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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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baby baby, infant
miġaruuraq, dl. miġaruurak, pl. miġaruurat

The infant is crying.
Miġaruuraq qiaruq.

2. baby
paipiuraq [Eng.]

Her baby is cute.
Paipiuraŋa anaŋŋaaŋuruq
nuliaġutlaiḷaq, dl. nuliaġutlaiḷak, pl. nuliaġutlaiḷat

The bachelor stays alone.
Nuliaġutlaiḷaq kisimi itchuuruq.

2. bachelor, spinster
iḷaqatnigutlaiḷaq, dl. iḷaqatnigutlaiḷak, pl. iḷaqatnigutlaiḷat

The bachelor lives alone.
Iḷaqatnigutlaiḷaq iñuuniaġaqtuq kisimi.


it’s stern

Grab the stern of the boat!
Umiam aqua tigguuŋ!

upper back of human body

The child’s upper back is itchy.
Quliik iyaalugruam kumaksruktuk.

2. back of anything
tunu, dl. tunuk, pl. tunut

My back is hurting.
Tunuga atniġñaqtuq.

3. on a person’s back; at the back of
tunuani, dl. tunuakni, pl. tunuatni

The box is in back of the house.
Suluun tupqum tunuani ittuq.

back there behind, landwards, mountainwards; not visible

There is a fire back there.
Pamma pavani iki.

2. back there away from shore, landwards, mountainwards, visible, in motion or covers a large area

3. located back there in a large visible area

located back there in an area not visible pamani

My friend has a house back there. -visible, distant-
Pavani uumaaġa tupiqaqtuq.

spinal column
kiyipigaq, dl. kiyipikkak, pl. kiyipikkat

The backbone is very strong.
Kiyipigaq saŋŋiḷḷapiaqtuq.

2. small of back -lumbar curve-
tapsiñiq, dl. tapsiññak, pl. tapsiñġich

The small of my back is hurting.
Tapsiñiġa atniġñaqtuq.

backpack a load carried on the back

The load on my back is heavy.
Natmaga uqumaitchuq.

2. a camping pack, backpack as of canvas, nylon or sealskin; a packsack
, dl. natmagviik, pl. natmagviich

My backpack is red.
Natmagviga kaviqsaaŋuruq.

3. to backpack; to carry on the back
natmak- or natmaktuq-

he is carrying something on his back; she is backpacking
natmaktuq or natmaktuqtuq, dl. natmaktuqtuk, pl. natmaktuqtut

My father is carrying food on his back.
Taataga natmaktuqtuq niqinik.
to be bad, evil

he is bad, evil
pigiitchuq, dl. pigiitchuk, pl. pigiitchut

The devil is evil.
Tuunġaq pigiitchuq.

Don’t be bad.

2. he did wrong, he did something bad, he sins
killuqsaqtuq, dl. killuqsaqtuk, pl. killuqsaqtut

He did wrong although he tried not to.
Killuqsaqtuq piñġiññiuraġniallaġmi.

puukataq, dl. puukatak, pl. puukatat

My bag is lost.
Puukataġa tammaqtuq

to bail

she is bailing water
qaluruq, dl. qaluruk, pl. qalurut

He is bailing water from the boat.
Qaluruq imiġmik umiamiñ.

He is bailing it.

She is bailing the water from the boat.
Qalugaa imiq umiamiñ.

Go and bail water out of the boat!
Qallutyaġuŋ umiaq!

naġiaq, dl. naġiak, pl. naġiat

Bait can be used on hooks.
Naġiaq atuġnaqtuq niksiŋñun.

to bake, to cook in oven

I cooked it in the oven.
Samuunnaaqtiqługu niqniaġiga.

2. to bake, to cook in oven, to roast

I cooked it in the oven. or I roasted it.
Argiqugu niqniaġiga.

She is baking the fish.
Argiqsuq qaluŋmik.

3. to bake bread

he is baking bread
qaqqiruq, dl. qaqqiruk, pl. qaqqirut

My mother is baking bread for sale.
Aanaga qaqqiruq tuniaksranik.


Baking powder can be used when baking muffins.
Puvlaksaun atuġnaqtuq iraurriuqtuni.


I bought baking soda from the store.
Siiġñaiyautiksraqtuŋa tauqsiġñiaġviŋmiñ.

uggiihiq, dl. uggiihik, pl. uggiihich

Baldpate is a duck.
Uggiihiq tiŋmiaġruuruq.

The baldpate duck is good to eat.
Uggiihiq niġiruni nakuuruq.


The baleen is a part of the whale.
Suqqaq iḷaviñiġigaa aġviġum

aqsraaq, dl. aqsraak, pl. aqsraat

The ball is big.
Aqsraaq aŋiruq.

puviġaaq, dl. puviġaak, pl. puviġaat

Children like balloons.
Puviġaat iyaalugruich pisuugaich.

mamitaksraq, dl. mamitaksrak, pl. mamitaksrat

Do you have any bandages?

2. to bandage

He has bandaged himself.

