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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tsą́ą'el'ęę audio she or he is acting silly, clowning around
datnet-ttheey audio she or he is being funny, telling jokes
łéemah audio ALSO dust
nihmá' audio (Elaegnus commutata)
k'eh audio similar, like
shk'eh sitdę'ę audio she or he is doing it like me
niłts'į́' at-t'ęę audio they are similar in appearance
shée' k'et'êey audio simple
shée' k'et'êey maa t'iyíit'eh audio it is simple for him or her
It is injih to say something is simple or easy for yourself.
tth'éex audio
ch'edihłih audio  I am singing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'edihłih ts'edzełih
ch'dinłih ch'edahłih
ch'edełih ch'exedełih
dets'ên dzehłet audio we are singeing ducks
ts'iit ekłet audio I am singeing porcupine
ts'iit wunach'udéełed audio singed porcupine
dish_ę́ę' éedaay audio an unmarried person
tetayinin'ąą audio it sank (went to the bottom)
shinchit'ah my sinus
tedhegts'eek audio I sipped it
nategts'áax audio I am sipping it
wuts'enh ch'ilts'eex audio take a sip from this
nach'elts'eex audio he sipped it
Tanacross uses different words for older and younger sisters.
shaadeh audio my older sister
shdéedz' audio my younger sister
sh'aaz audio
Tanacross has different words for referring to a man's sister-in-law or a women's sister-in-law.
shxeh audio my sister in-law (man's)
shtlęę audio my sister-in-law (women's)
Different Tanacross words are used for when talking about one or more than one person.
didhihdah audio I am sitting
xdélttth'ih audio they are sitting
imperfective paradigmaudio
didhihdah didzéltth'ih
didhindah didédhaltth'ih
di'eedah dixdélttth'ih

xunsųų deh didhihdah audio I'm sitting here comfortably
dítl'ádédhíshdah audio I sat for a long time (without getting up)
dítl'ádédhishttháat audio I sat back down (quickly)

niłk'etaag audio
ndóxk'e ghįhchaax? audio what size is it?
nátéljeyh audio she or he is skating, sliding on ice, walking on ice by shuffling feet
luu k'et nátéljeyh audio  he or she is skating on the ice
dendeh tth'ěnn' \de

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