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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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A separate word for "they" or "them" is only used for emphasis or in set phrases, since who or what is involved is a necessary of the verb. A separate phrase can be used to point out or emphasize 'those particular people'.
nâan iin audio they, those people
nâan iin xúu' xenih? audio did they say that?
detkét audio it is thick
ts'ěd' detkêd audio a thick blanket
k'od ch'e łuut detkét audio the ice is already thick
wudzih théth det-łon tl'âan dendîig théth detke1t audio caribou skin is thin and moose skin is thick
ch'ene'îiy audio
SYN robber
shxothchěnn' audio my thigh, upper leg
sts'ahtthį́į' audio my thigh muscle
shxołtth'ěnn' audio my thighbone
SYN femur
sits'u'âay audio
ssits'u'âay sínt'eh audio that's my thimble
dzet-t'áan audio it is thin, almost transparent
gah théth ch'e dzet-t'áan audio rabbit skin is thin
det-łon audio it is thin
tadet-łon audio it is very thin
dzet-łon audio it is thin, flimsy
nah'ôg neethel gha eek dzet-łon shę́ę' nadelsh_ah audio it is warm outside so I am just wearing a thin shirt.
nelgęyh audio he, she or it is thin, skinny LITERALLY 'dried out'
menaních'ekthét audio  I am thinking about it
yik'eh naních'ethét audio  he thinks like him
tuu shdéhtlą́ą audio I am thirsty LITERALLY 'I crave water'
shdá' déníngęyh audio I am thirsty LITERALLY 'my throat is dry'
jâan audio this one
jâan dóo ch'e nt'eey? audio who is this?
xos audio
naxûuy audio those here
naxûuy ch'íh nanįhtseyh audio you gather those too
nandûug audio those over there
nandûug ch'íh nanįhtseyh audio gather those back there too
nah'áa audio those way over there
t'o t'êey audio though, even though
ehchąą t'o têey Dihthâad ts'į́' ts'edéeł audio even though it was raining we are going to Mansfield
teghitdek t'o t'êey wu'éł ghínhaał audio even though you're tired, go with him/her
ch'eninhuuth audio you thread it
łóx ndú' ch'énínhuuth audio thread the fish hook
SEE frighten
taag audio
nah'ôg dendîig taag iin ah'és audio three moose walked by outside
The same word is used for throat and voice.
shthéeg' audio my throat
SYN esophagus ALSO voice
wuxandú' audio through it
nduu xandú' ts'énindéetl audio we came through the forest
Different words are used depending on what is being thrown.
tthetdįhthiiyh audio you throw it (compact object like a rock)
xełtédhékkeyh audio I threw a stick
k'á' wuts'į́' tédhékxeł audio I threw him or her a gun
tthetehdlah audio he threw them (multiple small objects)
itédhéktl'iit audio I threw them (multiple small objects)
tédhékdeetl audio I threw it (larger multiple objects)
tsets xúh ts'į́' dédhékdeetl audio I threw the wood down there
tsets nadį́hdeetl audio he threw the wood down
tátdédhéknęyh audio I threw it away
tátédhékdeetl audio I threw them away
taytéhdeetl audio he or she threw them away

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