He bandaged himself in the house.
Mamitaqtuq iŋmiñun tupqum iḷuani.

she is applying a bandage on another

She is applying a bandage on his arm.
Mamitairuq talianik.

he bandaged it
mamitaġaa, dl. mamitaġaak, pl. mamitaġaat

They bandaged his leg.
Mamitaġaat niuŋa.

to bark

it is barking
qiḷuktuq, dl. qiḷuktuk, pl. qiḷuktut

The dog is barking because he doesn’t know the people.
Qipmiq qiḷuktuq atlayuaqhuni iñuŋnik.

tree bark
amiġaq, dl. amiqqak, pl. amiqqat

Bark can be used for house roofing.
Amiġaq atuġnaqtuq tupqum qiḷaŋanun.

a wooden barrel
qattaġruk, dl. qattaġruuk, pl. qattaġruich

Barrels are good for storing berries in.
Qattaġruich asriaqaġvigiksut.

to be bashful, shy

he is bashful, self-conscious
kanŋusruktuq, dl. kanŋusruktuk, pl. kanŋusruktut

She was bashful when he spoke to her.
Kanŋusruktuq uqqaaġigvigipmani.

wash basin
iġġuġviuraq, dl. iġġuġviurak, pl. iġġuġviurat

The wash basin is full.
Iġġuġviuraq immaukkaqtuq.


The length of the sled is fourteen feet.
Qiḷġich taktilaaqaqtut qulit sisamat isigaksaġniqtun.

to play basketball
aqsrarriqi-, aqsraaq-

he is playing basketball
aqsrarriqiruq, dl. aqsrarriqiruk, pl. aqsrarriqirut
dl. aqsraaqtuk, pl. aqsraaqtut

They are playing ball at school.
Aqsraaqtut aglagviŋmi.

2. basketball players
aqsraaqtit, aqsrarriqirit

bathe to bathe, to wash, to take a bath

She is bathing.

He is bathing in the river.
Uvvaqtuq kuuŋmi.

2. to bathe, to wash, to take a bath

She is bathing.

She bathed when she got dirty.
Iġġuqtuq puyatnami.

she is bathing or washing him
iġġuġaa or uvvaġaa

She is washing the child.
Uvvaġaa iyaalugruaq. or Iġġuġaa iḷaalugruaq.
-lit., the edge of ocean-
taġium siñaa

There are lots of sea shells on the beach.
Taġium siñaani uviḷut iñugiaktut.

suŋauraq, dl. suŋaurak, pl. suŋaurat

Beads make pretty trimming.
Suŋaurat qupagiksut.

2. to work with beads, to do beadwork

She is doing beadwork.

My daughter is doing beadwork.
Paniga suŋaurriqiruq.

beak, bill
siyyuuk, dl. siyyuuk, pl. siyyuich

All birds have beaks.
Siyyuuk tiŋmiupayaani ittuk.
a beam or ray of light
qaumaniq, dl. qaumannak, pl. qaumanġich

I see a beam of light up there.
Qaumaniq pitcha tautukkiga.

niliġnaq, dl. niliġnak, pl. niliġnat

Beans are good to eat.
Niliġnat nakuurut niġiruni.

bear black bear
iyyaġriq, dl. iyyaġrik, pl. iyyaġrich

The black bear is eating a fish.
Iyyaġriq niġiruq qaluŋmik.

2. brown bear, grizzly bear
akłaq, dl. akłak, pl. akłat

The brown bear is big.
Akła aŋiruq.

3. polar bear
nanuq, dl. nannuk, pl. nannut

The white polar bear lives in the ocean.
Qatiqtaaq nanuq iñuuniaġaqtuq taġiumi.

The polar bear dived under the ice.
Nanuq nakkaqtuq sikum ataanun.

4. bear, black or brown

The man’s beard is long.
Aŋutim umŋi takirut.

2. to grow a beard

A man grows a beard on his chin.
Aŋun ummiraqtuq tavlumigun.

to beat another in a contest, fight. etc., to win from another

he beats him -in contest-
akiiḷiyaa, dl. akiiḷiyaak, pl. akiiḷiyaat

My older brother beat the man in a footrace.
Aniŋama akiiḷiyaa aŋun aqpaliutraqamik.

He beats his opponent.
Igḷuni akiiḷiyaa.

2. to be beaten, to not win

He is beaten.

He got hurt, so he lost.
Atniqsiqhuni akiiḷipchaqtuq.

beaver aqu, dl. aquk, pl. aqut

The color of a beaver is brown.
Aqu qaaqaqtuq iliktamik.

2. beaver; beaver skin
paługtaq, dl. pałuqtak, pl. pałuqtat

I’m going to tan my beaver skins.
Pałuqtautitka qitummaŋniaġitka.

3. beaver dam
iglu or saputit, dl. igluk, pl. iglut

We saw a beaver dam.
Qiñiqtugut aqum saputaiñik.

He is crying because he is sad.
Qiaruq takku aliasrukhuni

to become; to turn into another form; to undergo change; to metamorphize -as in folktales-
plus [ġ]uq [n-n]
plus [ġ]uq is used with a noun that ends in a ‘q’ or a vowel plus [g]uq is used with a noun that ends in a ‘k’


She became a wolf.

The flower became a berry.
Nauriuraq asriaġuqtuq.


The bear turned into a human being and spoke to him.
Akłam iñuguutiplugu uqaġvigigaa.

The bed is high.
Siñigviich kiŋiktut

see bumblebee
kiŋmayuk, dl. kiŋmayuuk, pl. kiŋmayuich

The beetle bites.
Kiŋmayuk kigisisuuruq.

2. beetle
aviññaurayuuq, dl. aviññaurayuuk, pl. aviññaurayuut

This black beetle emits a foul odor when crushed.
Aviññaurayuuq aaqqaaŋuruq qaaqtiqtuni.

