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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Gimith HM+ED Round on the outside
Tth'ok gimith ist'anh. HM+RD I have a round bowl.  
Viye xidijingith. HM+KH It is round and deep inside.  

Giłt'uq. HM+RD He is rowing.  
Valgats ye giłt'uq. HM+RD He's rowing in a boat.
Getiy guxłt'uq. HM+RD You guys row hard.  
Valgats ye gitr'iłt'uq. HM+ED We used to row in boats.  

Vanhtoniy HM+RD lit. Her ruff
Vidag vanhtoniy q'oded ngilanh. Vidag q'oded vanhtoniy ngila. HM+RD His parka has a new ruff.  

Ghiligguk. HM+RD He is running.  
Ting ghiligguk. RD+HM He's running on the trail.
Choghlugguy vinq'it ghiligguk. HM+RD The fox is running on the lake.  
Ghingligguk! HM+RD Run! Commanding one person

Xutl qatl'ogh iy HM+RD lit. Under the sled
Xutl qatl'ogh iy siyił niłtothitik. HM+RD The sled runner broke on me.  


Vidhuxdiy gidhik HM+RD He's sad.
Ang'onh getiy vidhuxdiy gidhik. HM+RD That person over there is very sad.

See "Sorry"

Ggath HM+RD King salmon
Ggath ghist'oth. Ggath ghist'otth. HM+RD I cut king salmon.  
Nelagh HM+RD Dog salmon  
Nalay ED+HM Dog salmon Anvik word
Nodithiq'izr HM+RD Red salmon lit. Fish meat which is red
 Lighan HM+RD Silver salmon lit. That which is fat Silvers look fatter than other salmon.

Dandhi'on HM+RD sci. Rubus chamaemorus
Dandhi'on xitr'athdatl. HM+RD We went for salmon berries.  

Dughiyiq, dughiyuq HM+RD
Dughiyiq nda'. HM+RD Pass the salt.  

Niłq'a HM+RD
Niłq'a dixidit'a. HM+RD They (people) look the same.  
Niłq'a didit'a. RD+HM They (things) look the same.
Teqa niłq'a didit'ay ist'anh.HM+KH I have two of the same kind.  
Go deg che yuxudz dixet'a. HM+KH Same around here. Referring to the weather

Thoyh HM+RD
Thoyh qogg xelanh. HM+RD It's a sandy place.  

Dasr HM+KH
Dasr qogg q'utr'ixinitlyet. HM+KH We ran around on the sand bar.  

Thoyh vith HM+RD
Ado' thoyh vith xelanh. HM+RD There are sand banks down there.  

Yix tonxalyaxdi dranh HM+RD lit. House cleaning day

Vaxa diggan-gidit'odh axa tritr diggandist'oth. HM+RD I'm sawing. lit. I'm cutting wood with a saw.

See "Cut"

Vaxa diggan-gidit'odh HM+RD lit. With it we cut something off
Viq'ast'idh HM+KH Saw  

Di'ne. HM+RD She says.  
Ndadz di'ne? HM+RD What is she saying?
Ndadz didighene'? HM+RD What did she say?  
Che yuxudz didene. HM+RD Say it all again.  

See "Afraid"

Gidinałdikdi JD+ED lit. The place things are written
Gidinałdikdi q'u'isineyh. JD+ED I work at the school.  

Tidizr JD+ED
Diva tidizr iłchet? ED Who took the scissors?  

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