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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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xkéen' audio snacks, rations
xkéen' unindiyh audio get some snacks
SYN rations
dałųų'delneyh audio it is snagged, stuck, hung up on something
sax dałųų'delneyh audio my gaff hook is snagged
tl'aas audio
clam, mussel
wuk'edénínshiits snap, break it off
nah'óg ts'enh k'ę́y' k'edínshiidz shtl'adintiiyh audio  give me a willow branch that you snapped off outside
gaał audio snare
míił audio caribou snare
xok spring type snare for rabbits
xoł audio snare barricade (used esp. for rabbits)
gaał k'ée audio area that snares are set
yiłųų' audio he or she snared it
perfective paradigmaudio
idhihłų́ų' ts'iiłų́ų'
ídhinłų́ų' ídhahłųų'
yiłų́ų' xíyiłų́ų'

gah eełų́ų' audio she or he snared a rabbit

nach'axtnel'iik audio she or he is sneaking around
nach'etneg'iik audio I am sneaking around
suu' eg'ęh I sneezed LITERALLY 'I had a premonition of something'
suu' el'ęh audio he or she sneezed
ch'ehtsenh audio  it is sniffing something
yáatthų̂ų audio common snipe
ch'utnehxonh audio she or he is snoring
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'utnekxonh ts'itnehxonh
ch'utnįhxonh ch'utnahxonh
ch'utnehxonh ch'axtnehxonh
wudzih sha'eh'ąą a bunch of caribou are making noise, snorting
minchedl' audio  its snout
Tanacross has similar but not identical words for 'snow falling' and 'snow on the ground'
shétth audio snow (on ground)
ch'inseex audio slushy snow
dahshêddh audio snow on trees
ched audio top layer of deep snow
ttheeyh audio coarse bottom snow (good for melting for water)
ch'et-suux audio snow grains, ice pellets
ch'ets'į́' dahkég audio snow drift
ch'udaaméet audio snow-free spot
xłuu audio ice crust on snow
words about 'snow the event' follow:
ehsháatth audio it is snowing
xunchaagh t'êey ehsháatth audio it's snowing really hard
ghįhsháatth audio it snowed
téhshatth audio it is starting to snow
xá'xuh ehsháatth audio snow flurry
tęy k'et det-ts'iik audio snow is blowing on the trail
Also known as a snow bunting
xgeek audio snowbird (Plectrophenax nivalis)
wugaał sęy black snow bunting
aayh audio snowshoe
The various parts of a snowshoe have special names.
aayh dechenh audio snowshoe frame
wu'éł níyíde'aayh crossbrace
ch'inch'a'aał audio footstrap
kehłęyh audio broad webbing
ch'inxet audio thin snowshoe webbing
shétth ch'emaa audio \de (Nyctea scandiaca)
gha audio
shos shtétkêey gha xâanishshah audio a bear surprised me, so I went back in.
éł audio
k'á náchíháadl éł díhts'įį audio I didn't eat so I'm hungry
na'ektseł audio I am soaking it, making it damp
na'ehts'ół audio it is soaking wet
nah'og ehchaan éł sh'ěeg' ná'ehts'ół audio my shirt got soaking wet because of the rain
taatleex audio
natelk'eyh audio it (bird, airplane) is soaring, gliding

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