3. stag bettle
putuguqsiuġayuk, dl. putuguqsiuġayyuk, pl. putuguqsiuġayuich

The water has stag beetles in it.
Imiq putuguqsiuġayuqaqtuq.

sivuani, dl. si- vuakni, pl. sivuatni

I entered the house before the dog caught me.
Sivuani qipmim aŋugaluaqtitnaŋa isiqtiqtuŋa tupiġmun.

to beg, to ask for earnestly

he is begging
iŋiularuq, dl. iŋiularuk, pl. iŋiularut

The child is begging for sweets.
Iyaalugruaq iŋiularuq siiġñaqtaanik.

to begin, to start

he is beginning, he is starting or he has started

She has started to make the net.
Kuvramik aullaqniuruq.

he is starting on it, she is beginning to work on it

He has begun working on the house that he is building.
Aullaqniugaa tuppiani.

2. to begin an action, e.g. to eat

He is beginning the action.

She is beginning to eat before the others.
Isragutiruq sivuatni atlat.

behind it
aquani, dl. aquakni, pl. aquatni

Your boat is traveling behind hers.
Umian igliqtuq aquagun umiaŋan.

2. to stay behind while others go out

stays behind, stays home
pairuq, dl. pairuk, pl. pairut

My daughter stayed home while I went berry picking.
Paniuraġa pairuq aullaqsruġiaqama.

My son stays behind.
Iġñiġa pairuq. or
Iġñiġa paiyugaaqtuq.

3. behind him, her, it
tunuani, dl. tunuakni, pl. tunuatni

There it is behind her.
Taiñña tunuani ittuq.

4. behind a house, tent, building structure
kiluani, dl. kiluakni, pl. kiluatni

It is located behind the house.
Tupqum kiluani ittuq.

to believe
ukpiq-, ukpiġi-

she believes/believed
ukpiqtuq, dl. ukpiqtuk, pl. ukpiqtut

He believes the story.
Ukpiqtuq unipchaamik.

she believes/believed him
ukpiġigaa, dl. ukpiġigaak, pl. ukpiġigaat

She believed him when he told the story.
Ukpiġigaa unipchaaqman.

bell kasraun, akuġluk, or aviḷuqtaun dl. kasrautik, pl. kasrautit

The bell is ringing.
Kasraun kasraktuq. -K-
or Akuġluk akuġluktuq. -Nv-
or Aviḷuqtaun aviḷuqtaqtuq. -Sl.-
below it
ataani, dl. ataakni, pl. ataatni

It is below the table.
Niġġiviich ataatni ittuq.

tapsi, dl. tapsik pl. tapsich

The color of the man’s belt is black.
Aŋutim tapsia qiġñiqtaaŋuruq

-see whale-
a bench along the wall -traditional-
dl. igḷik pl. igḷiġich

Sit down on the bench along the wall.
Igḷimun aquvittin.

2. a wooden bench
unaqsiq aquppiuraaġvik, dl. unaqsik aquppiuraaġviik, pl. unaqsich aquppiuraaġviich

I sat down on the wooden bench.
Aquvittuŋa unaqsimun aquppiuraaġviŋmun.

to bend

see below
to benefit from something

he benefited
ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtuq, dl. ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtuk, pl. ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtut

I benefited from the lesson.
Ikayuusriaqaġvigigiga taamna iḷḷiksaaq.
Ikayuusriaqaqtuŋa iḷḷiksaamiñ

berry berry, fruit
asriaq, dl. asriak, pl. asriat

Berries are good to eat.
Asriat niġiruni nakuurut.

2. bearberry -Arctostaphylos alpina-
tinnik, dl. tinniik, pl. tinniich

The bearberry is thick when chewed.
Tinnik kiniqtuq niġiruni.

3. bearberry -Arctostaphylos alpina-
kavlaq, dl. kavlak, pl. kavlat

The bearberry is bigger than the blackberry.
Kavlaq aŋitluktuq paunġamiñ.

4. blueberry
asriavik, dl. asriaviik, pl. asriaviich

The blueberry ripened.
Asriavik piŋŋuqtuq.

5. juniper berry
tulukkam asriaq, dl. tulukkam asriak, pl. tulukkam asriat

Juniper berries can be used for medicine.
Tulukkam asriaq mairisautlaruq.

There are lots of juniper berries on the hill.
Tulukkam asriat iñugiaktut ikpigaami.

6. red currant
niviŋŋaqutaq, dl. niviŋŋaqutak, pl. niviŋŋaqutat

A red currant is a berry and it is good to eat.
Niviŋŋaqutaq asriaŋuruq suli niġiruni nakuuruq.

7. salmonberry, cloudberry
aqpik, dl. aqpiik, pl. aqpiich

The salmonberry is orange when it is ripe.
Aqpik piŋŋuqami kaviaqtaaŋusruuruq.

8. crowberry, blackberry
paunġaq, dl. paunġak, pl. paunġat

He went to pick crowberries.

9. wild strawberry
ivgum asriaq, dl. ivgum asriak, pl. ivgum asriat

Wild strawberries are delicious.
Ivgum asriat nakuurut niġiruni.

10. rose hip berry
igruŋnaq, dl. igruŋnak, pl. igruŋnat

A rose hip berry is red.
Igruŋnaq kaviqsaaŋuruq.

11. trailing raspberry
tuunġaum asriaq, dl. tuunġaum asriak, pl. tuunġaum asriat

12. to pick berries

She is picking berries.

She went berrypicking.
to be better

It is better.

That one is better.
Nakuutluktuq taamna.

beyond it
uŋataani, dl. uŋataakni, pl. uŋataatni

What is beyond the sky?
Uŋataani qiḷaum sua itpa?

2. beyond reach

It is beyond his reach.
Ayuġaa taamna. or Ayuġnaqtuq.

to be big

It is big.

