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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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shiineltséex audio she or he is sobbing
shiinedhegtséex audio I am sobbing
tsax éł téhteex audio she or he is sobbing
keetéł audio socks
téł audio old time foot wrappings
tuu elkęyh audio soda pop, any sweetened beverage LITERALLY 'sweet water'
det-tlog audio it is soft
SYN tender
shí' xnintthǒgh' éemeedz éł k'ôd det-tlog audio the meat cooked for a long time so now it's soft
yeshes audio she or he is softening a skin (by rolling skin between the hands).
gah théth éshes audio he or she is softening a rabbit skin
tuutlok audio it is soggy
shkeetl'áa' audio  sole of my foot
dįhteyh audio it is sturdy, tough
saa dzé'edeex de' audio LITERALLY 'when the sun divides'
ch'ehłaad audio some, part of
ch'ehłaad shę́ę' údhihdíik audio  I just took some of it.
díi lé'e audio  something
díi lé'e nek'ęh audio  I see something
xatáatah audio
SYN occasionally
xatáatah shę́ę' nek-'íix audio I sometimes see him or her
ndée lé'e audio  somewhere
ndée lé'e ts'enh me'egdęyh audio I know him or her from somewhere
Different words are for referring to a man's son or a women's son. The word to use is that appropriate for the parent, not the speaker.
shshé'e audio my son (man's)
shshaas audio my son (women's)
The same terms for grandchildren
shchâay audio women's son-in-law
shtthûuy audio man's son-in-law
ch'ełiik audio
SYN tune
xnihk'ôdl dé' audio  soon
xnihk'ôdl dé' nantneg'íił ha' audio  I will see you soon
ch'ekaa k'ée audio sore, wound
SYN wound
edzúu' audio
wutah naxtegsheek audio I am sorting through it
niłk'eh xultsįį ts'į́' wutah xaach'ihłeeyh audio  I am sorting based on appearance

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