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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Vidiggiy. HM+ED lit. They are on top.
Vidiggiy yadz tathdatl. HM+ED Its horns came off.  

Xik'ugili'anhdi HM+KH lit. The place where they cure people
Xik'ugili'anhdi nidhiso. HM+KH I went to the hospital.  

Nadhił HM+KH It is hot.  
Toł nadhił. HM+KH The soup is hot.
Getiy isdheł. HM+ED I'm really hot.  
Xedhił JD+KH It's hot out.  
Ngi'egh getiy xedhił. HM+KH It's really hot outside.   

Ngiyix nidhiso. HM+KH I went to your house.
Xiyh yix LH+KH Winter house
Gitadlividz yix HM+ED Frame house

See "Tent", "Smokehouse"

Ndadz HM+KH
Ndadz dengit'a? HM+KH How are you?
Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a? HM+KH How's the weather? lit. Outside, what is it doing?

See "What", "Many"

Xitrixdi'oyh. HM+ED He's howling. lit. He's blowing out tears.
Łek xitrixdi'oyh. HM+ED A dog is howling.
Nigughun xitrixidilayh. HM+ED Wolves are howling.  
Q'iydong xiłts'in' nigughun xitrixdilayh. HM+RD+JD Wolves were howling last night.  

Nchiyath HM+KH
Vinq'it tux nchiyath xelanh. HM+KH There are hummocks in the lake.  

Dets'an'. ES+AJ He is hungry.  
Sileg detsan'. HM+KH My dog is hungry.
Sileg dighetsan'. HM+KH My dog was hungry.  
Nt'ux tr'atotsan'. HM+KH After a while we'll be hungry .  

Gits'i'in HM+KH
Gits'i'in q'u'ithiyo. HM+KH He went hunting.  
Gits'i'in q'udhisiyo. HM+KH I went hunting.
Iłt'e gits'i'in q'u'edoyh. HM+KH He goes hunting all the time.  

Gits'i'in q'u'edoyinh KH lit. One who goes walking around hunting

Uxidiniy HM+KH
Uxidiniy gehonh. HM+KH Hurry up and eat.  
Uxidiniy dingit'a. HM Hurry and be fast.
Uxidiniy tth'ok tongilax. HM+KH Hurry up and wash dishes.  

Idinithdo'. HM+ED He got hurt.  
Idinasdo'. HM+ED I'm hurt.
Idinado', he'? HM+ED Are you hurt?  
Idinasdo' qul. HM+ED I'm not hurt.  

Viqing' HM+KH lit. Her husband
Viqing' ni'idiyo. HM+KH Her husband came back.  
Siqing' q'adhist'a. HM+KH I loved my husband.  


Se gil iy. KH+ED I volunteer.  
Se yan' dhisdo. KH+ED I'm all alone. lit. Me only I stay.

Tinh HM+KH
Tinh yiłdax. HM+KH Ice is running.  
Tinh ntidlighanh. HM+KH The ice is melting.  

Vanhgiq HM+KH Indian ice cream made with fish
Vanhgiq ninathtth'aq. HM+KH She stirred the ice cream.  

Tedził HM+KH
Tedził idiniso. HM+KH I have no ice pick.  

Da' KH
Neyo da', ntr'atolts'eyh. HM If he comes, we'll be happy.

See "When"

Yet, ye KH+HM
Yith ye xinaghłjok. Yith yet xinaghłjok. HM+KH He sank in the snow.  
Yashik yengila. HM+KH Put them in the box.
Viyet HM+KH Inside it  
Viye HM+KH Inside it  
Viye gilongh. Viyet gilongh. HM+KH There's lots inside it. 

See "People"

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