The ball is big.
Aqsraaq aŋiruq.

2. to be big, to be large
plus qpak-, plus pak-

a big house

a big spoon

a big person

a big ulu

He is a big man.


The bile of the pike can be eaten like a sauce.
Siulgum suŋaŋa avuginaqtuq niġiruni.


Give me the binoculars.
Iriġruak qaitkik uvamnun.
aimmaq, dl. aimmaak, pl. aimmaich

The basket is used for picking berries.
Aimmaq aullaqsruġniutnauruq.

bird a small bird
tiŋmiuraq, dl. tiŋmiurak, pl. tiŋmiurat

Birds are pleasant to hear.
Tiŋmiurat naalaktuaġnaqtut.

2. water ouzel: aanaruum kiviruq

3. savaanah sparrow: akitchiasrkhaq or akitchiaksraq

4. fox sparrow: ikłiġvik

5. yellow wagtail: iksriktaayuuq

6. robin: kanayuuraq

7. horned lark: nagrulik

8. belted kingfisher: nukuutchiqiq

9. Gambel’s or white-crowned sparrow: nuŋŋaqtuaġruk

10. gray-cheeked thrush: piiġaq

11. tree sparrow: pisiqpisiqpiisrkhaq

12. Alaska longspur: putukkiułuk

13. Smith’s longspur: putukkiułukpak

14. pine grosbeak: qayuutaaq

15. golden-crowned: qianaratuuq

16. common redpoll: saksakiuraq

17. myrtle warbler: siḷaluksiugauraq

18. whimbrel: siuttuvak

19. Arctic or yellow warbler: suŋaqpaluktuŋiq

20. varied thrush: siŋutluluuq

21. Bohemian waxwing: suluktatchialik

22. swallow: tulugaġnauraq

23. lesser yellow legs: tiŋmiam qipmia

24. wheatear: tiŋmiaqpauraq

25. flicker: tuuyusrugruk

26. chickadee: misiqqaaqauraq, misiqqaaqaq, iknisaiḷaq
to give birth

she has given birth -she has had a baby-
iġñiruq, dl. iġñiruk, pl. iġñirut

She has given birth to a baby boy.
Igñiruq aŋutmik.

2. afterbirth, placenta
alġaaq, dl. alġaak, pl. alġaat

3. the time or place of birth, birthday

His birthday is in May.
Sikuiġviŋmi anniviqaqtuq.

birthday to have a birthday

it is her birthday
anniviḷitchuq, dl. anniviḷitchuk, pl. anniviḷitchut

Have a happy birthday.
Quvianaġli anniviḷihiñ.

It is good that it is your birthday.
qaqquq, dl. qaqquk, pl. qaqqut

The biscuit is good to eat.
Qaqquq niġiruni nakuuruq.

the bit of a drill
sikuq, dl. sikkuk, pl. sikkut

The drill bit is not heavy.
Niuġautmun sikuq uqitchuq.

to take a bite of, to bite
kigisi-, kigi-

he has taken a bite of it
kigisiruq, dl. kigisiruk, pl. kigisirut

He has taken a bite of the bread.
Kigisiruq qaqqiamiñ.

he bites it
kigiyaa, dl. kigiyaak, pl. kigiyaat

The child has bitten the baby’s finger.
Iyaalugruam kigiḷiġaa paipiuram argaŋa.

2. to bite incessantly, to chew on

he is biting on something
kiŋmaqtuq, dl. kiŋmaqtuk, pl. kiŋmaqtut

She is chewing on her fingernail.
Kiŋmaqtuq kukiŋmiñik.

3. to bite -of a dog, animal-

it bit her
ugiaġaa, dl. ugiaġaak, pl. ugiaġaat

The dog bit him.
Qipmim ugiaġaa.

4. to be bitten by an animal

he was bitten
ugiaqtittuq, dl. ugiaqtittuk, pl. ugiaqtittut

Don’t get bitten now!

to taste sour, to taste bitter, to taste of bile

it is bitter
suŋaġnitchuq, dl. suŋaġnitchuk, pl. suŋaġnitchut

The unripe berry is bitter.
Suŋaġnitchuq quviqti.

The water is bitter.
Imiq suŋaġnitchuq.

qiġñiqtaaq, dl. qiġñiqtaak pl. qiġñiqtaat

2. to be black

it is black

qiġñiqtuq, dl. qiġñiqtuk pl. qiġñiqtut

The raven is black.

Tulugaq qiġñiqtuq.

rusty blackbird
tulukkam ittuq, dl. tulukkam ittuk, pl. tulukkam ittut

The rusty blackbird is smaller than a raven.
Tulukkam ittuq mikitluktuq tulukkamiñ.

iłuuqiñiq, dl. iłuuqiññak, pl. iłuuqiñġich

The blackfish lives in the water.
Iłuuqiñiq imiġmi itchuuruq.

to use as an excuse, to blame something for a reason

he blames him, he uses it as an excuse
patchisigigaa, dl. patchisigigaak, pl. patchisigigaat

The man blames him for taking his tools.
Aŋutim patchisigigaa piñipiḷugich savalġutini.

cover, blanket
ulitchiaq, dl. ulitchiak, pl. ulitchiat

A blanket is used when one sleeps.
Siñiktuni ulitchiaq atuġnaqtuq.

blanket used for blanket tossing

to blanket toss

he is being tossed
nalukataqtuq, dl. nalukataqtuk, pl. nalukataqtut

My sister blanket tossed on the blanket during the Fourth of July celebration.
Aniqatiga nalukataqtuq Fourth of July-qmata.

to blaspheme, put a curse on someone

he is blaspheming
uqaġniġluktuq, dl. uqaġniġluktuk, pl. uqaġniġluktut

The man is speaking blasphemy to his friends.
Aŋun uqaġniġluktuq iḷauraġmiñun.

to bleed

he is bleeding
aunaaqsruqtuq, dl. aunaaqsruqtuk, pl. aunaaqsruqtut

My wound is bleeding.
Kiḷḷiġa aunaaqsruqtuq.

blessing -passing of power from a shaman to his disciple-
to be blind

he is blind
ayauruq, dl. ayauruk, pl. ayaurut

The old lady is blind.
Aaquaksraatchiaq ayauruq.

