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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Iłt'ik. HM+KH It's licking.  
Łek ditth'og ye xiłt'ik. HM+KH The dog is licking his dish.  

Dhitanh. HM+KH She's lying down.  
Nt'uxda' tr'enotał. HM+KH We'll lie down after a while.  

Xits'et. HM+KH She's lying.  
Yigginh getiy xits'et. HM+KH That person sure can lie.  

Yetr HM+KH lit. Breath
Tth'e viyetr xelanh. LH+KH He still has life.  

Yiyix enek. RD+JD He's lifting it.  
Yashik yix enek. RD+JD He is lifting a box.
Soxo viyix inginek. Soxo viyix ingineyh.RD+JD Lift it for me.  

Niyatitlq'unh. JD+KH He started to light it.  
Ang'oy ndingiłq'oyh. RD+JD Turn on the light. lit. Light that one over there.
Deq'oy ndingiłq'oyh.RD+JD Light the match.  
Niyadhitlq'onh. RD+JD He lit it.  

Ngiddhogg RD+JD Weight
Gon getiy ngiddhogg. RD+JD This one is too light.  

See "Lamp"

Qun' dit'anh. RD+JD lit. Fire is happening.
Iłt'e qun' dit'anh. RD+JD There's lightning all the time.  
Niłtin guqun dit'anh. ED+KH There's thunder and lightning.  

Viq'adist'a. RD+JD I like him.  
Ang'onh q'adingit'a. JD He likes that person over there.
Vanhgiq getiy q'adist'a. RD+JD I really like ice cream.  
Ngq'adist'a. HM+KH I like/love you.  

Gitinił'ith. RD+JD He's limping.  
Ndadz xo'in gitiningił'ith? RD+JD Why are you limping?  

Vidon JD+KH His lips  
Vidon xiditr'etr. RD+JD His lips are chapped.  

Vite' JD+KH
Vite' ye ngiłvatr iy. JD+KH Cook it in its liquid.  

Gidhitltth'onh RD+JD He's listening to something.  
Viye digidalne ts'i gidhitltth'onh. RD+JD He's listening to the radio. Or anything that plays music.
Gidhatltth'onh.JD+KH I'm listening to something.  
Sidhałtth'onh! RD+JD Listen to me!  

K'idz RD+JD
Nanhdal k'idz athdlanh. RD He got a little duck.  

See "Stay"

Giqan' RD+JD Muskrat or beaver house
Noya', vichingadh, choghlugguy yuxudz giqan' yixidet'eyh. Noya', vichingadh, choghlugguy yił yuxudz giqan' yixidet'eyh. RD+JD Beaver, muskrat, and foxes all have lodges.  

Yix xigiditridr RD+JD lit. House logs
Yix xigiditridr iłquyh. RD+JD He's cutting house logs.  
Niłtiydilay RD+JD Driftwood log  
Niłtiydilay getiy longh. RD+JD There's lots of driftwood. 

Niłtiydiniłdzaxdi HM+KH lit. With water they pile up in one place
Ndagh at niłtiydiniłdzaxdi? JD+KH Where's the log jam?  

Tr'inay itlanh. RD+JD I'm lonesome.  
Tr'inay ngilanh. RD+JD He is lonesome.
Ngiq'a tr'inay itlanh.RD+JD I'm lonesome for you.  

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