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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Xitset. HM+ED He is sweeping.  
Gits'in axa xitset. HM+ED He's sweeping with a bird wing.
Yix yixudz xighetset. HM+ED She swept the whole house.  

Liniyh HM+ED lit. Delicious
Sigichay getiy liniyh. HM+ED My tea is delicious.

See "Candy"

Dlit'ay niy KH+LH lit. Sweet bread
Donna getiy dlit'ay niy q'adingit'a. KH+LH Donna really loves sweets.  

Ghivał. HM+ED It is swimming.  
Noya' nginedz ghivał. HM+ED The beaver is swimming downstream.
Xin engan noghivał. HM+ED He's swimming across the river.  
Q'u'ithivanh. HM+ED He was swimming around.  

Ałts'imitl. HM+ED She is swinging.  
Mary gog k'idz iłts'imitl. Mary gog iłts'imitl. ED+HM Mary is swinging the little baby.  


Viq'igalnon HM+ED lit. On top of it we eat These speakers delete the final -dz from "viq'idz" 'on top of it'.
Viq'idz galnon q'idz xinthitsitl. HM+ED The table is messy.  

Gicha' HM+ED lit. Something's tail
Noya' vicha' dit'its. HM+ED Beavers have flat tails.  

Yititlchet. ED She's taking it.  
Goga ditlchet. HM+ED He took the baby.
Ingiłchet. HM+ED Take it.  

Xinayh. HM+ED She is talking.  
Getiy xinayh. HM He talks too much.
Deg xiq'i dinayił xinehayh. HM Talk Deg Xinag with us.  
Deg xiq'i xinatr'ididlighuzr. HM Let's talk Deg Xinag.  
Gan a yuxinay? HM What's he talking about? 
Xithag ts'in'. HM+RD She doesn't talk.  
Ngistl'idong xits'i xithag ts'in'. HM+RD Since she was small she didn't talk.  

Ngith HM+ED
Didlang gan ngith iy. HM What a tall spruce.

See "Long"

Tot'ighidh HM+ED lit. Water cottonwood sci. Larix laricina
Tot'ighidh shinh qogg yineyax. HM+ED Tamarack grow on the flats.  

Yiłniyh. HM+ED She is tasting it.  
Vanhgiq iłniyh. HM+ED She is tasting the ice cream.
Ganhdlit ngiłniyh. HM+ED Taste the cooked berries.  
Ndadz dighałniyh? HM+ED How does it taste?  

Chay HM+ED In Anvik, "chay" means just the tea leaves. In Shageluk "chay" is both the leaves and the brewed beverage.
Ngoxo chay nidhitltsenh. HM+ED I made tea for you.  
Toł HM+ED Tea Hot liquid
Soxo toł ningiłtse. HM+ED Make tea for me. 
Toł q'at, he'? HM+ED Do you want tea?  
Giliq'uy, deliq'oy HM+ED Labrador or mountain tea  sci. Ledum palustre
Soxo giliq'uy dingił'anh. HM+ED Get some labrador tea for me.  

Xindigixidinił'an'. AJ She is teaching them.  
Sraqay andixidinił'an'. HM+ED She's teaching those children.  

Xandigixidinił'an HM lit. One who teaches them
Xandigixidinił'an tolał. HM+ED She's going to be a teacher.  

Idiydeleł. KH+ED She's teasing.
Voghda' idiydeleł. KH His cousin is teasing him.

See "Joke"

Viyiq tr'ixinay. KH lit. That which we talk into
Viyiq tr'ixinay xandalning'. KH+ED The telephone is ringing.  

Sinoghł xiłdhoyh. KH+ED Tell me a story.
Yidong ghidhilin xidhoyh getiy ngingadh ixaghłdhuk. KH The elder told a very long story.

See "Say"

Niłq'osnal KH lit. Two sides, two hands

Yix xudhith LH+KH lit. Skin house
Yix xudhith q'idong xindiłcheth. KH+ED The tent is already up.  
Yix xudhith tr'itłse. KH+LH We're making a tent.  

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