2. to lose one’s sight

he became blind
qiñitlaiqsuq, dl. qiñitlaiqsuk, pl. qiñitlaiqsut

My mother became blind when she hurt her eyes.
Aanaga qiñitlaiqsuq atniqami irraŋmigun.

3. to be blind

She is blind.

My grandfather is blind.
Taataga qiŋitlaitchuq.

to blink

she is blinking
sikunġipaktaqtuq, dl. sikunġipaktaqtuk, pl. sikunġipaktaqtut

The lights are blinking on the tree.
Sikunġipaktaqtut naniŋi napaaqtum.

for there to be a blizzard

It is stormy. There is a blizzard.

to be blocking the way, to be in the way

it is blocking the way, it is in the way
avriaqutauruq, dl. avriaqutauruk, pl. avriaqutaurut

The puppy is in the way.
Qipmiuraq avriaqutauruq.


A block and tackle pulls heavy objects.
Kiyipigaurat nuqitchiraqtut uqumaiḷanik.

auk, dl. auk, pl. augich

The blood is red.
Auk kaviqsuq.

Blood flows through the veins.
Auk igliġuuruq taqqatigun.

taqaq, dl. taqqak, pl. taqat

People have blood vessels.
Iñuich taqaqaqtut.
to blow, to blow out

He blew out the candle.
Supillakkaa kialuuraq.

2. to blow repeatedly

He is blowing into the air- hole of a woodstove.
Supumiksuq supluaqtuġvikun.

3. a blowhole
suppuqtaġvik, dl. suppuqtaġviik, pl. suppuqtaġviich

The whale breathes through his blowhole.
Aġviq aniqsaaġuuruq suppuqtaġviŋmigun.


Some people eat unrendered blubber.
Iñuich iḷaŋich nutaġġiñġaqtuġuurut.

2. rendered blubber strips in oil
uqsruġaq, dl. uqsruqqak, pl. uqsruqqat

I want some rendered blubber.

3. blubber strips aged in seal skin poke or whale meat mixed with blubber and whole blood and aged for taste
mikigaq, dl. mikikkak, pl. mikikkat

Point Hope people make mikigaq.
Tikiġaġmuit mikigaliuġaqtut.

the color blue, something blue
uquaqtaaq, dl. uquaqtaak, pl. uquaqtaat

to be blue

it is blue
uquaqtuq, dl. uquaqtuk, pl. uquaqtut

The cloth is blue.
Nukiihaaq uquaqtuq. or Ukihaaq uquaqtuq.
to blush from modesty, shyness or confusion

She is blushing.

2. to blush from embarrassment, to look embarrassed

He is blushing from embarrassment
kigiñaġiiḷiqsuq, dl. kigiñaġiiḷiqsuk, pl. kigiñaġiiḷiqsut

She is blushing with embarrassment.
Kigiñaġiiḷiqsuq kanŋusruliqhuni.

to be boastful

he is boastful
kamasraaqtuq, dl. kamasraaqtuk, pl. kamasraaqtut

The man is boastful.
Aŋun kamasraaqtuq.

2. to boast, to brag

she is boasting, she is bragging

She is boasting of her new house.
Uqaviksuq tupitchiaqami.

boatumiaq, dl. umiak, pl. umiat

The boat stays in the water during the summer.
Umiaq imiġmi itchuuruq auraġmi.
timi, dl. timik, pl. timit

The person’s body is in pain.
Iñuum timaa atniġñaqtuq.

It is not good when one’s body is aching.
Nakuunġitchuq timi una atniġñaqman.

2. body hair, pubic hair
mitquq, dl. mitquk, pl. mitqut
see also feather, hair

The body is hairy.
Timi mitquuruq.
ayuaq, dl. ayuak, pl. ayuat

A boil is painful.
Ayuaq atniġñaqtuq.

2. to boil food

she is boiling meat or fish
igaapiaqtuq, dl. igaapiaqtuk, pl. igaapiaqtut

She is boiling food.

He is boiling fish.
Igaruq qaluŋmik.

She is boiling fish for lunch.
Igaapiaqtuq qaluŋmik aiḷiḷġutaksramik.

3. to boil

It is boiling.

Your soup is boiling.
Imiġaurriugan qalattuq.

She boils it.


In the old days, they hunted with bolas.
Taimani qiḷamitautinik aŋuniaġaqtut.

to be bold -to be sure of not being refused, to freely help oneself to another’s things-
attaqsranġit-, attaqsrait-

he is bold
attaqsranġitchuq, dl. attaqsranġitchuk, pl. attaqsranġitchut

The man is bold.
Aŋun attaqsraitchuq.

sauniq, dl. saunnak, pl. saunġich

A moose also has bones.
Tiniikaq sauniqaqmiuq.

2. bone end
isivluk, dl. isivluuk, pl. isivluich

Bone ends are ground and oil is obtained from them.
Isivluich kauŋnaqtut aasrii puiññivigiplugich.

