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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Diniyhdi nixinithdołdi ED+KH lit. Where they camped four nights (from Sunday)

Diyiłchith. HM+KH He is tying it.  
Xi'itlchith. ED+KH I am tying it.
Ngileg xangiłcheth iy. Ngileg xangiłcheth. KH+ED Tie up your dog.  
Atthing valgats xi'iłchith, he'? ED+KH Is he down there tying up the boat?  

Ndanixinedhit? KH+ED What time is it?  
Xinthidong JD+JD First time  
Xinthidong dixidighene' ts'in' JD+JD The first time they said it 
-da' marker of time  
Venhdida' HM+KH Tomorrow  
Tthonh silda'. HM+KH Tomorrow morning  
Ndada' HM+RD When  
Tth'egho łegg nelaxda', dinghdongiy tast'oth. HM When whitefish are running, I'm going to cut spring fish.  

O, o, yigganditidhighith. HM+KH Oh, oh. It's tipping over.  
Tr'eyh yigganditidhighith.HM+KH The canoe is tipping over.  
Yiggandidhighith. HM+KH He tipped over.  

Giloy HM+KH lit. The tip or top of something
Q'eyh diloy KH+ED Tip of birch branches  
Yixgitsiy didlang loy dathdo. HM+KH Raven is sitting on the tip of the spruce.  

Xogh entlnik. HM+KH He is tired.  
Sileg xogh entlnik. HM+KH My dog is tired.
Xogh enatlnik. HM+KH I'm tired.  

Xits'in' HM+KH In a direction
Diniyhdi xinihił yoyet xits'in'. RD It takes 4 days to get to heaven.
Gidiqad xits'i tasoł. HM+KH I'm going to go the store.

See "From"

Git'on' didljid JD+KH lit. Smoking leaves
Git'on' didljid ingit'anh, he'? JD+KH Do you have any tobacco?  
Dhotr'idli'on JD+KH Chewing tobacco lit. What we leave in our mouth

Go dran HM+KH lit. This day
Gidinałdikdi nidhiso go dran. HM+KH I went to school today.

See "Day"

Qiligheg HM+KH
Viqiligheg yididiq'isr. HM+KH His toes are red.  

Niłyił HM+KH
Niłyił ditr'itht'an. HM+KH Let's do it together.  

Venhdida' HM+KH
Venhdida' ton-gitatlax. HM+KH Tomorrow I'll wash clothes.  
Tthonh silda' HM+KH Tomorrow morning This is in the olden language, known as "high language" or "Indian high language."
Tthonh silda' uxidiniy diggangidox. HM+KH Get up early tomorrow morning. 

Tthel HM+KH
Ditthel tr'inetthiyh. Tthel tr'inetthiyh. HM+KH He stuck out his tongue.  

Sidedig. HM+KH Me, too.  
Uxidedig. HM+KH You guys, too.
Go deg xiyił. HM+KH Around here, too.  

Sighe' HM+KH My tooth  
Sighe' ndaldhiyh. HM+KH My tooth is loose.
Vighe' KH His teeth  
Vighe' imo. KH He's has a toothache.  

Xiq'idz HM+RD lit. On top of a place
George yix xiq'idz dadhiyo. HM+KH George went on top of the house.  

Ghidinoyh. HM+KH He is touching something.  
Ditthegh ghidinoyh. HM+KH She's touching her hair.
Vogh dinginoyh. HM+KH Touch it.  
Vogh dighenolniyh. HM+KH Don't touch it.  
Tałdhit iy. Vogh digenolniyh. HM+KH Leave it alone. Don't touch it. 

Vits'its AJ+ES lit. Towards it
Vits'idz tehoyh. HM+KH Go towards him.  
Dineg sits'idz ghuhoł. HM+KH The moose was coming towards me.  

Vaxa gidalyagh HM+KH lit. With it something is wiped
Vaxa xigidalyagh. HM+KH With it things are wiped up. Towel for general wiping up.
Vaxa tth'ok igidalyagh. HM+KH Dish towel lit. With it plates/bowls are wiped
Vaxa dina gidalyagh. HM+KH Bath towel. lit. With it we are wiped.
Dina vaxa gidalyagh chux ist'anh. HM+KH I have a big towel.  
Loghined KH+HM Hand towel  

Vaxa nixindlighon HM+KH lit. With it they play
Vaxa nixindlighon axa yił ntr'ixeniłghon'. Vaxa nixindlighon yił ntr'ixeniłghon'. HM+KH We're going to play with toys.  

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