio I can't stay with you long because I'm working
xanich'ulnęy gha ch'e dádéhnęy audio  he is keeping quiet because he is intimidated.
êy gha sú' táhchąą le' sų́ų' tahchąą lé' audio  because of that it will probably rain
éł audio
ghįhshâaddh éł xúltlet. audio it's slippery because it snowed.
âan, k'exahtseyh audio come along, lets go (said along with a motioning gesture)
ts'į́' xáattheł audio
xey ts'į́' xáattheł audio  it's becoming winter
dáhdzeł audio
ALSO rack, drying rack
téeł audio
rug, mat, mattress
ch'elahdziid audio
ch'elahdziid t'ox audio
SEE bug

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