3. a sled runner piece made of bone, used in traditional times
agluviñiq, dl. agluviññak, pl. agluviñġich

A piece of the sled runner has broken.
Qiḷġiñun agluviñiq naviŋniqsuq.


Books are to be read.
Makpiġaat agliqiaksraurut.

2. to look at a book, thumb through a book

The child is looking at books.
Iyaalugruaq makpiġaaqtuaġuraaqtuq.

-Eskimo boot, mukluk-
, dl. kammak, pl. kamŋich
see also sole

One mukluk is very big.
Kamik atausriq aŋiłallaktuq.

2. factory made boot, ready made boot
sakpakiq, dl. sakpakiik, pl. sakpakiich

My boot has a hole in it.
Sakpakiġa allaqaqtuq.

3. mukluk with ugruk soles
ugrulik, dl. ugrullak, pl. ugrulgich

Hard bottom mukluks with ugruk soles are used in warmer weather.
Ugrullak atuġnaqtuk itraitman.

4. soft-soled mukluks
iḷiqnilik, dl. iḷiqnillak, pl. iḷiqnilgich
see also caribou

5. boot upper, mukluk upper, -lit, body-
timi, dl. timik, pl. timit

The upper body of the mukluk is made out of caribou leggings.
Kamŋum timaa tuttum niutchiaŋañiñ iñiqsimaruq.

6. mukluk ankle strap, boot lace, shoelace
siŋiq, dl. siŋŋik, pl. siŋŋich

Some mukluk ankle straps are white.
Iḷaŋich kamŋich siŋŋich qatiqtut.

7. fancy mukluk trim
quli, dl. qulik, pl. qulit

The fancy trim on the mukluk is pretty.
Kamŋum qulaa piññaqnaqtuq.

8. mukluk fur trim
qulipak, dl. qulipaak, pl. qulipaich

The fur trim is brown.
Qulipak iliktauruq.

to borrow

he has borrowed something
attaqsiruq, dl. attaqsiruk, pl. attaqsirut

The woman has borrowed a skin scraper.
Aġnaq attaqsiruq ichuutmik.

2. to borrow

he has borrowed something
atauksraqtuq, dl. atauksraqtuk, pl. atauksraqtut

She has borrowed my washtub.
Atauksraqtuq iġġuġvimñik.

3. to borrow

Go and borrow some coffee.
Simmiḷiaksriallaktiġiñ kuukpiamik.

you both, they both

we both, both of us

both of them

Get both of them.
Iluqaaknik pikkik.

2. both sides

The person’s sides are aching.
Saniqqak iñuum igḷuktun atniġñaqtuk.

to bother

she is bothering him
iḷaksiagaa, dl. iḷaksiagaak, pl. iḷaksiagaat

She is bothering the one who was listening.
Iḷaksiagaa naalaġniruaq.

Don’t bother her.

the bottom one
atliq, dl. atliik, pl. atliich

The cache at the bottom is filled with food.
Atliq siġḷuuraq immaukkaqtuq.

2. the bottom of a body of water, boat, jar or any container; floor

it’s bottom, floor

The bottom of the lake is muddy.
Narvam natqa isruqtuq.

for hunting
qiluiññaq, dl. qiluiññaak, pl. qiluiññaich

The man is making a bow.
Aŋun qiluiññaliruq.

2. arrow
gaġrupiaq, dl. qaġrupiak, pl. qaġrupiat

The bow has arrows.
Qiluiññaq qaġrupiaqaqtuq.

3. arrow pouch

Arrow pouches were made of skin.
Siksisat piḷiuġuunikkaŋich iḷiqniġmiñ.

to bow

she is bowing, he is bending low
punŋaruq, dl. punŋaruk, pl. punŋarut

The man is bowing low while going towards the animal.
Aŋun punŋaruq pisrullaġmi aŋŋutim tuŋaanun.

2. to bow down, to bow one’s head

he bends over, he bows down

Japanese bow in greeting.
Yaapaniit sikitchuurut qiñġuti’amiŋ.

piŋaluuraq, dl. piŋaluurak, pl. piŋaluurat

A bowl is a little deep dish.
Piŋaluuraq, iḷḷuaġiksauraq puggutaq.

suluun, dl. suluutik, pl. suluutit

The box is smelly.
Suluun tipituruq.

2. to box

to punch

she boxed him
qakiġaa, dl. qakiġaak, pl. qakiġaat

He boxed the man.
Qakiġaa aŋun.

3. to have a boxing match

a professional boxer

The boxers will have a boxing match.
Qakiqtautraqtik qakigtautraġniaqtuk.

boy -lit., small man-
aŋugauraq dl. aŋugaurak, pl. aŋugaurat

The boy is smaller than a man.
Aŋugauraq mikitluktuq aŋutmiñ.

2. boy
nukatpiaġruk, dl. nukatpiaġruuk, pl. nukatpiaġruich

The boy is talking to the girl.
Nukatpiaġruk uqaqtuq aġnauramun.

3. small boy
nukatpialugruaq, dl. nukatpialugruak, pl. nukpialugruich

The small boy is playing on the swing.
Nukatpialugruaq aġiunaqtuq aŋihisautmi.
to brag
nanġaq-, uqavik-

he is bragging, he is praising himself
nanġaqtuq, dl. nanġaqtuk, pl. nanġaqtut

He is bragging about himself.
Iŋmiñun nanġaqtuq.

He praised my work.
Nanġaġai savaatka.

2. he is bragging, he is praising himself
uqaviksuq, dl. uqaviksuk, pl. uqaviksut

He bragged about my work.
Uqaviutigigai savaatka.

to braid
piḷiġaq-, piḷġaq-

she is braiding something

She is braiding her own hair.
Piḷiġaqtuq nuyaġmiñik.

he is braiding it
piḷiġaġaa , dl. piḷiġaġaak, pl. piḷiġaġaat

She is braiding her daughter’s hair.
Piḷiġaġai paniŋmi nuyai.

brainqaqisaq, dl. qaqisak, pl. qaqisat

An animal’s brain can be used for tanning skins.
Qaqisaq atuġnaqtuq imaqsiruni ammiñik.
-on sled-
kinitagun, dl. kinitagutik, pl. kinitagutit

The sled brake is at the back of the sled.
Kinitagun ittuq aquatni qiḷġich.

2. to use the brake

she is using the brakes
kinitaktuq, dl. kinitaktuk, pl. kinitaktut

He is using the brake on the sled when going down the hill.
Kinitaktuq atqaaqsi’ami atqaġiami.

akiġuq, dl. akiqquk, pl. akiqqut

The branch of the tree broke.
Napaaqtum akiġua naviktuq.

bread qaqqiaq

to bake bread

She is baking bread.

2. breadstuffs

breadstuffs, such as bread, crackers, hotcakes, cakes, etc.
qaqquq, dl. qaqquk, pl. qaqqut

to bake or cook breadstuffs, to bake cake

She is baking breadstuffs.
She is baking cake.
to break or tear into pieces, to dismantle
suqumit- or siqumit-

he is tearing it
suqumitkaa, dl. suqumitkaak, pl. suqumitkaat

He is tearing a paper box into pieces.
Suqumitkaa kaliikkaq suluun.

2. to break in two

it has broken in two
naviktuq, dl. naviktuk, pl. naviktut

My jigging stick has broken in two.
Aulasrautiga naviktuq.

3. to break something in two

Break off a piece and give me some.
Naviksiḷḷagutin aatchullaŋŋa.

4. to destroy, to break

she has broken it
piiyaġaa, dl. piiyaġaak, pl. piiyaġaat

The little boy has broken his toy airplane.
Aŋugauram piiyaġaa tiŋmisuutiŋŋuani.

-on the shore-

to eat breakfast

he is eating breakfast

She ate breakfast this morning.
Uvlaaq itqutchiqsuaq.

It is breakfast time now.
Itqutchiġñiaqsiruq uvva.

one breast, milk

both breasts

The woman’s breasts are full.
Aġnam milluk immiqsuk.

2. to breastfeed someone

she is breastfeeding

3. to breastfeed

she is breastfeeding him

The mother is breastfeeding the baby.
Iyaalugruaq aanaŋan miluktitkaa.

4. nipple of breast

5. breast bone -sternum-
sakiak, dl. sakirrak, pl. sakiagich

The caribou’s breast bone is very delicious because it has some fat on it.
Tuttum sakiaŋi kayumiktut takku qaunnaqaqhutiŋ.


one breath

to breathe

Breathing is essential to everyone.
Aniġniq iñuich atuġaat.

He is breathing.

His breathing can be heard.
Aniġniŋa tusraġnaqtuq.


The bride is happy.
Nuliaksraun quviasruktuq.


The bridegroom is handsome.
Uiksraun iñugiksuq.
ikautaq -comprised of one piece [as a log], -dl. ikautak, pl. ikautat -a regular bridge which is comprised of many pieces-

The bridge collapsed.
Ikautat piiyaqtut.

a bridle
qamugviutaq, dl. qamugviutak, pl. qamugviutat

The bridle is used on a sled.
Qamugviutaq atuqtuq qiḷġiñi.

to be bright, to be glaring

it is bright, glaring
qitñiaġnaqtuq, dl. qitñaġnaqtuk, pl. qitñaġnaqtut

2. to be bright, to be glowing

it is bright
qaummaġiksuq, dl. qaummaġiksuk, pl. qaummaġiksut

It is bright today.
Qaummaġiksuq uvluvak.

sanŋiyautit or salikuutit

Here is the broom.
Sanŋiyautit uvva.

imiġaq, dl. imiqqak, pl. imiqqat

The fish broth is hot.
Qaluum imiġaŋa uunaqtuq.

older brother

my older brother
aniŋauraġa, dl. aniŋauraka, pl. aniŋauratka

My older brother went hunting caribou.
Aniŋauraġa tuttuliaqtuq.

2. younger brother, younger sibling

my younger brother
nukatchiaġa , dl. nukatchiaka, pl. nukatchiatka

My younger brother is handsome.
Nukatchiaġa iñugiksuq.

brow of a hill, also brow of a human
qavlunaaq, dl. qavlunaak, pl. qavlunaat

The brow is on the face.
Qavlunaaq kigiñami ittuq.

anaġniq or anaqtinniq

The bruise on his arm is large.
Anaġniq taliani ittuaq aŋiruq.

to brush off snow, to brush or take off snow from mukluks or boots before entering a house

he is brushing the snow off
tuluktuqtuq, dl. tuluktuqtuk, pl. tuluktuqtut.

Brush the snow off!

-lit. rough breasted-
satqagiiḷaq, dl. satqagiiḷak, pl. satqagiiḷat

The buff-breasted sandpiper is a bird with a long bill and spotted stomach. Satqagiiḷaq siyyukpalik tiŋmiuraq, aqiaŋa tuutaulaaq.

to build a house

he is building a house
tuppiruq, dl. tuppiruk, pl. tuppirut

The man is building a house on the top of a hill.
Aŋun tuppiruq ikpium qaaŋanun.

2. to build, to erect

she is building something
nappairuq, dl. nappairuk, pl. nappairut

The man is building his house.
Aŋun nappairuq tupiksraġmiñik.


large bull -just matured-
nukatagaaġruk, dl. nukatagaaġruuk, pl. nukatagaaġruich

This caribou is a large bull.
Uvva tuttu nukatagaaġruk.

2. young bull -two to three years old-
nukatagauraq, dl. nukatagaurak, pl. nukatagaurat

This caribou is a young bull.
Uvva tuttu nukatagauraq.

3. one-year-old bull
aŋayukłiq dl. aŋayukłik, pl. aŋayukłich

The one-year-old bull is smaller than the two-year-old bull.
Aŋayukłiq mikitluktuq aŋayukłiaġruich.

4. two-year-old bull
aŋayukłiaġruk, dl. aŋayukłiaġruuk, pl. aŋayukłiaġruich

The two-year-old bull is smaller than a mature bull.
Aŋayukłiaġruk mikitluktuq aŋusralumiñ.

5. three-year-old bull
nukatagaq, dl. nukatakkak, pl. nukatakkat

This caribou is a three-year-old bull.
Uvva tuttu nukatagaq.
kanayuġaq, dl. kanayuqqak, pl. kanayuqqat
or -Nv., Sl.- kanayuq, dl. kanayuuk, pl. kanayuich

The bull head has a big head.
Kanayuġaq niaquqpaqaqtuq.

bumblebeeigutchaq, dl. igutchaak, pl. igutchaich

The bumble bee can fly.
Igutchaq tiŋmiḷaruq.
snow bunting
amautligauraq, dl. amautligaurak, pl. amautligaurat

The snow bunting comes in spring time.
Amautligauraq aggiġaqtuq upinġaksrami.

or snow bunting
amautlikkaq, dl. amautlikkak, pl. amautlikkat

The snow bunting is under the tree.
Amautlikkaq ittuq napaaqtum ataani..

puptaqun, dl. puptaqutik, pl. puptaqutit

The buoy is used on the net.
Puptaqun kuvramun atuġaqtuq.

to burn

it is burning, it is being consumed by fire
ikiruq, dl. ikiruk, pl. ikirut

The house is burning.
Ikiruq tupiq.

2. to be burning -of light-; to be on -of electric light-

it is burning, it is on -of electric light-
ikumaruq, dl. ikumaruk, pl. ikumarut

The light was on all night long.
Ikumaruq naniq unnuavak.

3. a burning place; trash burner; incinerator
ikipkaivik, dl. ikipkaiviik, pl. ikipkaiviich

There are ashes in the trash barrel.
Ikipkaivik aġraqaqtuq.

4. to burn something, e.g. trash

He is burning trash.
Ikipkairuq suaqłuŋnik.

to burp

he has burped
niksaaktuq, dl. niksaaktuk, pl. niksaaktut

The baby has burped.
Paipiuraq niksaaktuq.

2. to burp up substance -as of babies-

the baby burped
sisugiaqtuq, dl. sisugiaqtuk, pl. sisugiaqtut

The baby burped up milk.
Paipiuraq sisugiaqtuq miluŋmik.

to burst, to make a small explosion

It burst.

The balloon burst.
Puviġaaq mapqatittuq.

2. to burst into flame
ikaullak -

it burst into flame
ikaullaktuq, dl. ikaullaktuk, pl. ikaullaktut

The dry land burst into flames.
Ikaullaktuq ikniq pannaġiksaami nunami.

3. she angers easily, she readily blows her top
tuqpallayaruq, dl. tuqpallayaruk, pl. tuqpallayarut

The woman readily blows her top.
Aġnaq tuqpallayaruq.

to bury a dead person, to put in grave

They buried him.

2. to bury into the ground, to cover with soil, mud
sau-, sausri-

he is burying something

The dog is burying the bone.
Qipmiq sausriruq sauniġmik.

he is burying it
saugaa, dl. saugaak, pl. saugaat

They buried him in the ground.
Saugaat nunamun.

to butcher, to cut, to perform surgery

he is butchering something
piḷaktuq, dl. piḷaktuk, pl. piḷaktut

He is butchering a moose.
Piḷaktuq tiniikamik.

he is butchering it
piḷakkaa, dl. piḷakkaak, pl. piḷakkaat

My father is butchering a caribou.
Taataa piḷakkaa tuttu.

qalukisaq, dl. qalukisak, pl. qalukisat

The butterfly is pretty.
Qalukisaq piññaqnaqtuq.

iqquk, dl. iqquuk, pl. iqquich

Buttocks are for sitting.
Iqquuk aquppisiginaqtuk.

to buy, to purchase

he is buying or he has bought
tauqsiqsuq, dl. tauqsiqsuk, pl. tauqsiqsut

The woman has bought some groceries.
Aġnaq tauqsiqsuq niqinik.

he has bought it
tauqsiġaa, dl. tauqsiġaak, pl. tauqsiġaat

He has bought the ball.
Tauqsiġaa aqsraaq.

by means of, with this one, near the speaker, not in motion, visible
dl. ukuŋnuuna, pl. ukunuuna

I will go home with this person.
Uumuuna iñukun aŋiḷaaġisiruŋa.

2. by means of, with that one, visible or specified

Be sure and go with that one. [person]
Taavrumuuna aullauraqna.

3. by means of, with these

It is scary to ride on these.
Makunuuna usriaqsiqsuni iqsiñaqtuq.

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